Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 595 Can you really count as me, who has the ability but doesn't do anything?

Chapter 595 Can you really count as me, who has the ability but doesn't do anything?

In a world where there have never been any monsters and Ultraman, and both of them only appeared in TV series, and Tokusei TV series, two monsters actually appeared, what will happen?
When the hypocrisy and illusions that you know become real and engraved in your eyes, can you still accept all this calmly?

When the two-tailed monster and Gu Dun stood proudly in the urban area, and every step was incomparably destructive, along with people's panic and fear, the invisible energy was absorbed by someone and became the nourishment for its growth. It portends something to Nexus.

"Hey! You bastard, get up quickly!" The state of one mind is not complete, and Nexus can't manipulate the source to make more movements, so he can only jump anxiously: "There is a very raging dark energy Surging, you bastard, quickly transform for me!"

"What kind of dark energy, I don't believe it." Wearing shorts calmly, blowing hair with a hair dryer, Yuanquan's face is full of indifference: "Let me explain in advance, it's your spark arm that can't be taken down, it's not that I want to drench you on purpose , don’t blame me if you get rusty someday.”

"Is now the time to worry about these things!"


"Monster? Why?" Dagu, who was chasing after him, also saw the two behemoths, and his drunken mind immediately became sober, looking at the two familiar guys in amazement: "In the world I live in, there should be There are no monsters!"

"I'm afraid someone summoned them here." Future nodded. After eating and drinking enough, he just had inexhaustible energy, and his physical state was full in all aspects.

"Da Gusang, I'm going!" Folding his arms in front of him, Meng Bim's aura flashed out, and Future looked very serious: "Brother Yuan is not here, and there is no guys team, so I will protect the world! "

"Be careful in the future." Only Ultraman can deal with monsters, this is something Dagu firmly believes.

In the current situation, except for the future, he has no one else to believe in.

Future nodded, took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand across Meng Bim's breath, unlocked his true power, and lifted it up to the sky.


In a short period of time, the two-tailed monster and Gu Dun had already caused considerable casualties, and the sudden appearance of the monster caught everyone by surprise.

This is not a world where monsters often appear, and people there have long been familiar with them.

In this world, there are no such things as monsters.

Most of the panicked fleeing people were wearing pajamas, and the sudden appearance of attacking monsters in the middle of the night made it impossible for these people who went to bed early to prepare in time.

Howls, explosions, fires, rising black clouds, the sound of chewing under the night sky and the roar of monsters, all these constitute a tragic picture of the end of the world.

But fortunately, at this moment of desperation, the corresponding light of hope finally came down.

A golden-red beam of light rose from the ground, and in the brilliant light, Mebius appeared from hope. The moment the azure blue timer and huge figure appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

Not just humans, but even those lurking in the dark.

"That's..." Even though they didn't know Ultraman in this shape, the overly similar figure reminded the fleeing people of the appearance of the four Ultraman fighters they saw on TV back then.

"No way... Ultraman... is it true?"

"The two-tailed monster and Gu Dun have both appeared, and it seems that the appearance of Ultraman is not incomprehensible?"

"Guys like Yuangu, didn't they shoot a special feature film, but a realistic film?"

"Who is this Ultraman?"

At this moment, the camera focused on Mebius, and it was transmitted to thousands of households through the signal of the TV station, allowing all people to see this scene.

Ultraman and monsters are not fake, they are real.

"Come on, future." Dagu, unable to do anything, could only clenched his fists to cheer Mebius, putting all his hopes on him.

At the same time, after putting on his clothes, he even shaved the source of his beard and pushed open the door, cursing and running towards the direction of the monster's activities in an extremely strange gesture.

"Dagu! Stop me! I don't want to go! But my legs don't obey me! Someone is controlling me! Dagu! Help! Help me!" Running towards the monster, Dagu was puzzled by the fact that the contradictory approach was true.

What does it mean that your legs are out of control?What do you mean?

Regardless of Dagu who was confused, it was rare to control Yuanquan's body here, and Nexus went straight to the battlefield.

"Hey, Nexus, you really have some plans for Xiaohui, why can you control me when you talk about Xiaohui!" Seeing that there was no way to run back, Yuanquan gritted his teeth and wanted to find out. is why.

"It's not that I can control you when it comes to Xiaohui, but that she is the person you care about the most. I just casually said that she is in danger, and you let go of a part of your heart, allowing me to control you." Nexus said, also quite dissatisfied: "Duplicate guy, he says he doesn't want a body but is very honest, right?"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense." Yuanquan directly came up with three consecutive denials, and he never admitted that he would have such thoughts in his heart.

"Then stop talking nonsense!" Manipulating Yuanquan's body to come to the ruins, raised his hand, and the spark arm was in front of him, and the evolution trustee emerged from the spark arm and appeared in front of Yuanquan.

"Hurry up, pull out the evolution trustee, transform into me, and go to fight!"

"I don't want it!" A slap sent the evolutionary believer flying far away, Yuanquan regained control of his body, and immediately ran away: "Fighting monsters or something has nothing to do with me, I don't want to Be Ultraman!"

"Even if there are hundreds of thousands of people, will they die because of the monster's activities?" Nexus gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "I don't care about your personal thoughts, but in order to protect them, you are Naike The human body of Ultraman Seth must go to fight!"

"Then, you just need to find someone who wants to fight with you." Yuanquan spread his hands and said helplessly, "I don't want to become an Ultraman. It's you who insist on pestering me. If you can leave , I am more than happy."

"Why you still don't understand! I can't leave you at all!" Nexus was very rude, and the target was himself.

"Then it's none of my business, anyway, I don't want to become an Ultraman!" Looking back at the battle field that was comparable to hell, Yuanquan left without looking back: "Isn't there an Ultraman there?" What's the point of you going to join in the fun?"

"It's just the two-tailed monster and Gu Dun. Jack can fight two with one. He will definitely succeed in the future."

The blue light stream overflowing from the spark arm dimmed, and the evolution trustee who was shot and fell to the corner of the flower bed also turned into light particles and disappeared.

The re-closed mind made it impossible for Nexus to communicate with the source, and was isolated from one side of the heart to the other side, unable to establish a link.

At the same time, those who lost sleep after seeing the battle broadcast on TV were stunned and looked at the exaggerated reality shown on the TV.

Leaving aside the others, here, Zhu Xingzhen, Beidou Xingsi, Zhu Xingtuan and others, and even Keiko are all moving towards Tokyo Hospital.

After the party, Nanami returned to Tokyo Hospital.

She had already taken half a day off, and she had to be on duty when she returned.

However, the location where the monster appeared happened to be not far from Tokyo Hospital.

Being so close to the battle between the monster and Ultraman, Nanami's safety made them worried.

Because of this, Dagu, Yuan, Asuka, and Womeng, the four of them's mobile phones rang, and they were all told the news by Zhu Xingzhen.

The four of them rushed to Tokyo Hospital immediately without any hesitation.

And the source closest to the battlefield became the fastest of all.

Although he complained that the life and death of others had nothing to do with him, but when it came to the people around him, Yuanquan rushed faster than anyone else.

Not only that, Nexus in the spark arm clearly felt that his power was attracted by the source, and a part of it was blessed by the source.

The specific manifestation is that the speed of the source is so fast that it can almost pull out an afterimage at a speed that surpasses human beings.

The heart of concern caused a miracle, and Yuanquan once again reached a weak state of unity with Nexus, barely borrowing part of Nexus' power to bless himself.

This is his unconscious move.

(End of this chapter)

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