Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 701 He's so humble, he must be a weak Ultraman! Let's go!

Chapter 701 He is so humble, he must be a weak Ultraman! Let's go together!
There is a thing called knowing through personal experience. It turns out that the so-called common sense is used to break.

The blue light sphere incarnated by Gauss was originally flying in the universe, but during the flight, he discovered that there were other cosmic beings following him secretly. Not only that, he even drove the battleship to speed up, outflanking the Gauss was forcibly intercepted.

In order to prevent himself from colliding with these warships, Gauss had no choice but to retreat from the photosphere state and stand in the universe.

And his unique cosmic corona lavender body, also noticed by others.

"Purple Ultraman?" Inside the battleship, seeing the purple Ultraman appearing from the ball of light, the Metronians were a little stunned: "Is there a purple Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light?"

"It doesn't matter if it's purple or blue, as long as it's not red or silver!" On the other side, the cosmic beings in another space battleship, which is also known as the Rimuel, waved their hands with a rather indifferent attitude. : "It feels like a weak Ultraman like the Blue Race."

"Are you serious? Let me tell you that although we have accepted the task of capturing an Ultraman, if you pick an extraordinary Ultraman, don't blame me and run away immediately." The Metronians were quite scared. If it weren't for the fact that this Ultraman is very face-to-face, and if it wasn't for the unprovoked Ultraman spread in the universe, he wouldn't appear at all.

But if he wanted to catch an unknown person, then he would be quite willing.

It's like opening a blind box. No one knows whether the Ultraman they found is comparable to the Ultra Brothers or really a weak chicken.

"Who are you, why are you stopping me?" It's a newcomer, this is another universe, and the person standing in front of him is another universe, so Gauss tried to keep his attitude gentle.

If you are a newcomer and you are not familiar with the place, you should have some respect for the locals, at least a respectful attitude.

"Hmph! Who are you!" This Ultraman was too unfamiliar, and it made them feel too uncertain.

After all, this is the first time I have seen the purple Ultraman.

"Gauss, I'm Ultraman Gauss."

"Gauss?" A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, expressing that they were very unfamiliar with this Ultraman's name, and it was the kind that had never been heard before.

"Do you know who this Ultraman is?" the Metronian asked cautiously.

"do not know."

"Who is it!"

"Gauss? There is no Ultra warrior with that name in the universe."

A group of people said that they had never heard of the name Altman Gauss, and felt a bit like a nobody.

If he was really famous, he must have been famous in the universe long ago, not some unknown person.

"Everyone, I still have some things on my body. If you can, please help me." Gauss was quite polite, and he was already very quiet: "I think you must not be unreasonable people. Between us , and there is no conflict."

"I'm new here, please..." Gauss hadn't finished speaking when he heard another excited voice from a battleship.

"I'm sure, this guy must be someone unknown! Otherwise, how could it be like this!" Seemingly feeling that the individual words were not convincing enough, the owner of the voice added: "The group of Ultramans we know, Who has ever been so reasonable? Who would be so polite?"

"Ask yourselves! How could those guys talk to us in such a tone?!"

"So, this guy is so humble, he must be a weak Ultraman!"

Although no one dared to answer for a while, I have to say that everyone was somewhat moved by such a statement.

Just like what that person said, how could those villains in the Kingdom of Light speak in such a calm, even discussing tone when they were arrogant?
Aren't they all directly reprimanding and ordering!
And I always like to bully the few by relying on the number of people!

Gauss was a little nervous, these locals...don't really want to come up to bully him, a foreigner, right?

Come on, I'm new to Gauss...

I don't want to kill people in this universe.

"Everyone! Let's go together! After making this order, we will have the opportunity to enter the top ranks, and then we will..."

Before the words were finished, the battleship's main guns had already begun to gather strength, ready to attack.

"If you have something to discuss, don't make a move!" Seeing that the other party wanted to make a move, Gauss said quickly: "Is there anything we can't sit down and talk about? I don't think we need to be hostile."

Gauss thought that his attitude was quite gentle, but in fact he didn't know that his gentle tone was considered weak and deceptive by the people in the universe, just like a soft persimmon.

The calmer he is, the more others think he is a weakling.

Therefore, their originally hesitant hearts will gradually become firm.

So, from the action of one battleship, it became several, dozens of ships, until all the battleships took action.

They have only one goal, and that is to capture Ultraman Gauss and hand it over to the Salome Stars!

"Stop it! Don't fight anymore!" Gauss dodged several light attacks and moved around while moving. Although the attacks of those warships were intensive, they couldn't catch Gauss's eyes.

Gauss, who had just arrived, was treated like this. Even though he was patient at first, but after a long time of dodging and seeing them stop, they became more and more excessive. After the attacks became more rampant, Gauss knew that it was time to bear it.

"It's really... no way." The body of the cosmic corona showed a glimmer of light, and Gauss no longer chose to dodge, but chose to face it head-on.

I've already been given a chance, since I don't know what's good and what's wrong, don't blame me, Gauss...

Cruel and ruthless!


Gauss' arrival was not known to Nexus, nor did he know that there were a few hard-headed cosmic beings who had just arrived Gauss full of anger.

At this time, he was facing his opponent on the virtual battle stage of the Ultra Fighting Arena, and it was also an opponent that he needed to take seriously.

"Nexus, come on!" Max clenched his fists and put on a fighting stance. Below, surrounded by many young fighters who came to watch the battle, there were even some familiar faces inside.

"That's..." Sai Luo was led by Mebius to stand in the audience to watch the battle. He was already familiar with Nexus, but Sai Luo was relatively unfamiliar with the warrior opposite Nexus.

"Max, that's the Ultraman Max I told you about." Mebius stood beside Zero. It is a chance for the children in the village to see the awesomeness of the real guard members.

Especially Sai Luo, letting him see the real sky is better than his self-righteous satisfaction.

"That's what you said, Max, one of the twin stars who are as famous as Geno?" Sai Luo now knew who that Ultraman was, and he was surprised, but he couldn't help but feel strange.

"Max is also a warrior who has experienced on the earth, but it is not our universe, but other universes." Mebius explained to Sai Luo: "Max had an accident while observing the planet, and was involved I entered another universe, and on the earth in that universe, I was united with a human named Toma Kaito, and then defended the earth.”

"He is an Ultra warrior who has defeated countless powerful enemies."

Whether it is Yefu or the dark Baltan, it is the monster that Max reported to the Kingdom of Light to know about the horror.

And Max was able to work together with the people on that earth to get through, which is also a proof of the fetters.

There is no doubt that Max is a well-deserved elite.

"Then who will win this battle?" Sai Luo asked without looking back.

"I don't know either." Mebius shook his head, he really didn't know: "Let's watch this battle."

"The answer is right in front of you."

(End of this chapter)

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