Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 729 Rebrando: Nexus!I can't wait to eat your flesh!

Chapter 729 Rebrando: Nexus!I can't wait to eat your flesh!

In Seven's eyes, Sai Luo is still a child.

Beria was able to penetrate the Kingdom of Light, and in his eyes, he was a powerful enemy. Even though Sai Luo received Leo and Astra's hard training in the following thousands of years, Seven did not think that Sai Luo was able to face Beria and felt that the gap between the two was too huge.

Even though Sai Luo may become very powerful, but this strength is not enough to face Beria.

"You, don't underestimate Sai Luo's ability now. If he takes off the practice armor now, even I can't match the energy that burst out in an instant." The practice armor restrained Sai Luo's thousands of years The combat power transformed from light energy and potential, all of which are backlogged in his body by the practice armor.

As long as the shackles on his body are released, it will burst out in an instant, allowing him to gain unparalleled strength.

Although it is a time-limited power, after the initial outbreak, the follow-up depends on how much Sai Luo can control the explosive combat power.

If it is allowed to be lost, it will be a waste of most of it, and it will be a waste of money in the end.

Nine times out of ten, you only have one or two points in your hands, so what's the point of wearing the practice armor?
Although he has never put on the training armor, Nexus can probably understand the working principle of the training armor, so Nexus can roughly guess the reason why Sai Luo's powerful power gradually faded away after he appeared get.

"...Let's talk about it again. If the situation really gets to the point of no return, I will think about it." Seven couldn't deny it. Although he had kept his heart in his heart, he still felt that Sai Luo was of no use. .

Of course, if they can't get the plasma spark back, there's nothing they can do.

There is a unique light energy on his own head mark, which can find where Sai Luo is at the moment, and automatically fly over.

Seven hopes that his title can find Sai Luo, and also be known by Leo and Astra.

Leo and Astra are also Ultra fighters who can display powerful combat effectiveness.

If they fail, they can only pin their hopes on Brother Leo.

"I don't have time to say anything more, let's set off immediately." Zhu Xingtuan put aside the irritability in his heart, focused his attention on the present crisis, and said, "Success or failure is all due to our efforts. What is going on? You can only look at us!"

"Yes! Brother!" Mebius bent his arms, and Mebius' aura began to emit infinite rings, which meant that he was ready to transform at any time.

Hayata raised the beta flash stick in his hand, and Zhu Xingluan also put on the Ultra Seven glasses.

The three giants shined their brilliance on this dark and frozen eternal night planet, giving this hopeless and sinking world some hope.

The first generation took the lead, followed by Seven, and Mebius held the thunder in the palm of his hand and landed at the back, heading towards the monster cemetery.

Yuanquan withdrew his gaze, no longer facing the sky, but left the plasma spark tower, and came to the bottom of the canyon where the Science and Technology Bureau was located.

Regardless of the severe coldness, the overwhelming thought power spreads over the entire Kingdom of Light at an extremely fast speed, including the entire Kingdom of Light in the thought power, and all the landforms are fed back in Yuanquan's mind. Whenever there is any disturbance, Yuanquan will Can receive feedback immediately.

He was the only one left in the Kingdom of Light at this moment, so he naturally had to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the Kingdom of Light.

For those cosmic beings who vainly try to get something from the Kingdom of Light, Yuanyuan will definitely not let them succeed.


The source of war in the monster cemetery cannot be intervened. He who stayed alone in the Kingdom of Light has chosen to transform again, standing on the ground in the posture of Nexus.

On the surrounding ice, there are countless warship wrecks scattered here and there, some of which are still emitting black smoke, and it seems that there is no edge at all at first glance.

Those cosmic beings who hadn't had time to become gigantic fell on the ice and had already lost signs of life.

There are also some potholes on the ice surface, where powerful monsters stood on the ground before, and this is the last trace of those monsters.

Leaving only potholes without seeing the existence of monsters is enough to explain their fate.

In the past, when fighting in the Kingdom of Light, the consumed energy would always be replenished in an instant. Because of the existence of plasma sparks, the light energy consumed by Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light was not enough for them to recover.

So in the Kingdom of Light, it is almost impossible for Ultraman to have a timer start flashing (so Sophie's light flashing is really acting).

But that was the kingdom of light in the past, not the kingdom of light now.

Losing the plasma spark also lost that powerful energy, and Ultraman's consumption here became even greater.

But... Nexus' energy reserves are not that bad. Although he has fought several times, he still has enough energy reserves to support him in battle.

"Damn Nexus!" On the sky, the main gun that had been stored for a long time in the universe poured out powerful firepower, covering the position of Nexus, as if it wanted to use this method to kill Nexus. Thurs was buried.

The powerful artillery fire fell on the ice surface and blasted countless potholes, cracks appeared in the ice layer, and the entire ice surface was trembling, as if it was about to be unable to support it and a large-scale collapse was about to occur.

After a round of artillery fire dissipated, before the smoke and dust dissipated, the azure blue guillotine roared out, directly splitting the entire space battleship from the middle, causing it to explode in mid-air and destroy it with a bang.

"Eight ships." Putting his hands down, Nexus looked at the fireworks-like explosions in the sky, and counted alone: ​​"There are more and more cosmic people who know that the Kingdom of Light has been frozen, and there will be more and more ships." Many aliens are coming."

"Severn, if you don't come back, I won't be able to stop you."

One person's strength is limited, and even though Nexus has a terrifying energy reserve, it is impossible for him to fight for an unlimited amount of time.

"How long do you want to hide? It's only been a few days since Kingdom of Light was defeated by Beria. Within a few days, the news of Kingdom of Light's destruction will spread throughout the universe?" There was obviously no one around, but Nexus seemed to be talking to someone.

"Wave after wave of cosmic people are coming, and there are more and more trends. You must know that the kingdom of light was originally a place that people in the dark universe dared not come to. How could they know the news in the first place? "

"So, how long do you want to hide?"

"When I first appeared, didn't you really want to jump out and kill me?"

"The killing intent at that moment can't be hidden from me." He raised one hand, and the legendary stone on the spark weapon was shining with blue light.

"Or, do you want me to call him back?"

There was only a moment of silence, and then, endless resentment wrapped in a thick soul suddenly appeared, the kind that suddenly appeared from the cosmic space, without causing any energy fluctuations.

It seems to exist in this universe, but it can't feel its breath at all.

You can see it, but you can't feel it.

Only by being observed by both eyes can one realize what is there. If it is not observed, it cannot be perceived at all.


"Don't shout at me with that hateful voice, I didn't kill you." Nexus was very flat, because although the existence of this guy in front of him was weird, Nexus saw it being killed by himself. It's done like this.

"The legend sung by the universe... I never thought that this legend is true." Lebrondo's body has disappeared, leaving only this part of his soul, which is the remnant of abandoning his body in order to successfully run away .

Reggie... that is the god of the universe. It is very lucky to be able to escape from living at the price of giving up his body.

"Why, unwilling to be lonely, want to be resurrected?" Nexus asked.

"Hmph!" LeBrondo snorted coldly, not bothering to talk to Nexus.

(End of this chapter)

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