Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 747 The vice-captain of the Super Victory Team, return to his place!

Chapter 747 The vice-captain of the Super Victory Team, return to his place!
Chasing a wife is very hard work, especially because I am always wandering outside because of my love of fun, but in the end, when my lover who thought he was dead finds out that he is still alive after returning, it is even more difficult to calm the anger of the other party.

Liang's psychological activities are easy to guess, and she is very happy that Asuka can come back alive.

But it was true that Asuka was wandering outside and not going home without telling her.

She loves Asuka, but she also resents Asuka.

Why don't you come back sooner when you have nothing to do?

Why do you want to wander in the universe and not choose to go home, why don't you come back to say goodbye
All these constitute Liang's complicated mood at the moment, so she wants to be alone for a while.

At least she didn't want to see Asuka until she figured out something.

Although Asuka is a piece of wood, he almost confessed his love to Liang during the decisive battle against Sfia's mother body, so this means that even the last layer of window paper between him and Liang is gone.

The two sides are completely in a calm state, and they have already shown their hearts to each other.

All that remains is the final union of each lover that will come naturally.

Asuka followed Liang to the past, and Yuanquan was in the command room with everyone for a long time, and everyone waited for a long time.Finally, about two hours later, Asuka took Liang's hand and walked in together.

Under the gaze of everyone, Asuka rubbed her head in embarrassment and smirked.On the other hand, Liang stared at him, causing Nakajima and Koda, who laughed the most, to immediately cover their mouths, and dared not say anything more.

Liang's cruelty, they have experienced it personally.

"At present, the earth has entered a period of peace, and the appearance of monsters has become a rare thing. Liang, Asuka, I will give you a period of vacation. You can rest until you receive the summoning order." Xi Assistant Bi Gang put his hands on his hips and shouted energetically.

"We meet again after a long absence. If you want to say something, just say it. If you want to do it, do it."

"Eh? It's the captain!" Liang wanted to refuse aloud. She knew that she would soon take over the duties of the captain, and she was burdened with a very heavy investigation task. Gossip.

In order to be worthy of the position of captain of the Super Victory Team, Liang worked very hard during this period.

If she falls short, she can't forgive herself, and she feels ashamed to face everyone who trusts her.

"It's okay, it's just a rest period, it's nothing." Yuanquan stood up from his seat, and said with a smile: "Although you are on vacation, Liang, hasn't the vice-captain of the Super Victory Team come back?"

"Vice Captain, what do you mean?" Nakajima's eyes lit up, and he became excited immediately.

"That's right, I, the vice-captain, have to fulfill my duties after all." Although it is possible to stay here for too long, it will cause the time of Showa Universe to pass quite a long time.But after the incident of Beria's invasion of the Kingdom of Light, Yuanquan didn't feel that any major events would happen in a short time.

Besides, he didn't say it all before.If you keep being Ultraman, you will lose yourself.

He no longer wants to transform and act as Nexus.

It feels good to be a human again.

"That's right, with your vice-captain here, don't worry about anything." Yuanquan will soon be the vice-captain, and Kosuke Kihibi felt a little emotional when he mentioned this.

He seemed to recall that time back then, when he picked out the source from the vast crowd at a glance, and then formed the sixth team with him to carry out the mission together.

The newly established sixth team consisted of only him and Yuanquan, but even so, the cooperation between the two was quite tacit.

After that, Koda and the other three were added.

Thinking about it carefully, those scenes at the beginning have now become indelible memories in my mind.

It is already extremely difficult for something like that to happen again.

Xibi Gangzhu, even everyone in the Super Victory Team, had imagined that if Yuanquan remained in the Super Victory Team, if he was still the vice-captain, then before Asuka joined, would the somewhat dull Super Victory Team will become a little different.

Does the base reverberate from morning till night to the bickering between the captain and the vice-captain?
But that's just an assumption

Koda and Nakajima jumped up excitedly and hugged each other, they were really happy.

"Go, Liang, take hold of your own happiness." Yuanquan turned to face Liang, a subordinate who had followed him for a long time, and now he was also pursuing his own happiness.

"Vice-Captain" Liang's eyes were unconsciously dotted with tears. Her memory also returned to those years.

In the blink of an eye, such a long time has passed.

In a blink of an eye, everyone is no longer young.

In a blink of an eye, everyone who once yearned for the victory team has now become a member of the victory team.

Time has passed, and everyone has changed.

Everyone is standing here intact, rather than being kept in memory.

"Yeah!" Liang wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and nodded heavily.

Genquan responded with an encouraging smile, and Kibi Gosuke and the others all gave thumbs up, even Saori got in the middle and gave his own thumbs up.

Liang took a few steps back, bowed deeply, turned around with her lips pursed, and her fluttering hair brushed against her ears.

Holding Asuka's hand, Liang turned and left, as if he didn't want to expose his vulnerable side.

If the return of Asuka is moving and joyful, then what Liang feels now is the moving of friends and partners staying together, and the understanding and giving of comrades who move forward together and depend on each other for life and death under the precipitation of time. .

At the same time, Kingdom of Light.

"Although you successfully defeated Beria, at your age, even if you enter the Ultra Fighting Guard, you have to start as an ordinary player, do you know?" Yes, don't mention those things in front of your master Nexus, even I dare not say anything more."

"I know you want to provoke him and make him show his true ability, but his true ability is not what you can handle now." Seven said that he owed Sai Luo that there was nothing he could do. I don't know why my child develops such a mouth.

"Don't worry, Nexus won't kill me." Sai Luo said that he can continue to die, anyway, Nexus will not hammer me to death, so I have nothing to be afraid of.

"Forget it!" Seven didn't bother to say anything: "According to Hikari's observations, in the depths of the universe, there is a phenomenon of space distortion."

"That's not a normal distortion, it's more like a twisted passage leading to the outside world, where time will come to a standstill."

"Sai Luo, your task is to investigate this distortion together with Max and the others."

"Okay! The young master is going first!" Sai Luo was eager to try, and he finally became a member of the Ultra Fighting Guard. How could he restrain his excitement, and he ordered the implementation of this time under the order of Seven. After the mission, he couldn't wait to fly high and fly away, heading straight for the Kingdom of Light.

"Hey! Sai Luo, the distortion phenomenon this time is not simple. It may involve other universes, or even multiverse-level disasters. You can't handle it alone!" Seven chased after Sai Luo, shouting Said: "Siro, did you hear that!"

"Don't worry, I'm just going to check on the situation first. After Max and the others set off, I'll come back and join them!" Cerro gave an OK gesture, then accelerated again, rushing out of the Kingdom of Light in an instant.

"Ultra Guard - Siro."

"set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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