Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 761 Someone's relationship with someone has finally taken a big step forward

Chapter 761 The relationship between someone and someone has finally taken a big step forward (who!)

Seeing her subordinate Liang and the person she likes stepping into the palace of marriage together, Yuanquan felt very satisfied.

For him, just this is enough.

He still remembers the reason why he became Ultraman, or what he is determined to do.

Save the tragedy of yin and yang between Mayumi and Takuma.

Save the life of Saka Hiroshi who sees hope but ends up in despair.

Set free a soul imprisoned by darkness.

Let the children of the Metz people really make up.

Knowing these sources, he is trying his best to restore those tragedies and try his best to change them.

Obtaining the power of Ultraman, when I exist in this world personally, I have the ability to change the tragedy, of course I have to change these things.

He succeeded, and has continued to do so.

Now the great regret in my heart is that Asuka and Liang's farewell and marriage have been successful with his encouragement and help, and it is presented in front of him like this.

This is a gratifying scene that makes Yuanquan feel that he has really changed something, bringing happy smiles and future lives to many people.

After the wedding, Yuanquan stood outside the cathedral. What he wanted to do in this universe has been done, and there is no need to stay here.He...should be leaving too.

But before he left, he still had one last thing to do, which was to attend the wedding between Dagu and Camilla.

Speaking of which, are Camila and Tiga the regrets of watching the Ultraman series?

Yuanquan didn't know, but when he looked up at the starry sky, he was suddenly attacked from behind.The stocky body pressed against him all of a sudden, and a familiar male voice sounded at the same time.

"Yo, Yuan, you really came here!" Only then did Yuan Quan realize that the person getting off from him was Xincheng, and he was also wearing a suit, apparently coming to attend the wedding.

"Why did you come here?" Yuanquan was a little curious, why did Xincheng come to the wedding here?

Is there any relationship between him and Asuka or Liang?

"Of course, after I retired from the front line, when Liang was promoted and selected for the Super Victory Team, I was the instructor of combatants, and Liang learned from me." Xincheng boasted.

"After all, I am the ace pilot of the Victory Team. Under my guidance, Liang's fighter piloting skills have skyrocketed, and he soon became the ace of the Super Victory Team!"

"She's my favorite subordinate!"

"Ah, yes, yes, and then your most proud subordinate is going to get married, and you are still single." Yuanquan ignored Xincheng's bragging, and gave him a heavy blow, which completely stiffened the smile on Xincheng's face.

"Speaking of which, Xincheng, how many people's weddings have you attended? Why do I think...you seem to be very experienced?" It seemed that the previous statement was not enough, and Yuanquan murdered Xincheng's chest again. , directly made Xincheng speechless.

"Hmph! I'm a handsome guy with excellent looks! Ordinary girls don't deserve me at all!" Xincheng tossed his hair and said narcissistically, "So, it's not that I can't find it, but that my standards are too high." High! The one who should appear in my life has not yet appeared."

"You just wait, as long as my true destiny girl appears, I will definitely! Immediately! Immediately! Invite all of you here, let you have a good look, and come to my wedding in Xincheng!"

Although what Xincheng said was true, if he suppressed the guilty part in his words, it might be more convincing.

"Yuan!" Carrying the skirt and walking down the steps carefully, Saori cherishes the clothes that Mei Qixue gave her very much, even if there is a little bit of damage.

Holding the skirt, she went down the steps and came to Yuanquan's side. The figure outlined by the white dress made Xincheng's mouth grow wide, and she didn't speak for a while.

Naturally, Xincheng knew this girl. When Yuanquan brought the girl back, it was quite a shock to their nerves.

Lina's state of mind at the time was ecstasy, and the others were blessings.

As for the new city, it was destroyed like a catastrophe.

She is the chief culprit who Yuanquan betrayed herself and the singles alliance, and the real murderer who made Yuan abandon her!

It is precisely because of knowing this that Xincheng cannot accept it.

But if his friend really got married, even though Xincheng would scream and reluctance in a funny way, in fact he would still send his blessings.

He rarely saw this girl named Saori appearing in other clothes, and today was the first time.

And it was this first time that he immediately understood the reason why Yuanquan betrayed him.

It immediately made him feel that being single is not good.

"Xincheng, long time no see." Saori waved her little hand in front of Xincheng, drawing Xincheng's attention back: "What's wrong with you? Staring at Yuan's face in a daze?"

"No, I'm just...cough cough, I just came here to catch up on the old days." Xincheng coughed a few times, then lightly punched Yuanquan in the chest: "Brat, you have to seize the opportunity, don't keep going I've been waiting."

"Among all the people, I only have your wedding wine that I haven't eaten yet, so don't wait too long, I won't be able to wait." Xincheng joked with a smile, but under this free and easy, it also showed After forming a friendship between the long-lived species as Ultraman and the short-lived species as human beings, the sadness that accompanied the passage of time.

Xincheng is still quite afraid that he won't be able to wait until Yuanquan gets married.After all, neither Yuan nor Saori are pure earthlings, and their lives are longer than their own.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are the one who has to hurry up. After all, I am also looking forward to your wedding, waiting to attend." Yuanquan also returned Xincheng's hand, and the two held hands together.

The friendship between brothers and friends has not changed even after so long.

"Then you may not be able to wait, after all, I, Xincheng, have decided to prepare my own after attending all of your weddings!" Xincheng gestured with both hands: "I have attended all of your weddings, when the time comes Are you still coming?"

"The ostentation needs to be big, the number of people needs to be sufficient, I want you all to watch, the day I get married in Xincheng!"

"That's really a lofty ideal." Yuanquan said in a mechanically translated tone.

"So, for the sake of my lifelong happiness, and for the great event of my marriage, get married soon, kid. If you don't get married, I won't get married either." Xincheng spread his hands, his face full of innocence: "You are the one who is missing now."

"What on earth did you think?"

Yuanquan didn't speak, he felt Saori cautiously probing beside him, trying to hook his hand with his fingers, but he was afraid to touch it and leave.

This kind of uninterrupted temptation finally made it impossible for him to continue pretending that he didn't feel anything.

"Don't worry, there will be that day soon." Saori tried cautiously, but Yuanquan grabbed her hand and held it.

"Woo..." Like a small animal that was suddenly attacked, Saori let out a whimper, lowered her head, and with a flushed face, she wanted to suppress the beating heart.

This was Yuanyuan's first initiative, and it was after Saori's careful probing.

Could it be...he is finally going to attack himself?
No, no, maybe it’s because everyone said I’m impatient, so…

In that case, do I still need to lock the door when I go to bed tonight?
Is this guy... coming?

Or should we be like the female supporting roles in those TV dramas, after the male protagonist gives this hint, he should dress up carefully before going to bed tonight, show 120 points of ability and skills, and then...then...

Thinking about it, Saori's face became more and more rosy, and she wished to find a crack in the ground to get in.

(End of this chapter)

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