Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 776 The meeting of Noah and Regardo, legends and legends!

Chapter 776 The meeting of Noah and Regardo, legends and legends!
"Eh? Yuanquan, why are you standing here?" Seeing Yuanquan still standing there, Lan's eyes lit up immediately, and she stepped forward a few steps to say hello.

Although he didn't hear Yuanquan's response, Lan didn't care.

He knew Yuanquan very well. When the two sides sparred with each other on weekdays, Yuanquan often kept quiet like this, and then came up and beat himself up. Lan said that he had already gotten used to it.

"That's...the legendary warrior, Ultraman Noah." Emerana looked at the half-length giant stone statue. She still knew the legend of Ultraman Noah, but the appearance of Ultraman Noah It's the first time I've seen it.

Although it is a stone statue, if you look at it like this, you still feel a sense of simplicity and vicissitudes.

"The shield of Palaji, it's right there!" Xiaozhi saw the shield of Palaji at the end of the corridor at a glance, trotted over and stretched out his hand, stroking the red gap on the stone statue of Palaji, showing an excited smile.

"This is... Palaji..." Emerana also saw the legend appearing in front of her for the first time. It was the first time for both Palaji and Noah, so she could only look at Xiaozhi himself operate.


Lan, on the other hand, was still standing beside Yuanquan, looking up at the stone statue of Noah together with Yuanquan.

Xiaozhi took off the pendant around his neck and put it on the gap of Palaji's shield.

The moment the pendant entered, the heartbeat sounded as if the evolution trustee was pulled out and transformed into Nexus, as if to herald the heartbeat of a great existence resounding from the long sleep, once again The prelude to recovery begins.

But... Palaji, who was inlaid with a pendant, turned into dust in a shock, fell down, and disappeared with the wind and sand.

Did not see what he wanted to see, Palaji lifted the seal, and then the stone statue glowed, waking up from the long seal, Xiaozhi went from being happy to shocked, great joy and great sorrow always came so quickly, even he There was still a smile on his face.

"How could it be?! Palaji should be able to shine, and...and float!" The legend told by his father since childhood had a completely different development, and Xiaozhi's heart was already full of tension and entanglement. .

"Could it be... Is Dad cheating on me?"

Lan, who heard the heartbeat, hurriedly turned around, saw Xiao Zhi's suspicious appearance, and immediately stepped forward to comfort him: "Xiao Zhi, how can you not trust your father?"

The sympathetic look in Lan's eyes made Xiaozhi finally calm down, and did not collapse in the follow-up doubts.

"There must be some reason, and we must still be missing something." Although it seems unreal to pin our hopes on an unfounded legend, but the matter has come to this point, and there is not much power around us. Apart from believing in this legend, the princess There really isn't any way around it.

"Hey, Yuan, you came in earlier than us, do you know what happened?" Lan turned around and asked Yuan Quan who was standing still.

"Sai Luo, his condition is a bit wrong..." The princess actually wanted to say this a long time ago: "He has been motionless since just now, and even the whole temple trembled just now, and his clothes didn't sway at all."

"What?" Lan frowned, Yuanquan came in earlier than them, maybe he found something new here, which is why Sai Luo asked.

But this doesn't mean that he thinks something will happen to Yuanyuan.

In Lan's impression, it seems that there is nothing that can make his master feel embarrassed and helpless.

"I'll go and have a look." After reassuring Emilana and Xiaozhi who were a little scared, Lan moved carefully, wanting to see what happened at the source.

But just as he was about to act, the entire temple began to tremble violently. Numerous cracks appeared on the stone statue of Noah, and even the ruins of the temple itself, and gradually began to expand.

And where Yuanquan was standing, a huge crack appeared, causing Yuanquan to fall directly and be swallowed by the crack.

Lan had already sensed that something was wrong before this, but when he sped up his figure and wanted to grab Yuanquan's body, it was still a step too late, and he could only watch Yuanquan's body fall into the abyss of boundless darkness.

"Yuan!" Sai Luo yelled while lying on the ground, but then he reacted and prepared to summon the Otto Sailuo glasses.

However, what he never expected was that the hand part of Noah's stone statue shattered in the tremor fell down, so that he, who was right under the Noah's stone statue, could only dodge in a panic.

As a result, the king's cloak on his body was hooked by the hand of Noah's stone statue, and the cloak was brought into the boundless and deep dark abyss.

"Hey! Damn it!"

The king's cloak was separated from the body, and the abundant light energy in Sai Luo's body began to pass away in an instant, and the speed was very fast, forcing Sai Luo to hastily summon the Ottosero glasses to prevent his own light energy from passing away completely and unable to change his body.

When the glasses were summoned, Sero was just about to transform, but the stone pillars that fell from Emerana and Xiao Zhi forced him to cancel this plan, and chose to use the Ottersero glasses to emit light beams (note), hit Crushed stone column.

Then, he was hit by a gravel on the wrist, causing his glasses to be lost...

Belonging is downright unlucky.


The body is lifeless, naturally because Yuanquan's soul has entered a world full of light.

When he arrived for the first time, he also saw the object he had been looking for all along.

In a vast expanse of white light and shadow, Ji Yazhun, that man, was waiting happily with a smile on the corner of his mouth just like when he said goodbye.

"Yuan, we meet again."

"Quasi..." Yuanquan opened his mouth, his eyes seemed to be moist: "Why did you... I came late..."

"No, it's just right for you to come." Ji Yazhun shook his head and continued, "I know you will definitely hear my call."

"Even if I'm already dead, I'm just waiting in this space."

No one can live for hundreds of millions of years, and Ji Yazhun is the same. He has already disappeared with the disappearance of the last era.

"Tell me, what do you need me to do?" Suppressing the sentimentality and pain in my heart, I have repeated this behavior countless times in the past tens of thousands of years, Yuanquan has long been familiar with it: "No matter what you need me to do, I am obliged.”

"Then... just like when we first met back then, tell me your story." Ji Yazhun showed a gentle smile. On his face, it seemed that the sadness intertwined with bitterness and pain was finally gone.

It finally revealed the joy of meeting friends again without any joy.

"Ah... I will tell you everything, without any omission." Yuanquan nodded heavily: "Everything after I left, everything I did."

Two men walked in and stood side by side, one of them was talking about his experience, the other pricked up his ears, listening carefully, not wanting to miss anything.

Just like the moment they met in the world of Galaxy and Victory.

Just as they talked and chatted at that time.

It's just that this long-awaited charge has already changed the two of them a lot.

Even... Yin and Yang have been separated.

Even so, this moment of reunion cannot be changed. The agreement that the two had made, they might as well be the same as before.

Time has changed a lot, but the fetters of inheritance, even if they have only met each other once, will not change with the changes.

Just like back then.

The picture gradually zoomed out until Ji Yajun and Yuanquan turned into a black spot, until the pure white space turned into a vast infinity.

Until, after the silver-white giant staring at Ji Yajun and Yuanquan was completely revealed.

On the opposite side of him, the blue-gray giant also stood up and paid the same attention.

The legendary appearance, of course, remains unchanged.

This is the reunion of legend and legend.

(End of this chapter)

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