Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 784 Lost Jonas

Chapter 784 Lost Jonas

Standing up from a pile of rubble, Nexus looked up at Zaki who fell from the sky, and had a general understanding of the strength of the fully revived Zaki in his heart.

To put it simply, how he hanged and beat Beria just now, he will be hanged and beaten by Zaki now.

It's a turn of events.

But Nexus also knew that he couldn't back down. If he couldn't stop Zaki here, Zaki would destroy this universe in an instant.

In the absence of Noah, no one can stop him at all.

With this in mind, Nexus was determined to intercept, and his strong sense of responsibility made him choose to carry everything on his back. Therefore, he turned the shield into a spark arm and attached it to his arm.

Zaki shrugged indifferently, stepped forward again, and slashed down with one hand, taking Nexus' collarbone.

Nexus parried with one hand, pressed against Zaki's wrist, and avoided his most powerful point of attack. After successfully resisting, Zaki and Nexus' other hands were also at loggerheads, and they clasped together poses wrestling with each other.

"The gap in energy is too big, but is it stronger in fighting?" Zaki still has an image of the Nexus he fought against in the past, and the strength of that Nexus is definitely not as strong.

Judging from the physical data, the Nexus in front of him is actually only slightly inferior to him.

"The road I have traveled is not your concern, and every Nexus will find his own light." Zaki's figure is reflected in the milky white eyes: "You are every Nexus The existence that everyone has to face, even me is no exception."

"Your consciousness is quite high. It seems that it was not an accident that I lost to you in the past." The hands that were holding each other began to gradually press down, Zaki gained the upper hand, and began to suppress Nexus: "I remember the shining Light, is Noah's nirvana."

"You are obviously only Nexus, but you have been able to use Noah's kill."

"Among the Ultraman Nexus I've seen, you are the only one."

After suppressing Nexus' hand, Zaki rushed forward with his whole body, trying to hit Nexus' chest.

But the knees that were bent ahead of time acted as a middle object, lying between the two, so that although Nexus was repelled, he did not suffer much damage.

Zaki immediately counterattacked, ready to unbalance Nexus who was standing on only one foot.

However, the core pulse suddenly released from the energy core in Nexus's chest blurred Zaki's face, forcing him to stop his attack, and he took several steps backwards under the constant impact of the pulse.

Immediately, Zaki crossed his hands in front of his face, and the dark power burst out all over his body, tearing the core pulse instantly and causing it to collapse.

Would even a trick like Core Pulse only set Zaki back a few steps?
In the next instant, a flame-flaming kick came oncoming, Zaki still crossed his hands, and at the cost of taking a step back, he firmly caught the atomic kick.

And the Atom Kick's entangled Crack ability has no way of doing any damage to Zaki at all.

"Not bad, not bad, there are indeed many new tricks, but..." Taking a step back, Zaki's feet radiated black light, and the dark energy erupted again, spreading towards the outside like waves one after another. The boulder under his feet was completely destroyed, and Nexus was even sent flying, and he had to prop up his shield to block the shock wave.

After roaring up to the sky, Zaki swept across his arm, and the hand knife swung with one hand drew a black and red light blade, which spun and hit the corrugated shield.With just one blow, Nexus was sent flying.

Although the shield was not broken, the impact force was still applied to Nexus, making him unable to parry.

"The next step is the beginning!" Just after the accented words were finished, Zaki disappeared from the spot, and then appeared in front of Nexus in an instant.

Just as he waved his paws to fall, both Zaki and Nexus saw the gradually enlarging shadow below them, which made them leave immediately and fled one after another.


A huge foot stepped on the cosmic void, and Nexus and Zaki were separated by this foot, splitting into two ends.

Afterwards, the huge soles of the feet gradually shrunk, and a muscular five-pointed star with a strong figure appeared beside Nexus.

"What's the situation? How did you meet such a powerful enemy again?" This is Jonias, a strong man from u-40. Why he appeared here really puzzled Nexus.

"Jonias? Why did you..."

"Don't talk about it, I originally wanted to investigate o-50, but in the chaotic space storm, I couldn't find the direction at all, and I didn't have the coordinates of o-50, so I could only rely on luck." However, Jonias still had some resentment: "I have gone to the wrong universe for countless times, and I have been lost."

Nexus: ...

"Be careful!" Nexus pushed Jonias's body away, and the next moment, the blood-red claws tore open the space, tearing violent ripples between Nexus and Jonias.

Zaki is powerful, using both hands together, in the continuous waving of both hands, every time a pair of sharp claws pass by, it can tear open a large area of ​​space, and the remaining red energy is entangled on the edge of the crack in the space, making it destroyed The space never heals.

Nexus didn't dare to take it hard, he could only dodge continuously, and if he couldn't dodge, he would try to parry Zaki's wrist.

But it was too passive to defend like this. In the end, Nexus used the spark weapon to forcibly block the blow.

He could only choose gauntlets armed with sparks to resist.

Zaki's sharp claws kept on hitting the spark weapon, but he couldn't tear the spark weapon apart.

Gathering his hands in front of him, Zaki condensed a frightening dark wave in the constant rubbing, and then shot out with a bang.

Nexus rubbed out the Reckoner with both hands, and threw the blue ball of light out.

But at the moment it touched Zaki's attack, it could only play a slight blocking role, and was immediately defeated.

Spreading the corrugated shield with both hands, Nexus blocked the dark fluctuations, and adjusted the angle of the corrugated shield, successfully shifting the trajectory of the dark fluctuating sphere.

The mad dog Zaki is definitely not in vain. The moment the corrugated shield just bounced off the attack, Zaki immediately took the opportunity to bite up.

This time, the shield formed by Nexus' hands had not had time to cancel, and he was in a short stalemate.

Zaki's five fingers spread out, the bright red light was sharp and deadly, and the carrier's proud low laughter made Zaki suddenly fall under his command.

A pair of arms with bulging muscles blocked Nexus in front of him, forcibly blocking the blow for him.

Ignoring the pain, Jonias punched straight up, attacking with the other hand.

This blatant punch should not be underestimated, Zaki only had time to protect his chest with one hand, and was immediately repelled by this punch.

Jonias raised his hand, looked at the claw marks lingering on his arm, and the energy that continuously burned his muscles, he couldn't help turning his gaze to the distance.

How long...how long has no one been able to break his defenses?
And this dark giant can break through his body shield defense with just a single blow.

"Nexus, is he the Zaki he once said?" In the past, Nexus has traveled to u-40 to compete with Jonias many times, and the two sides have long been friends, so Nai Kersus had also talked to Jonias about Zaki's existence.

"That's right, he has been resurrected from the monster cemetery and returned in the peak state." Withdrawing the shield, Nexus looked at his other hand, which was the wrist that was not protected by the gauntlet.

Although faint, the thin red cracks are like gangrene, and they are not willing to fade away easily.

"You also found a helper." So far, except for the loss of some energy, Zaki is almost uninjured, and the extraordinary and unpredictable strength put Nexus under a lot of pressure.

Maybe... this is the real Zaki.

Nexus and Jonias looked at each other, and the two had a tacit understanding, standing side by side, in a fighting posture.

(End of this chapter)

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