Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 796 Siro: I can't let people know that I'm bad

Chapter 796 Sai Luo: I Can't Let People Know That I'm a Delinquent (Forcibly)

After returning to the Kingdom of Light, Nexus did not choose to go to Sero immediately, but notified the father of Ultra, and then called together all the Ultra brothers who were still staying in the Kingdom of Light.

Then open the video link to u-40, and after all these preparations, Nexus slowly told his experience of going to o-50 alone.

"Griza and Rugset...it's unbelievable." Sophie said truthfully, because these two are indeed existences at the cosmic level.

Only by reaching the ultimate power, the realm of the big universe, can one compete with it.

But this confrontation does not mean one against two, Griza and Rugsett have completely different affinities.

Against these two monsters, the same means did not work.

"Does the Interstellar Alliance really have the ability to manipulate these two monsters?" This is the question expressed by Seven. Although the Interstellar Alliance issued a judgment on him at the beginning, Seven himself has a guilty conscience, so he accepts it calmly. Did not feel dissatisfied.

But now it seems that he was naive instead.

"It may not be the means of the Star Alliance, but someone is definitely intervening." Father Ao knows more news, and the Star Alliance knows that the cosmic barrier is about to dissipate. How could he not know?

"The connection of the multiverse is just around the corner, and there may be some who don't want to live in peace." This is when Aofu told everyone to pay attention to it a long time ago, and it is also a huge change in the multiverse.

They are ready for the shock.

But obviously the dark universe, appears to be more active than them.

"I want to explore o-50 again, and I want to see what the Star Alliance has done on o-50." Nexus also came out to express his opinion at this time: "The other party knows me very well , I can't break through those two monsters alone."

"I need to find a helper."

"I'll come." Sophie didn't hesitate to step out, "I'll go with you."

"Sophie!" As the captain of the security team (Au's father is the captain of the security team), and the eldest brother of the Ott brothers, Sophie has a distinguished and extremely important status in the Kingdom of Light.

In recent years, Sophie has rarely left the Kingdom of Light.

Father Ao is gradually delegating power, and Sophie is entrusted with important tasks, and slowly begins to take over these powers, becoming a qualified captain of the Ultra Guard.

His future must be to become a qualified ruler.

It can be said that Sophie is the heir of the next generation Kingdom of Light, and her status is very important.

Similarly, there are more guys in the universe who want to take Sophie's life.

"Sophie, I'm glad you want to go with me, but after all, this is traveling through the universe, and there are many crises, I have to find someone with the same ability as me." Nexus put his hand on Sophie's shoulder Top: "I don't know what the Star Alliance did in o-50, Sophie, it's too dangerous."

Sophie was silent, this is indeed an unsolvable matter, because it is obvious that Sophie has nothing to do with the matter of traveling through the universe, nor does he have the ability to control this aspect.

"You're taking Cyro?" Eddie asked.

"That's right, he got Palaji, he is the most suitable candidate." After a pause, Nexus added: "If something unexpected happens, I can also let him escape , to tell you the truth."

Then call for help?
This was the first thought that popped into everyone's mind.

Since Nexus would say that, it meant that he was ready to be dragged there.

Even...preparing to be mobbed.

"Where is Sero now?" Otto's mother asked.

"At the Bureau of Science and Technology, with Hikari."


"Hey, Captain, and everyone, why did you call me here?" Sai Luo greeted, and walked in casually.

Then he suddenly saw his father, master, and uncles all looking at him, coughed a few times, adjusted his body a little awkwardly, and stood there awkwardly.

"Sai Luo, I called you here this time because I have a task for you." Father Ao didn't care about Sai Luo's attitude. warrior.

Then, Father Ao repeated what Nexus said, and finally told Sai Luo that he needed him to accompany Nexus to investigate o-50.

The dangers encountered during the period are all unknown, and everything has to be careful.

Hearing this, Sai Luo felt a thumping sound in his chest as he slapped him straight, indicating that he would accept the task.

Afterwards, Nexus came out, and the two were ready to travel through the universe in front of everyone's eyes.

One put on the king's cloak, the other put on the Palagi armor, and the two left immediately without stopping.

Although everyone was worried, they could only watch them leave and pray silently for them.

In the tunnel, Sero approached Nexus wearing the Palaji armor, and said rather braggingly, "Look, Nexus, now I also have this..."

"Let's not gossip, let me explain to you the background of Griza and Rugsett, as well as their power." Glancing at Sai Luo and his little show off, Yuanquan continued: "You put on the Palaji armor, which is barely enough for the ultimate combat power. But haven't you noticed that the light energy that escapes when you take off the practice armor is faster?"


When Sai Luo heard this, his desire to show off also faded, and he fell silent for a while.

"How many layers did you leave behind?" Nexus asked.

"Second floor..." Sai Luo heard this, and could only say this somewhat shameful figure.

"Two layers... If you keep more, you can leave about three layers, which is pretty good." Sai Luo in the original book, probably only kept one layer if he died, and the potential accumulated in the practice armor was completely wasted like running water.

Being able to leave three floors now is already a proof of extreme effort.

After all, in the eyes of Nexus, [-]% of this power can be preserved is the limit.

Because the speed of control is far less than the speed of passage, it is simply impossible to keep all of them.

"Listen well, Rugset and Griza are completely different from ordinary monsters. To some extent, they represent certain rules of this universe, and they faintly surpass the ultimate combat power."

"Even Ultra warriors who have stepped into the ultimate realm are opponents who need a lot of hard work to defeat."

"Griza is better at..."

Sai Luo was still quite helpless, he didn't expect that after leaving the school gate, even after such a long time, he would still listen to Nexus' rambling, but he couldn't help but listen.

Because he really didn't know the information about these two monsters, it could be said that he didn't know anything.

It's just that the talkative master is far less exciting than the direct hands-on master.

Time gradually passed while Nexus was rambling, and finally, under the leadership of Nexus, he left the space-time tunnel, came to the multiverse, and then, under the leadership of Nexus, headed towards the location of o-50 space flies past.

This was the second visit of Nexus, and those two wandering monsters had already spotted Nexus and chased after him.

The moment the two sides met, it was Sai Luo who attacked first.

After a long distance, Zero directly stopped his advancing body, released the Emelim ray, and went straight to Griza.

Then the Aimelium ray was distorted to one side in front of Griza, as if the straight ray had bent a diagonal.

"You brat, didn't I say that Griza is a void monster, this kind of attack is ineffective against it!" I realized that Si Luo didn't listen to what he said all the way, but kept saying: ah yes yes yes perfunctory , Nexus immediately became angry.

"...It's actually true?" Sai Luo was very surprised. What Nexus said was not exaggerated at all?

"You go to deal with Lugoset, and Griza will give it to me." Switching to the glowing type, Nexus turned into a golden streamer and went straight to Griza.

Sero can't deal with Griza, he is more suitable to wrestle with Rugset.

(End of this chapter)

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