Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 804 I really don’t know what the use of some super powers are...

Chapter 804 I really don’t know what the use of some super powers are...

Nexus set off a war that spread across the universe.

This is really inexplicable, and no one even knows why Nexus suddenly launched a war against the Star Alliance by means of thunder.

And in a very short period of time, he made a bold move, accurately aimed at the forces of the Star Alliance in all parts of the universe, and imposed sanctions.

Someone once saw Nexus destroy a planet with light technology.

Another person saw Nexus rush out on the ground facing the siege of dozens of monsters.

But more, they were rescued by Nexus, imprisoned in the prison of the Star Alliance, or people who acted as test subjects or other cosmic people, and they fled. .

In addition, Nexus had no hidden meaning at all, so this war finally attracted the attention of all civilizations.

Not long after that, the Kingdom of Light also announced to the whole universe the fact that the covenant with the Star Alliance was abolished, and made known the crimes of the Star Alliance and the news that Zero brought back to the public, and broadcast it in an extremely fast time.

Since then, m-78 has been in the same situation as the Star Alliance, and all the Ultra fighters in the kingdom of light will do their best to destroy such evil and dark forces.

Also issued a notice, and u-40.

The great sage severely reprimanded the actions of the Star Alliance, and also issued a combat declaration to the Star Alliance.

The top forces in the two universes unanimously responded to Nexus and tore down the last fig leaf of the Star Alliance.

For a moment, the universe was in an uproar. No one thought that the Star Alliance had the ability to travel to other universes, and even committed the crime of killing all life on a planet in another universe.

The true side of this organization that once claimed to be the Justice League of the Universe, which was exposed at this moment, is simply shocking.

Not only outsiders, but also many cosmic people who believed in the justice of the Interstellar Alliance, and thus joined the Interstellar Alliance were also shocked that what they worked for was actually such an abominable organization.

It can destroy the life of a planet in another universe today, and it can do it again tomorrow.

Who knows that its next target will not be its own hometown?
For a time, the Star Alliance became the object of being cast aside.Countless beings with justice in their hearts have left the Star Alliance, the place they once regarded as justice.

But in contrast, the people in the dark universe suddenly realized that the Star Alliance actually existed just like them. For a while, the discussion was booming, and there were countless evil cosmic people who wanted to join the Star Alliance.

Unknowingly, the Interstellar Alliance has become the leader of the dark cosmic forces in the eyes of the evil cosmic people.

This war that will affect the whole universe is about to start, and no one can stay out of it.


"Let's go." Arriving at a safe planet, Nexus landed here, his half-kneeling body spread out his palms on the ground, and looked at the several cosmic beings who mimicked humans in his palms, with a thought Momentum links their spiritual power.

"The Star Alliance will no longer target you, and soon, this evil force will no longer exist."

The ones rescued by Nexus were the experimental objects he had just destroyed in a Star Alliance base, that is, the existence that was about to be tied up and sent to the operating table.

It was actually a bit late when he went in, the one on the operating table had already been disembowelled, obviously there was no possibility of survival.

The only thing Nexus can do is to avenge this poor man, and then bring the remaining survivors out of the burning base.

After a brief exchange, Nexus probably also understood what the abilities of these cosmic beings were.

They are a race that is relatively close to the edge of the star field. They are born with the ability to split themselves and then form an independent individual, and this ability is passive, and there is no way to recover it.

And when this split body grows and absorbs knowledge, this individual is like another person, another person who is exactly the same, with his own independent thinking, independent personality, but the same soul.

It is not an exaggeration to call them brothers and sisters.

When Nexus heard about this ability, he was still at a loss.

What's the use of this ability...?

But regardless of whether it was useful or not, it still attracted the attention of the Star Alliance, so many people from their clan were captured and became guinea pigs in this cold laboratory.

"God, you are here to save us." The cosmic beings rescued by Nexus fell to their knees with a huff. They didn't know Ultraman, and they only knew about the giant full of brilliance and light. It is as if the gods have descended.

"There are no gods in this world. I'm just an Ultra warrior. To you, I'm also another cosmic being." Nexus shook his head: "Just live here, the Star Alliance will no longer Come to me, you can... develop your own civilization again."

Nexus stood up slowly, and flew directly into the sky. In the blink of an eye, his figure was only a black spot, and disappeared into the sky.

And the cosmic people kneeling on the ground just watched Nexus leave with reverent eyes, unwilling to stand up for a long time.



Even if a huge body is stepped on the ground, it is enough to cause terrible damage. King Red... No, it should be ex King Red waving his fists, and his figure like a demon god stimulates the group of primitive humans under his feet. Let them tremble, not daring to go beyond anything.

"Let's compare and see whether your King Reid is stronger or my King Pondun is stronger!" On the sky, in the fighter plane with the stealth camouflage turned on, the two guys who manipulated the monsters looked at each other refusing to give in. At this moment, there is a battle for a victory.

"How to compare!"

"It depends on who of us can kill the natives on this planet faster, how about it!"

"it is good!"

For the higher civilizations, or the evil cosmic beings, the living beings on this entire planet seem to be just a number to them, and they are numbers used to count in the games they play.

It's just something to show off and show off.

Whether it is the survival of the fittest or the survival of the fittest, the cruelty of the universe is always inadvertently reflected at any time and in any corner.

"Go! Red King!"

"Come back with victory, King Pondun!" The roar and movement of the two behemoths seemed to decide the life and death of the primitive humans under their feet.

They have this ability and this ability.

This is the evil of the universe.

But corresponding to this evil, there is also good.

A ray of light suddenly appeared from the sky, and before people came, the bow and arrow like a bird had already taken away the lives of King ex Red and King Ponton.

At the same time, the spark shield fell from the sky and landed in front of these primitive humans, completely isolating the explosions caused by the death of the two monsters, without giving any chance of harming them.

At the same time, two fireworks exploded from the sky, gorgeous and beautiful. Nexus descended from the sky and landed slowly on the ground.

Flickering flames burned the forest, and Nexus raised his hand and began to snuff out the ignited flames with freezing beams, obliterating them.

The spark shield returned to Nexus' hands, and the blue figure stood upright in the sunlight, descending like a god.


Primitive humans did not have such a thing as science, and they believed in the existence of gods, they would regard ex King Red and King Ponton as demon gods, and similarly, they would also regard Nexus at this moment as gods.

This is the god who descended from the sky, eliminated the monsters that descended from the sky, and brought salvation to the world!

Nexus lowered his head slightly, this was the first time he saw a cosmic race that was almost exactly the same as human beings.

If it weren't for the fact that the galaxy outside before coming here was not the highly recognizable galaxy of the solar system, I'm afraid Nexus would really think that this is the earth in ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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