Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 807 Even if I die, if I jump from here, I will not accept the protection of your Kingdom of

Chapter 807 Even if I die, if I jump from here, I will not accept the protection of your Kingdom of Light!
"Then don't tell me, it's the first time I've come to the Kingdom of Light so openly."

Getting off a certain space battleship, Meferas stood with his hands behind his back at the Otto Airport, looking at this glass-colored world, and suddenly felt a subtle mood.

Although he knew the first generation before and had some friendship with Nexus, this cannot conceal the fact that he is a person from the dark universe.

If you want to enter the Kingdom of Light, you can only sneak in and disguise yourself as an Ultraman.

Even then, under the irradiation of plasma sparks, there is a great probability of being discovered.

The subtlety of mood could hardly conceal the reason why it came here. Mephilas looked at Ultraman beside him on the left and right sides, and couldn't help but feel a little headache for a while.

"Hey, you two, there's no need to stand here and stare at me like a door god."

"Although I am still a person from the dark universe, I have already turned to the light. Nexus can testify to this." Mephilas looked dissatisfiedly at Max and Jeno beside him.

"The true face of the Star Alliance was exposed, and part of the credit is also due to me."

Max and Geno didn't say anything. Their task was to bring Mephilas to the Ultra Airport. After arriving here, other Ultra fighters would naturally come to meet them.

"Thank you, Max, Jeno." The first generation nodded, and told the two young fighters: "Next, your team will accept another mission. Although the Star Alliance has run away, it is scattered in the universe. There are still a lot of remnants here."

"Those escaped members of the Star Alliance are scattered all over the universe and are threatening the safety of the universe. The Kingdom of Light needs to eliminate these guys."

"Yes!" Max and Jeno nodded, accepted the task assigned to them by the first generation, flew from the airport, and flew towards the position of the Ultra Guard.

"Mephilas, it's been a long time." The first generation watched the two young warriors leave, and then refocused on Mephilas.

He had known Mephilas a long time ago, and the reason he met at the beginning was also because this Mephilas was completely different from other Mephilas, with great kindness in intelligence and behavior style, unlike Like its brethren.

However, because of the positions of the two sides, although the first generation knew Mephilas, they always kept a line and did not cross it.

Later, Mephilas was rarely seen in the first generation.

The most recent time was [-] years ago, when Mephilas was on the earth, and it was the time when it was the Four Heavenly Kings under the command of the Ampera Stars.

After that, he never heard from Meferas again, which made him think that Meferas was wiped out by some existence.

Then, the first generation was told that Meferas was entrusted by Nexus to the Star Alliance as an undercover agent...

"First generation, I walked into this kingdom of light in a serious way this time, and I didn't sneak in here." Mephilas raised a finger and shook in front of him: "I didn't destroy our original Promise."

"You still remember." The first generation was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the agreement he had made with Mephilas.

He will no longer enter the home planet of Black Beauty Feralas.

And Mephilas will no longer sneak into the Kingdom of Light.

Therefore, this agreement has continued until now, and Meferas has also abided by the creed and has never invaded the Kingdom of Light.

"Are you still a member of the dark universe now? Meferas, I really didn't expect you to agree to Nexus to do such a thing." The first generation really didn't expect that Meferas' words , he can't get along anywhere in the dark universe.

After all... No one dares to rest assured of Mephilas as an undercover agent.

If you can go undercover once, you will naturally be able to go undercover a second time.

As a member of the dark universe, Mephilas can be regarded as having cut his own way.

"I am a person who is willing to bet and admit defeat. Since I lost to Nexus, I will definitely do what he asked." Mephilas said seriously: "You kept your promise, Naike Seth believed in me, too."

"In the first generation, I did feel something that I couldn't feel in the dark universe." Mephilas stroked his chest, with a somewhat dazed tone: "1 years ago, I was on Earth The emotions and bonds of Mebius and humans are tested in the world."

"But in the first generation, I didn't expect that I would one day be captured by such chains."

"It's all here, there's nothing worth nostalgic about in a broken place like the dark universe." The two left the airport while talking, and met Nexus who also came to meet him in Otto Square.

"How? Do you want to stay in this bright universe?" Nexus gave a thumbs up and said appreciatively: "At least for me, I think you can."

"Hmph, the so-called bright universe is not suitable for people like me." Mephilas folded his arms and said coldly: "The grievances between me and you Ott clan will not dissipate easily, and I will never Will commit myself to your protection."

"The dark universe doesn't recognize me?"

"Can those guys represent the dark universe? Don't laugh to death."

Mephilas has its own pride in its heart, and it will not be the kind of dingy asylum-seeker, especially Ultraman, who can be called a mortal enemy.

Although Nexus and the first generation are indeed friends, but... these are two different things.

Does the Dark Universe have no place for it?

who said it?
Standing proudly, Mephilas gambled on his dignity as a Mephilas star, and Nexus and the first generation naturally understood it well, and did not expose it, but cooperated with him in acting.

Although it is true to say so, if you continue to fight against the Otto clan, it does not prevent you from doing a favor to your friends.

And as friends of Mefelas, the two of them don't mind giving Mefelas the Kingdom of Light's preferential treatment.

Sophisticated people, understand everything.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the parliament room of the Kingdom of Light, which was a large and excessively large crystal-like hall.

Here, Ultra's father and Ultra's mother, as well as all Ultra warriors are already waiting here.

As a Mephilasian, with so many Ultra fighters lined up in front of him, not having weak legs is already the last pride of being a Dark Cosmosman.

Of these rows of Ultra fighters, which one is not famous, which one is not fierce?

These guys stand side by side, and no one from the dark universe can bear it.

"Mephilas." Father Ao nodded. As a veteran cosmonaut in the universe, Mephilas is naturally no stranger. Many Ultra fighters present must have dealt with different Mephilas. burst).

It is not unfamiliar to it.

"To be able to walk to the Kingdom of Light with dignity, and to be welcomed by so many Ultra fighters, I really deserved my life." Mephilas spread his hands, this lineup, this row of noodles, I, Mephilas It can be regarded as forcing Graman.

"You are no longer an evil cosmic being, and we have no right to destroy a cosmic being who has not done evil." Aumu immediately added: "You were a friend in the first generation, and you were entrusted by Nexus to hide Being undercover played a vital role in uncovering the true face of the Star Alliance."

"Mephilas, you are a good man."


Inexplicably, Mephilas, who was issued a good person card, felt uncomfortable. With his hands behind his back, he coughed a few times and said, "Ahem...I'm not a good person. I and your Otto family... "

When saying this, Mephilas accidentally glanced at the rows of Ultra fighters standing in front of him.

Looking at their huge bodies of all shapes and sizes, Mephilas closed his mouth while talking.

At this time, it is better not to say anything about the grievances with the Ultra Clan...

I always feel that if I say it, I should be in the cosmic prison tomorrow...

"Ahem, listen up, the scandals of the Star Alliance that I have collected, and how terrifying they are."

"first of all…"

(End of this chapter)

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