Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 815 Yuan: Dagu, I'm going to be hammered to death

Chapter 815 Yuan: Dagu, I'm going to be hammered to death (shouting)
When Yuanquan returned to the camp, except for a few girls sleeping in the room with some children, several girls including Xing Nai squatted outside.

Even though it was already dark, they still turned on the lights, and the illuminated world was brilliant.

They are waiting for the return of the source.

Yuanquan also knew why they were waiting here.

It is no less than a life-saving straw caught in the deepest despair when finally encountering a giant of light in a state of constant panic.

Their tense hearts put everything on Yuanquan almost instantly.

Will he come back?Where did he go at night?
Does he want to single out Baxter Stars?
Does he not want to protect us?
If they hadn't encountered it, maybe no one would have said anything, but once they saw it, worrying about gains and losses is just a common state of mind.

Just like that sentence said.

I could have endured the darkness, why let me see the light.

Walking out from the alley, casting his own shadow in the light, Yuanquan knocked on the door, and the drowsy girls gradually came to their senses.

Saori appeared next to Yuanquan in an instant and hugged him, raised her head and stared like a poor little beast, as if she never wanted to let Yuanquan go.

"He's back!" Yuanquan stood there in a daze without any concealment, which naturally attracted everyone's attention. For a while, the girls shouted one after another, and some girls fell to the ground in a daze. The cry of the child.

But these are not as important as that person coming back.

"Yo, hello everyone." Raising his other hand, Yuanquan greeted, and then stepped into the door after Xingnai opened it.

"Eh?" Yuanquan and Xing Nai walked past each other, Xing Nai didn't expect Yuan Quan not to refuse this time, and she didn't react for a while.

But Lisa reacted, and she took a few steps forward and led Yuanquan into the room.

Of course, Saori, who changed from holding hands like a koala to holding Yuanquan's back, was automatically ignored by Lisa.

As soon as he entered the room, his eyes widened immediately. He thought that the sleeping children were all gathered in the house, looking at the source of the entrance.

During the short pause after the eyes of both sides met, the children burst into cheers, and rushed over in a swarm, flooding all the places around the source.

Countless pairs of small hands grabbed Yuanquan's clothes, as if they were afraid that he would run away.

For a while, the cheerful voice kept ringing, asking one question after another.

"Big brother, are you Ultraman! My sisters say you are Ultraman!"

"That's the kind of Ultraman who can become huge all of a sudden and defeat those terrifying monsters!"

"Hey, big brother, show us your transformation!"

"I want to watch it too! I want to watch it too!"

Surrounded by so many children at once, Yuanquan suddenly remembered that he also encountered the same scene when he was in Gauss Space-Time.

But at that time, it was Ultraman's posture, and the action was blocked.

This time... he's in human form.

"Ultraman or something, do you all know?" Putting Saori off his back, Yuanquan squatted down and touched the hair of a little girl nearby, and said with a smile: "You all know this In the world, is there Ultraman?"

"Hmm! When we were sleeping, there was a voice in the dream saying that the giant of light will definitely come to save everyone!" The girl holding the puppet bear nodded, quite sure.

"Is that so..." Although they don't know what's going on inside, these children still have hope.

This is enough.

Perhaps, this is exactly the opposite of Baxter's plan to abandon these children in the first place.

Although the crisis here may not only be solved by an Ultra warrior, but...

Making a decision secretly, Yuanquan stood up slowly, and looked at the girls of the Earth Defense Force swarming in behind him, showing a more dignified expression.

"Can you call everyone together? I have something to announce." Although the truth is cruel, in order to tell them the truth of this world and what will happen afterwards, he must tell this cruelty.

Yuanquan's expression couldn't be faked, Xingnai could tell that he really had something important to say, so he didn't say much, but went to call his friends.

Of course, before that, the excited hearts of these curious children must be satisfied first.

And the source of this matter is of course that he played in person.


For the first time, laughter and laughter appeared in this cabin after the world has changed drastically.

From suffering and deep hatred, to the collapse of despair, to cheering up and living by obsession.

Although everyone didn't say anything, there was still a thorn in their hearts.

From the beginning of the night, to accompany these children, answering the children's seemingly naive questions, Yuanyuan has no impatience.

Not only the children, but also those tense adults and the girls gathered around, listening to Yuanquan's eloquent voice.

Will laugh at some of the children's childish questions.

I will think about the answer from the source.

He blushes because of his own gaffe.

Only at this moment, at least at this moment, these girls who were forced to become the Earth Defense Force let go of their worries and chose to laugh heartily as ordinary people.

Responsibility, from the moment the source came, he took it all over.

The clock is ticking, no matter how excited the minds of the children are, they can't resist the urging of the biological clock. They are sleepy and say goodbye to the source with great reluctance.

Yuanquan and each of the children pulled the hook and promised the children that Yuan would definitely appear in front of the children after dawn and would never leave.

After sending the last child who was thinking about it to the room, after waiting for a while, Yuanquan walked outside.

In the open field, everyone gathered here, forming a row around the burning bonfire in front of them, as if they had been waiting here for a long time.

"To make a long story short, Baxter is hateful, but the real murderer is not Baxter." Yuanquan took a deep breath, and at the same time he sat down, he threw out the news: "Ott's signature cannot be issued, the universe is blocked, Coupled with Baxter's inexplicable knowledge of how to become a god, all these things are not easy."

"I came here first, so I probably know what I can do." There is no doubt that Yuanquan entered this universe earlier than Dyna.

No, maybe... it was because Dyna was captured by Yuanquan and married Ryo, so the subsequent story changed greatly.

For example, this time, Dyna is no longer a street sneaker, but he broke into this world and was trapped here.

"Can't it be Baxter?" Lisa asked back.

"Baxter has come from the past to the future. Although his technological strength is already very strong, he is not qualified to block the barriers of the entire universe." This is not because Yuanyuan looks down on Baxter, but this kind of power is not ordinary able to control.

Such a thing can only be done by mastering a certain corresponding space-time power, or surpassing the single universe.

"Although the identity of the behind-the-scenes person is still unknown, he must want something." After speaking, Yuanquan set his eyes on Saori: "Saori, I want you to save me this time."

"What do you want?" Saori had some bad premonitions.

"Happageton's gestation has come to the last juncture. I came here instead of that guy, so I have to stop it from maturing!" Clenching his fists, the overly strong sense of responsibility made Yuanquan take this task without hesitation. Take it into your arms.

"That guy is stronger than I imagined. I will use all my strength to tear open a gap at that moment, and you can go out through the gap and go to the Kingdom of Light, or find Dagu."

"My life, please leave it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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