Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 820 Tregia, who was obviously an Ultraman but was blinded by Yajituo's belt, is crumbs

Chapter 820 Tregia, who was obviously an Ultraman but was blinded by Yajituo's belt, is crumbs

"Is something wrong?" Julan star, Musashi looked at the sky above Juran star after feeding Litorias, and said with some concern.

Compared with Sai Luo's uncertainty, Musashi heard the call from the source early in the morning.

He can't make a mistake with this voice.

Although he has been away from the earth for a long time, and has lived on the mobile planet Zhulan for a long time after merging with Gauss, Musashi still maintains a human heart and does not think that he has surpassed human beings.

"Brother Yuan is calling me." The last time I felt it, it was because of the spark arm.

Not this time.

This time, it was the kind of indistinct feeling that belonged to Ultra fighters, which was very weak.

But the uniqueness of Gaussian Light made Musashi hear this voice.

Taking out the transforming device and holding it in his hand, Musashi's eyes were full of emotion, and after glancing back at Litorias, he raised the transforming device high.

"Gauss, let's go together."

Accompanied by the resounding of the name of the strongest fusion material, the planet Zhulan burst into dazzling light.Gauss Luna leaped out, left Zhulan Star, and leaped away towards the vast universe.

In the blink of an eye, Gauss switched to the cosmic corona, turned into a mass of purple spheres, shuttled through the dark universe, and went straight to the cosmic barrier.

Outside the Gauss universe, Dración watched Gauss's departure, and gave another Ultra warrior his instructions.


The mighty warrior nodded, following Dración's will, Justis also disappeared, following Gauss, and also pursued the past.

"The independent stories of each timeline will be joined, and the changes in the whole universe will really begin. At the moment when the multiverses are connected, not only the evil gods and Warcraft will return."

"The legend will come again."

What Gauss and Justis represent no one knows better than Dración, and at the same time he knows better what will happen in that universe.

But Delacion still has a question.

That is, there is only one Gauss, why did Reggado and Saiga appear at the same time?

Dración didn't understand this question either.



Waking up suddenly from sleep, the sweaty Dagu looked around in confusion, even if Lina beside him was awakened by him, he didn't feel anything.

"What's wrong? Dagu?" Lina rubbed her sleepy eyes, awakened by Dagu's movements, she still didn't understand what happened.

"I... I dreamed of Yuan." Dagu spread his palms, and he was a little absent-minded. He didn't notice that when he told the moment when he dreamed of Yuan, Lina pouted angrily.

"In the dream, he seems to have met a very strong enemy and was surrounded by heavy siege." The dense lines on the palm of his hand are so clear, but even so, it can't bring Dagu any comfort.

"He tried his best, but he could only seal himself and that monster together."

"He's turned to stone."

"...In the universe, what other monster can push him to that extent?" At the same time, Camilla's voice suddenly came from Lina's body.

It seems that without knowing when, Lina and Camila have completed one body.

Then bring Dagu double happiness.

"It may not be this universe, have you forgotten? He has the ability to travel through other universes." Dagu felt more and more uneasy in his heart. This urgent sense of unknown tormented his heart, making him unable to calm down at all. calm down.

What echoed in his mind was the scene of Nexus turning into a stone statue.

"No, I'm going to find him!" As he said, Dagu directly lifted the quilt and took out the magic light stick from the drawer.

After hastily changing his clothes, he opened the sliding door of the balcony and looked up at the falling meteor in the sky.

"Dagu, wait a minute! You!" The voices of Camilla and Lina merged together, and they seemed to want to say something, but Dagu didn't want to listen anymore, and he directly raised the magic light stick With a loud roar, transform directly!


A red-purple giant appeared in the light, with both hands raised in front of the earth, and the shooting star rushed towards the outside of the earth.

Switching to the air type in an instant, Di Jia's eyes have already seen the body of the meteor.

It wasn't a shooting star at all, but a girl in free fall wrapped in a cloak.

And it was the monster girl who stayed by Yuanquan's side and also lived in his house.


The appearance of her falling unconsciously and freely under the king's cloak aggravated the uneasiness in Dagu's heart even more.

Saori would become like this, did something really happen to Yuanquan?

Otherwise she wouldn't be like this.

Saori's free-falling body was stopped by the still light beam, and Tiga took it into his palm and held it up.

Looking at this frowning girl, Di Jia's heart sank.

"Great Gu!" At the same time, Camilla also transformed, and after returning to the dark giant posture, she quickly caught up with Tiga and stood side by side in the air with him.

Similarly, Camilla also saw Saori in Tiga's hand.

"This girl...that guy, was really beaten up?" Camilla was a little surprised. Of course, she knew the strength of Nexus, and such a powerful giant of light was also rare in the ultra-ancient period. .

Will a strong man like him be defeated one day?

"Go back, and save Saori first." I probably had some guesses about the dream in my heart, but Dijia still kept a thought.

Maybe the dream was just a dream and not something like that actually happened?

Maybe... there is still room for redemption?


"Senior Hikari." Unarmed, Tregear stepped into the Science and Technology Bureau.

Tregear, who chose to partner with Taro and join his team, is naturally no longer Hikari's assistant.

But even so, Tregchia's talent in scientific research is gratifying.

It just so happened that Hikari's recent research project involved some blue warriors, so he immediately thought of Tregia, and then called him over.

"Tregchia, you came just in time. Are you still used to the experimental change weapon I gave you before?" Hikari swung the mechanical device in his hand. Although some minor things still need to be adjusted, But it also takes one person to put it on.

"It's very useful. When I met Bemonstein last time, facing this monster with useless light, I used the changing weapon to disarm the gun form, put on a close-body armor, and successfully killed him with sawtooth and sword. "Tregchia nodded, being able to enter Taylor's team was naturally not based on relationships, but on means.

Tregchia himself is a genius in scientific research, and with Hikari standing behind him, naturally his equipment will not be bad.

"That's good, as long as it can help you." After making the final adjustments, Hikari handed the belt to Tregia: "Come on, try this, this is Nexus It was made out of the blueprints Si gave me."

"When I designed this, I added some data of the spark arm-armor form, and later studied the Palaji armor, and incorporated some concepts into the second-generation improved version."

"I call it: Yajituo Armed Forces!"

"Is this the armor you mentioned last time, which can provide protection for the Blue Warriors?" Tregear fiddled with the belt curiously after taking the belt.

But after looking for a long time, he couldn't find where the switch to use this belt was.

"Belt, of course it can only be used on the waist." Taking the belt from Tregear's hand, Hikari looked at Tregear with full proficiency and his eyes sparkled.

"Look, I will only perform once!" Holding the belt in his hand, he turned around his body with one hand, and the buckle was successfully buckled on the other side of the belt to complete the engagement.

Hikari wears a belt and claps his hands!
Immediately, the core of the belt suddenly emitted a burst of intense light, which blinded Tregia who was unprepared.


"my eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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