Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 822 Gaia: Big Brother 2 Brother 4 Brother, you guys went out to run the set without telling

Chapter 822 Gaia: Big Brother, Second Brother, and Fourth Brother, you all went out to run the set without telling me, right? Don't take me with you!

Both Gauss and Tiga have been notified, while on the Kingdom of Light side, Sai Luo was annoyed by the whispers that rang in his ears day after day, and even when he went to chase and destroy Bei You can hear such voices in your ears when you hear the remaining remnants of the empire in Leah.

It was indeed very weak at first, but with the subsequent clearer and clearer voices, Sai Luo gradually realized that the voice was very familiar.

So after Siro wiped out the remnants of the Beria Empire, he chose to use the Palaji armor to trace the origin of this sound.

In this regard, he successfully reached the future universe one step faster than Gauss and the others.

But even if it is one step faster, the time spent during this period is quite long.

If calculated according to the years of the earth, from the time when Nexus sealed Hypageton until Sailo came to the future earth, about one year has passed.

This is a longer number than the time Dyna sacrificed to seal Hypageton in the original book, and it also represents the strength of Nexus.

After all, if you are not strong enough, how can you seal it for such a long time.

Because of Palaji, Sailo ignored the blockade of the cosmic barrier and directly opened the passage to descend. Wearing Palaji's armor, he stood on top of a certain building, and looked down condescendingly from above.

He had already checked it when he landed. The city below seemed to be prosperous, but the silence in it was as if the pause button had been pressed, without any life.

This is the first time for Sai Luo to come to this planet. He thought he would have quite complicated emotions, but he never expected that this would be the result.

Earth... This is the planet where the data recorded in the Kingdom of Light has finally appeared several times, and it is of great significance to the Ultra warriors.

This planet, which was once protected by countless Ultra fighters, is now here.

But...he seems to be late to the game.

Sai Luo has some doubts, what happened to the earth, why...why is there no one?
The answer to Sai Luo's question was naturally Baxter, who had just returned from Tiga Universe and appeared above the city out of thin air in a battleship across the universe.

When Sai Luo saw this black battleship that did not belong to the earth, he probably understood that the guy who could bring him the answer had already appeared.

And after seeing Ultraman Zero appearing under the battleship, Baxter's face suddenly turned green.

Nima's, why is it Ultraman again!
In his mind, he still seemed to recall the appearance of Nexus rushing to the eggshell and sealing Hypajeton. Baxter, who hated Ultra warriors, would naturally not let Ultraman continue to exist.

It's enough for something like Nexus to happen once, and it doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

So at the moment when he saw Sai Luo, Baxter directly manipulated the battleship to disintegrate part of it, differentiated into black cubes that criss-crossed, gathered into small battleships and swarmed down to attack Sai Luo.

Sero restrained the Palaji armor, and began to face these small warships with his own normality.

In terms of air combat, Sai Luo still has a lot of experience, even if the target is these warships, he doesn't care.

And the development of things after that is basically the same as the original TV. Cerro fought Baxter, and after destroying several small warships, because he didn't realize that there were still people on the ground, he let the wreckage of one of the warships he destroyed Free fall, falling toward the person on the ground.

Zero activated the light energy barrier, but it took time for the light energy barrier to reach.

Da Hewang, who was driving the troubled Alpha to face the remaining Sfia at the Mars base, but was accidentally brought into the barrier by Baxter because of the encounter with Baxter who came to capture Sfia, and was arrested. The new members of the Super Victory Team, who Baxter took along with him, also sensed this crisis.

Then he drove the α and rushed straight up to have a close contact with the burning wreckage, and carried himself away while saving people.

The α number who changed to another world still did not escape the fate of being bombed.

But it doesn't matter, although the α is blown up, the pilots who have been on the α will eventually become Ultra warriors.

Even Dahewang can't escape.

Sai Luo was shocked by Da Hewang's actions, but in order to save this brave boy, Sai Luo chose to be one with Da He when he was dying, saving his life and pulling him back from the abyss of mortal death.

Baxter, on the other hand, saw that Sai Luo disappeared, and then directly changed the position of the battleship and flew towards Hypageton.

It has already collected enough energy, and Sfia's self-aware, attached and modified life form is the lubricant that Baxter is looking for.

Baxter has collected enough unsealed things, and it can't wait to liberate Baxter from the seal.

Sai Luo and Dahe Wang are of one mind, his starting point is good, but he never imagined how much psychological shadow Dahe would leave on him, which indirectly led to his leaving after Jedri and Ren Yimin. With a thought, you can forcibly control the transformation of the human body.

Baxter Stars launched a war in the city. This scene could not be hidden from the girls who were hiding, but because of Baxter, they did not dare to approach. Only when all the dust settled, they dared to come over to see the situation.

Sai Luo arrived first, and on the other side of Tiga Universe, because Da Hewang was taken away by the black warship that suddenly appeared, Liang entrusted Asuka to bring the kid back.

Asuka has nothing to do, and the promise will definitely be successful, so Asuka and Dagu meet and decide to go to the future earth together.

Here, Asuka is told by Saori that the black battleship is the battleship of the Baxter Stars, and the Baxter Stars are the cosmic beings who cultivated Hypageton on the future earth.

Asuka suddenly felt that there was another reason to go to the future earth. After transforming into Dyna, he switched to the miracle mode and used super powers to prepare to cross the barrier of the universe.

Dagu's side is more direct, incarnated as Ultraman Tiga, holding Sazhi in the palm of his hand, Tiga raised the king's cloak, and the crystal on his forehead flashed a misty light.

Tiga itself has the ability to travel through other universes. After all, there are stone statues of Tiga everywhere in the multiverse, and almost every universe has legends of Tiga.

If he didn't have this ability, how could he leave so many stone statues behind.

Coupled with the king's cloak, it can be said to be even more powerful.

Therefore, Tiga also crossed the cosmic barrier and chose to directly locate and pass through the tunnel.

But in the tunnel, both Dyna and Tiga were attacked.

It was a kind of pure white lightning that filled the tunnel, and there were countless fireworks and black fog. These dangerous and murderous intentions were entangled and densely covered in the tunnel.

It seems to be a normal phenomenon in the space-time tunnel, but Dyna, who often travels through the tunnel, knows that this is not a normal phenomenon at all.

"Senior, what exists to stop us!" Dai Na clenched his fist with one hand and extracted part of the light energy from the shining crystal on his forehead. With one hand flattened, he released countless thunderbolts, which clashed with those entangled thunderstorms, and both perished .

"Well, the other party doesn't want us to go there." Di Jia didn't switch forms, and he didn't have any superpowers. He just built a square three-dimensional shield, completely enclosing himself in it, without taking any damage.

Compared with Dyna who showed his mighty power over there, Di Jia's side is a bit like being beaten and not fighting back (doge).

"That means that our past is meaningful, and the other party is also afraid of us." Dyna said with great momentum, "Very well, the real battle begins now, I..."

Before Dyna finished speaking, the next moment, the raging thunder was like locusts passing through the border, instantly annihilating the black mist, lightning, and fireworks.

Appearing at the same time, there is also a strange Ultra warrior holding a thunderbolt.

"Hi, I'm Gauss, Ultraman Gauss." After extinguishing the Thunder in his hand, Gauss spoke softly.

"Did you also hear the call?"

Dyna:  …

(End of this chapter)

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