Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 829 Dyna: Let me open this wave!

Chapter 829 Dyna: Let me start this wave! (referring to get beaten first)

The mega-degree fireball of Hypageton's juvenile body showed the power to break through the shield of Luna Gauss several times in the original work, which is enough to prove that the power of this mega-degree fireball is worthy of Shanghai Padgeton's force.

So the three Ultra fighters who appeared suddenly did not hesitate at all, and the shields condensed together joined hands to resist at the forefront, blocking all the one trillion degree fireballs.

This also means that the pressure will be borne by the three Ultra fighters.

Under the protection of the towering giants, the camp was basically unharmed, but the houses farther away were engulfed by a mega-degree fireball.

Although the children were terrified, the Ultra fighters stepped forward, which also made the fear in their hearts fade away a lot and became calmer.

But in the next second, a red beam of light that shattered the light shot out across the sky, and hit the shield in an instant, smashing the shield in an instant, and at the same time knocked out the three Ultra fighters, landing on the ground not far away. On the ground where it was, thousands of feet of mud was thrown up.

Without the protection of Ultraman, there was no obstacle in front of the mega-degree fireball, and it directly bombarded the ground.

The camp that was supposed to be safe is now exposed to artillery fire, causing the children to cry in despair.

This was not the first time that Baxter had run for his life, and the despair brought by Baxter did not start from this moment.

Dahe, who was in the crowd, could only escape with his two children in his arms. Even though he had witnessed the tragedy today, he still couldn't get over his knot.

And when his heart has not reached an agreement with Sai Luo, if he has not opened up to Sai Luo, then the unity of one mind will never reach [-]%.

Under the bombardment of a mega-degree fireball, the soil was blown up, and the houses were shattered. Even a huge industrial robot was turned into fly ash under a fireball, and there was no possibility of saving it at all.

Hypageton's power is fully displayed, and people's fear and pain can provide it with countless nourishment.

It can absorb this kind of unnecessary emotion. Of course, in the dark universe, this emotion has another name, which is called negative energy.

At the moment of crisis, Saori stepped forward and used the teleportation ability to move Xing Nai, the others and the children in a wide range of space, and led most of them to jump in an instant to avoid the [-] trillion degree fireball.

And for those who couldn't avoid it, Saori would open the Jayton's shield and take the damage forcefully.

As for the power of her mega-degree fireball...

That's definitely incomparable to Hypageton's.

At the same time, Dagu, who was struggling to get up, immediately used the simple version of the Zapelio ray, and swept across the sky, annihilating all the subsequent one-megadegree fireballs.

Dyna switched to the miracle type, drew a cross on his chest with both hands, cut several traces in the surrounding space, separated the space where this camp is located, and let these [-] trillion degree fireballs pass through the rotating space interlayer, directly Appeared behind the camp, bombarding the clearing.

Gauss raised his hand and released the light waves of the full moon, sprinkled endless light energy, soothing the minds of the people who had finally settled down.

"Dyna, I'll leave this to you first." Dijia ordered, and walked out of this safe zone. Dijia, who switched to the air type in the blink of an eye, pulled out phantoms at a very fast speed, avoiding all A mega-degree fireball flew straight up.

"Gauss, let's go!"

"Okay!" Gauss formed a revolving shield with both hands, one in each hand, stepped out of the safe zone, deflected all the incoming [-] trillion fireballs with the revolving shield, and followed Di Jia's pace, and also chased after him .

"Big River!"

Seeing that Dijia and Gauss had already been dispatched, Sai Luo knew without even thinking that those two must be going to fight Hypageton.

But at this time, as an Ultra fighter, he remained unmoved.

Can't even go out and fight!
How can you hide here like a shrinking tortoise at a time like this!

Sai Luo shouted anxiously, but Da He didn't give him the response he deserved.

Although there was Saori's protection and the three Ultra fighters responded in a timely manner, the moment when they lost their defense for a short time, the entire camp was exposed to a fireball of [-] trillion degrees, and had been plowed by the ground-washing attack. The remaining intact buildings are also constantly escaping flames.

Ruins, howling, fighting Ultraman, powerful monsters, fleeing humans, children who collapsed on the ruins and howled helplessly...

All these things brought back the deepest fear in Da He's heart.

When I was a child, as a wailing child, calling out to Ultraman to save him and save his parents, the child once again appeared in front of his eyes.

This is a deeply buried trauma, the most unforgettable memory in Dahe's life.

Similarly, it is also the real reason why he and Sai Luo can't be of one mind.

Now under such an overly similar situation, this trauma was reflected, resurfaced in front of Dahe's eyes again, making him lose his voice and lose his mind.

His trembling body and fearful eyes made him return to his former self again.

"Help...Ultraman...Where is Ultraman! Father! Mother!"

"Help me! Ultraman...help me!"

The stress response syndrome erupted in an instant, and Da He suddenly fell into a nightmare, no matter how Sai Luo called, he couldn't respond.

On the entire frontal battlefield, seeing Tiga and Gauss coming together, Baxter immediately stopped the attack of the Hypageton juvenile body, and united with the remaining monsters to prepare to face this group of annoying Austrians. special fighter.

Dyna held on for a long time, until finally the attack of the mega-degree fireball stopped.

Dyna seized the opportunity in an instant, crossed his hands in front of him to activate his super power, interfered with the space and forcibly moved himself to the main battlefield position, and arrived at the battlefield first before Dijia and Gauss arrived.

In order to welcome his arrival, the Hypageton juvenile body waved a huge black-gold sickle, tore through the air, and slashed straight down.

The sense of death crisis instantly floated in his heart, Dyna didn't dare to stay and immediately jumped away from the spot again.

In the next second, the sickle slashed across, and a deep crack was cut in the ground, and even the mountain peak in the distance was cut off a mountain.

(Many people said that Gauss was too slashed by one move. In fact, the pair of scythes on Hypageton's juvenile body, Gauss was suddenly attacked when he was completely undefended. The blades of the sickles were stronger than Gauss. Both are big.

It's pretty good that Gauss didn't cancel the transformation on the spot after being hit by this thing. )
Dyna didn't dare to be careless after switching from the miracle type to the shining type, and immediately greeted him with a shining light beam.

With a casual wave of the scythe, the eight-point light wheel shattered in response, without any effect.

Dyna wasn't greedy for anything, now that he was fighting head-on at close range, he could fully feel the aura of the Hypageton's juvenile body.

The power beyond the ultimate is extremely terrifying, and every move makes Haipajie's juvenile body bring bursts of tearing storms.

In terms of the offensive abilities he currently controls, among all the skills, it seems that none of them can break through the shell of Hypagedon's juvenile body.

"Jie~duo~" Two tentacles shot out from under Hypajeton's juvenile body, and went straight for Dyna.

Seeing this, Dyna waved his hands, and the light of the double whip was also used, and the two tentacles wrapped around the Hypageton's juvenile body confronted each other in a wrestling posture.

The stalemate lasted only a second, and in the next moment, Peiran Juli pulled Dyna over and directly pulled him into the air, losing any chance to control himself.

The power gap is too great.

As a last resort, Dyna cut off the light of the double whips, but even so, he lost control of his body, crossed out in mid-air, danced and hit the distant barren mountain, knocking down a mountain.

Dyna was buried in the rocks and soil, and there was no further movement.

"Hahaha! Good!"

Ultraman Dyna, the well-known Ultra warrior who roamed the universes, has not also fallen under the power of Hypagedon!

Even if the development interrupted by Nexus breaks out of the shell ahead of time, the power of Hypageton is still so fascinating!
Among the ruins, Dyna stretched out his hand to push away the stones on his body.

Hypageton...what a terrifying power.

(End of this chapter)

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