Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 846 The guy with the No. 1 beauty in the Austrian world has come to the Kingdom of Light!

Chapter 846 The most handsome guy in the Austrian world has come to the Kingdom of Light!
The Kingdom of Light is still the same as before, and the Plasma Spark Tower shines forever, as if it will never go out.

Under the light of this artificial sun, live the Ultramans of the Light Clan who protect the universe.

And today, the five Ultra fighters who returned from the future world also descended on the Ultra Airport.

Sero wearing the ultimate armor, Dyna and Goss who came for the second time, and Nexus with Tiga who boarded the Kingdom of Light for the first time, five Ultra fighters stand in the Ultra Airport It seems so special.

Sailuo, Dyna, and Dijia, the colors on their bodies are extremely conspicuous in the Kingdom of Light itself.

After all, the bodies of these three colors are somewhat different from the Kingdom of Light as a whole.

As for Gauss and Nexus, they looked like ordinary blue and red Ao, they seemed so ordinary.

"Siro!" After waiting for a long time at the Otto airport, Zoffy, who accepted Nexus' Otto signature, knew that they were coming back, and also knew that Siro went to the future world before, and encountered a Terrible presence.

"Captain Zoffy." Sai Luo disarmed his ultimate weapon and stood in front of Zoffy: "Let me introduce you, Gauss and Dyna should be old acquaintances, no need to introduce, this is from Ultraman from another universe, his name is Tiga."

"Hello." Di Jia stretched out his hand. Although the body of the three colors is so outstanding, what Zoffie cares more about is the smoothness and handsomeness of Ultraman as a whole.

It's hard to imagine that the word handsome can be used on an Ultraman's body, but Sophie has never seen such a beautiful figure, simple and elegant color scheme, and even a perfect face shape.

This can be seen from the reactions of those Ultramans who are coming and going and who are about to be on duty.

Not only the female Olympic, even the male Olympic, seems to have their eyes on Di Jia, and it is difficult to move a little.

Sophie immediately understood that the identity of this Ultra warrior might be very extraordinary.

"Hey, Sophie, do you know how old Tiga is?" Pulling Sophie's body, Nexus took Sophie aside and said quietly: "Let me tell you, Tiga is from that universe." The Giant of Light was born on Earth, and it has been 3000 million years since now."

"3000 million years ago?" Sophie was startled. This time of existence is too exaggerated.

"Not only that, because the time flow of the universe over there is completely different from that of the Kingdom of Light, so if the 3000 million years there are placed on the Kingdom of Light, it may be hundreds of millions of years." Nexus said Mysterious.

"But don't worry about it. Tiga's body is as long as 3000 million years, but as an Ultraman Tiga, he is very young just like me."

"I don't understand what you're saying?" Sophie was confused. If it was Ultraman, it would naturally be Ultraman. What does it mean that the body is old and the person is young?

Does it make a difference?

Nexus didn't want to tantalize people too much, but quickly informed Sophie of Tiga's settings, and let Sophie thoroughly understand Tiga's situation.

"Oh, that's right, you can turn your body into a stone statue and leave it there, and then give it to another person with super ancient genes to activate it, and then make this person a giant of light." Sophie suddenly realized, but she felt even more unbelievable : "This Ultraman Tiga from another universe is quite good at playing."

"Eh? How did Sero drag Gauss away?" Zoffy, who was about to say something, suddenly saw Sero holding Gauss's hand and running towards the Otto Fighting Arena, while Gauss had a face of reluctance, and suddenly thought To stop it aloud.

"Let Sai Luo go." And Nexus stopped Zofi's behavior: "It is normal for Sai Luo to have resentment in his heart. After all, at that time, he knew that Gauss had more powerful power and did not use it. Sai Luo Of course you will feel uncomfortable."

"Although I can understand Gauss, there is nothing that Sai Luo can do if he can't figure it out."

"What happened on your trip? From what you said, it seems that the experience was really complicated." Sophie showed an interested look. Unlike the original book, there were no four elders of Ultra in this battle. things happen.

So for Sophie and the others, they really didn't know what happened during Sai Luo's trip.

"In short, there are many things, let's go, call everyone together, and contact the great sage of U-40, let me tell you what happened."

"Okay, the captain has been waiting in the plasma spark tower for a long time." Sophie nodded, and immediately prepared to call the other brothers.

After Sophie left, Nexus turned to face Tiga, and said with a smile, "How is it? How does it feel to come to this country for the first time?"

"If the ultra-ancient civilization 3000 million years ago was not destroyed, in the eyes of the ultra-ancient humans who coexisted with the giants of light at that time, maybe the kingdom that coexisted with the giants of light would be like this." Di Jia looked around, although it was the first I came to the Kingdom of Light once, but Di Jia's performance was still very calm.

"It's much more gorgeous than I imagined."

"Your plain appearance makes Dai over there lose a lot of value. When he came to the Kingdom of Light for the first time, I still remember his strange roar." Nexus and Tiga walked side by side, and Dai Nai went to the Ultra Fighting Arena with Gauss and Sai Luo, so Nexus didn't call him.

What?Who do you think will win between Sero and Gauss?

Then you are talking nonsense. Originally, Sero still had the possibility of winning, but after becoming Saiga, Palaji’s bracelet already has the power of Dyna. Now, Sero stands on the right side and will win against Bo Bi. Neither is guaranteed.

Then his winning percentage didn't plummet.
"By the way, do you still remember the first-generation Ultraman you met before? In fact, he is also from the Kingdom of Light." Nexus was referring to, of course, when facing Anagaki through time and space, from the red ball The awakened first generation.

That was the first time Tiga met the first generation, as the first Ottoman of the Heisei series, and the beginning of the Ultraman series, the glorious first generation classic meeting.

Of course, at that time, Di Jia could not have imagined that his light would be quite compatible with the light of the first generation, which indirectly led to a bunch of Ultra fighters in the new era using the power of the two of them to fuse and transform.

Moreover, a blue-skinned scientist from the Kingdom of Light who would cause this phenomenon rushed out of the Science and Technology Bureau with two jars in one hand after hearing that Gauss and Dyna had come to the Kingdom of Light again.

Halfway through the run, the evil blue-skinned scientist knew that a brand new strange soldier had arrived, and he became even more insane.After a strange cry, it turned back immediately, and then flew out with the third jar storing light energy on its back.

Many Ultramen of the Bureau of Science and Technology have become accustomed to the chief's illness. They just cast a glance at the back of Shikali who left in a hurry, and then everyone went on with their own business, doing what they should do.

Along the way, Nexus continued to tell Diga the history of the Kingdom of Light, and also introduced the architecture of the Kingdom of Light to Tiga.

Tiga pretended to be listening, but after leaving the Ultra Airport, he never expected that, as Ultraman, Tiga, an Ultra warrior who wrote handsomeness and handsomeness into the setting, would appear in the Land of Light , What a huge sensation it will cause.

When Tiga and Nexus walked side by side on the streets of the Kingdom of Light, countless Ultraman were already attracted by Tiga's astonishing appearance and heaven-defying figure.

It even caused Dijia to become the one that attracted much attention along the way.

Whether it's the blue clan, the red clan, or the silver clan, the female Austrians all stared at Di Jia in a daze, completely in a daze.

Even male Olympic is no exception.

Tiga's lethality, it has been verified by super ancient times
(End of this chapter)

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