Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 849 Hikari: No, I can't let these two Xin'ao run away, I'm going to kill them

Chapter 849 Hikari: No, I can't let these two Xin'ao run away, I'm going to kill them!
Nexus and the others waited for a long time before they finally waited for the return of Zero and Gauss.

On the surface, it is difficult to see who will win or lose between the two of them in this battle, and it is also impossible to tell from the state.

Sai Luo remained silent, and Gauss had no intention of saying anything, making it look like a complete mystery.

But Nexus knew that maybe it wasn't that Sai Luo had finally discovered what was inside Palaji's bracelet, so he had no idea of ​​continuing to fight.

This was later confirmed in a separate conversation with Gauss.

As a veteran ultimate powerhouse, Gauss has been at this level for a long time. Although Sai Luo has also entered this level, he still looks young, and he only touched this level with the addition of Palaji. level.

And the biggest gap between Gauss and Sai Luo is not strength, but heart.

As for the powerhouse whose body and mind are united, Sai Luo has achieved a strong body, but Sai Luo has not achieved the state of the big universe that matches the ultimate power in mind.

The same power is controlled by different realms, and indirectly caused the biggest gap between Sai Luo and Gauss, so Sai Luo's defeat is certain.

But the problem is that when Sero, who knew he would lose, desperately squeezed the power in his body, he accidentally activated the power of Dyna and Gauss that remained in the Palaji bracelet.

Under the strong desire to win, this power was noticed by Sai Luo and used by him, causing Sai Luo's body wearing Palaji armor to switch to blue in an instant.

Ultraman Zero-Luna Miracle Type.

Realizing that he suddenly changed from a mixed-color Ultraman to a solid-color blue Ultraman, Sai Luo didn't understand what happened in his body at all, and even seemed at a loss about the changes in his body.

And Gauss... felt his power from Sai Luo's state, and immediately understood what kind of changes happened to Sai Luo.

After merging the Saiga, Palaji left behind the rays of Dyna and Gauss, allowing Sero to combine these two rays to give birth to a new form.

In addition to the Miracle of the Luna, there is also the pure red form of the Strong Corona.

These two forms did not strengthen Sai Luo's own power, and the duration was not long. In the final analysis, it was because Palaji stored this light, not Sai Luo, which led to the fact that the two sides did not fusion.

It also led to the fact that after Palaji was damaged, Sero could no longer use these two types, and even because of the lack of fusion, these two types were retired.

Because of the mutation in his body, this battle ended in nothing.

Gauss returned to the posture of the moon god, and he also explained the reason for the change of Si Luo at this time.

Then, there is the scene where Sai Luo, who is full of worries, and Gauss, who is still in a good mood, return to the Kingdom of Light together.

There were not many changes in the follow-up matters. King Ao also changed his normal routine and did not let Nexus go to him as soon as he returned to the Kingdom of Light. Instead, he wandered off without knowing where to go.

Nexus didn't care either, he was going to take Dynagos and Tiga to appreciate the charm of the Kingdom of Light.

After all, the new era is coming, and the Kingdom of Light will definitely visit frequently, so there is nothing wrong with getting acquainted with it in advance.

But just as Nexus wanted to do this, before he left the area where he was located, that is, the reception room under the plasma spark tower, he saw the door of the reception room was directly cut open by a golden lightsaber.

In the midst of the turmoil, Hikari, who was carrying the jar, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Gauss and the others hadn't left yet.

"Hahaha! My best friend, why didn't you come to find me when you came back!" Hikari put away the lightsaber, as if the one who cut the gate just now wasn't him.

Lifting the can under his feet and putting it aside, and then taking off the device on his back, Hikari rubbed his hands, obviously with a metal face, but Nexus seemed to be able to feel that Hikari had malicious intentions.

"Fuck, why is it you again!" Dyna screamed strangely when he saw Hikari, cut into the Miracle Type in seconds, the shiny crystal on his forehead glowed instantly, and directly sent Dyna away.

"I'm going back first, Liang is still waiting for me at home!" After conveying such words with telekinetic power, Dyna opened the wormhole and flew in without looking back.

Hikari didn't have any resistance to Dyna's running away, anyway, as long as Gauss and Tiga didn't run away.

He had collected Dyna's light early on, and even started to try to make cards to cooperate with the third-generation Ultra armor, and planned to develop them together, and then promote them to the Ultra Guard.

As a prototype of the first generation: Kuuga, because it is a first-generation machine, it is too backward, so Hikari has no intention of putting Kurago into use at all.

As for the second-generation armor-Yajituo, because the weight was too exaggerated and it was inconvenient to carry, Hikari finally put it on the elevated shelf in the laboratory and sealed it up.

He was planning to keep the Yajituo armor, modify it, add some other functions, and then use it himself.

But he never expected that when he modified Yajituo's armor belt to be almost perfect, Yajituo's belt suddenly disappeared!

When Hikari told Nexus about this, Nexus was not surprised.

Yajituo's belt was stolen, which is completely normal for Hikari, TM couldn't be more normal!

And the third-generation armor is the real actual combat armor that Hikari is going to promote.

It can effectively protect Ultraman's body, withstand damage, and heal itself.

I haven't thought about the name for the time being. After all, the third generation is still in the research and development stage.

"That... Nexus, why don't you introduce these two friends to me?" Hikari rubbed his hands, as if embarrassed.

"Hi, I'm Gauss."

"Hello, I'm Tiga."

The two Ultramans said their names, and Hikari also took advantage of the opportunity to enter the serial number and the owner of the stored light energy on the two jars behind him.

The technique is quite skillful, and one can tell at a glance that he is a habitual offender.

"Well, do you two plan to do a test?" Hikari must have known that, saying that I want your light or something is too villainous.

So he thought of a way to achieve his goal without revealing his true intentions.

"What do you want us to do?" Tija asked.

"I have a light energy target here, you can use the most powerful light skills to hit it, this target will test where your output limit is, so that you will know the monsters that your light can deal with, What level is it?" Hikari took out a circular target, released it, and floated in midair.

Nexus, who was about to say something, saw this, and immediately stopped talking.

"This...my light fluctuates a lot. To be honest, I don't know how far the ultimate can go." What Dijia said is indeed the truth. After all, as Weixinao, all the data are cjb, Dijia The upper limit can be raised to an incredible level in minutes.

"I'm sorry, I don't have an aggressive light, I prefer physical skills and auxiliary abilities." Gauss also said in a calm tone.

And Hikari, who had witnessed the battle between Gauss and Nexus with his own eyes, said, you kid is just fooling ghosts!

"Okay, if you want the light of Gauss and the light of Tiga, you can just talk about it. Do you think everyone can't see it with so many twists and turns?" Nexus took down the target a little funny, Then it was handed over to Hikari, and he lifted the two jars at his feet.

"This guy, Hikari, has such a personality. He is currently conducting research on the fusion of Ultra Light, and needs the light of many different Ultra warriors to carry out exploration and research."

"It's just carelessness, always forgetting things." Speaking of this, Nexus is still very resentful.

"But people are still good."

"No bad intentions."

(End of this chapter)

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