Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 853 The road to restart, the evolution of the real Nexus light, has been dyed its true color

Chapter 853 The road to restart, the evolution of the real Nexus light, has been dyed its true colors.

Regarding what happened in the monster cemetery, the Kingdom of Light did not know about it, nor did they know about the breaking of the barriers of the universe. In fact, the preparations made by the dark universe were quite amazing.

Lucifer's awakening is definitely one of the most terrifying news for Nexus, no less than Zaki's resurrection.

But the good thing is that Lucifer is still under the seal, and it hasn't been broken yet, and it can give Nexus time to become stronger.

At this moment, Nexus is already thinking about becoming stronger.

When he was preparing to fight Hypageton, at the last moment, Nexus clearly felt the signs of the fusion of the power of brilliance and the power of legend.

But that was something that would happen after Nexus pushed his strength to the limit, which he couldn't do in normal times.

The new power can only be obtained by fusing the generative stone and the legendary stone?

Although this is very likely to be an opportunity to obtain new power, Nexus feels that it will not be so simple.

After getting rid of the spark weapon and the pyroxene, Nexus seemed to feel the emergence of another force.

Not appearing, but being perceived by him.

This power seems to have appeared a long time ago, but because at that time I had the spark arm and the pyroxene in my hand, I didn't have any awareness of this weak power that was conceived.

But in the battle with Hypagedon, I felt this kind of power instead when I was separated from the two equipments.

I remember that Noah once said that he said that he had stayed in the realm of blue youth for too long. Dye the light of Nexus with his own color, so the road of evolution has come to a standstill.

But this is voluntary.

In fact, Yuanquan can probably imagine why he stayed at the stage of blue youth and did not evolve.

If he continues to evolve like this, sooner or later, he will become Noah, and at that time, it means that he has no way to turn back.

He doesn't want to be Noah, nor does he want to be Ultraman.

Both Ao Wang and Future Nai have warned him to remember his identity. He was transformed from a human into Nexus, rather than an Ultraman transformed into a human. It seems that the two have nothing to do with each other. words, but in fact Yuanquan can fully feel the two completely different paths in the two sentences.

Staying on the road of evolution for a long time, even if you don’t want to evolve even if you pursue external power, it’s because you want to pass on the light of Nexus instead of reaching the end of evolution in your own hands.

Yuanquan knows that if he continues to evolve like this, as the bearer of the light of Nexus, rather than a capable person, he will be led by the light of evolution, all the way towards It advances with an inhuman posture, and finally, it completely breaks away from the concept of human beings, and becomes a life of light.

He turned into Nexus from a human, so he didn't want to evolve, so... that's why he stopped in the blue youth for so long.

It would be nice if it could go on like this forever, but Yuanquan knows that a new era is coming. In the new era, ultimate power is already the most common level in the universe. The ten kind.

And at that time, if I still want to face those powerful enemies, there is no way to fight against them with my existing strength.

It's impossible to find Dagu Fu whenever something happens.

Or is it that he wants to be bound with Ampera, and merge and transform if there is a disagreement?
In that case, what use can I have?

No matter how unwilling, no matter how much he wanted to stay at this moment, the coming of the new generation made Yuanquan finally make up his mind.

That's why he didn't get the spark weapon back from Saori's hand immediately.

He decided to start the evolution of the Nexus light, turn blue into history, and let this light show a new life!
The one who also fell into confusion was actually Sai Luo.

Because in Palaji's bracelet, Sero found two completely different rays of light, which belonged to Dyna and belonged to Gauss. within the bracelet.

Sero can extract this light to act on himself, and then start a new stance to fight.

A strong corona that is strong and good at fire.

Luna Miracle, who is fast and good at superpowers.

Although he had obtained two new powers, Sai Luo didn't feel any joy, but fell into confusion.

The experience during this period feels like a dream. First, the Palaji bracelet, then merged with the other two Ultra fighters to become a saiga, and finally got their power...

I always feel that I will never return on the road to becoming stronger, and it is the kind of expansion that becomes stronger.

But wouldn't it be completely wrong to teach him with Leo and Nexus in this way?

A strong man with the unity of body and mind, the state of the universe, and the ultimate power, Sai Luo only felt that his strength was soaring, but in terms of state, he did not improve at all.

Recalling the battle with Luna Gauss at the beginning, in the basic form, my data in all aspects clearly surpassed Luna Gauss, but in the battle, Luna Gauss completely controlled the situation, and even if Luna Gauss hadn't shown mercy, I'm afraid he has already suffered a huge injury.

With soaring strength but without a matching heart, can such a self really be regarded as a qualified fighter?
Sai Luo fell into confusion. The teachings he had received all along and his experience during this period formed two completely different concepts, which impacted his mind and made him hesitate between left and right.

The new form is really powerful, but the power that he exchanged his potential for hard practice seems to have been diluted a lot because of the arrival of the new power.

There is a feeling that my previous efforts are not worth it.

In particular, Sai Luo only retained [-]% of his power, which made him feel like a five-flavored magazine.

I have worked so hard to train for so long, but it is not as good as my own experience of going out for two short trips.

It's as if one's own potential has been consumed for no reason.
Is it really worth it?
Si Luo, who has fallen into such a confused state, naturally has no way to exert his powerful power, let alone the new form, it is already difficult for him to exert the strength that appeared at this stage.

Once the heart is dusty, no matter how strong a person is, he will become extremely weak.

It was under such circumstances that Mebius noticed the change in Sai Luo, and found Sai Luo to communicate with, and successfully learned of Sai Luo's troubles.

As Mebius, who can only change into a permanent form, he doesn't have such troubles as Sero.

But he can feel Sai Luo's confused heart, and he can roughly understand what Sai Luo's hesitation is.

Therefore, Mebius tried to be as brief as possible, telling Sai Luo the origin of his hero of flames, as well as the appearance and character of those partners in his memory, and told Sai Luo, the brave of flames, A testament to their struggle together and a testament to their everlasting friendship.

Or maybe, Dyna and Gauss also want to use this method to let you understand the kind of friendship that fights side by side.

Impressed by the friendship between Mebius and the guys, Sai Luo felt restless, but he was not inspired by Mebius' story.

Because he felt that his situation was different from that of Mebius.

After bidding farewell to Mebius and reporting the vacation to Captain Zoffy, and telling the members of the Ultimate Guard of Sailo that he wanted to practice alone for a period of time, Sailo did not choose to go to K-76, but turned to He rushed to the starting point of his destiny, that is, the place where he created the legend.

Monster Graveyard.

Maybe there, in the dark and lightless world, where there is still no one to disturb, I can think clearly about the meaning of the power that Dyna and Gauss bestowed on him.

(End of this chapter)

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