Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 861 Beria: Nexus, this is the body of your beloved apprentice, do you have the heart to do i

Chapter 861 Beria: Nexus, this is the body of your beloved apprentice, do you have the heart to do it?

The entrance of the monster cemetery is located in a deep dark universe, at the edge of the universe. Its entrance is like an entangled Luban lock, and the entrance is at the very center of the lock.

Nexus rushed in at an extremely fast speed, then plunged into the tunnel, passed through the entrance and entered the monster cemetery.

Although the king of Austria warned him not to set foot in the monster cemetery, but Lucifer may have awakened, so this warning does not matter.

When Lucifer wakes up, although he may not be able to play any role, even if he dies, Nexus will die before the Otto brothers.

As soon as he entered the monster cemetery, the negative energy of the riot fell on Nexus in an instant, almost submerging his blue body.

Nexus crossed his hands in front of him, releasing a dazzling light from the white lines on his body, piercing through the attack of negative energy, and successfully escaped from the darkness.

This is not the first time Nexus has set foot in the monster cemetery, but the last time he came here, the monster cemetery has not become what it is today.

Floating in mid-air, looking at the vast cemetery, Nexus could even see the monsters running on the floating continent made of rocks.

The mighty torrent of souls of countless monsters hovering in the sky in the past has completely disappeared at this moment. The lively roars of those monsters running on the ground indicate where those souls have gone.

"Sure enough, all the monsters in the monster cemetery have been resurrected." Seeing this with my own eyes is far more real than guessing.

Nexus didn't land, he knew it was pointless to destroy the monsters under his feet.

It is in the cemetery itself, even if these monsters are destroyed, the soul is still here, and it is just a resurrection.

Nexus turned into a blue phantom and went straight to the center of the monster cemetery, the huge cosmic vortex that served as the background board.

This vortex is usually the end point for the souls of those monsters, and it is also the place where Lucifer is sealed.

If he wanted to know whether Lucifer had been resurrected, he had to come here, and then land on the largest continent in front of the vortex to know accurately.

However, Nexus, who had just arrived here, hadn't gotten too close, a spinning black light wheel galloped over, passing by Nexus' side.

If Nexus hadn't dodged in time, the halo would have been cut on his body.

Several dark light wheels rushed towards him continuously, and Nexus dodged them all. If he couldn't dodge, he popped out the Storm Sword to resist.

But on this rotating light wheel, it is actually a bit difficult to resist with the Storm Sword, and even the light particles that make up the Storm Sword have gaps.

As a last resort, Nexus could only turn the edge of the sword and direct the light wheel to other positions, so as to avoid hitting the edge directly.

It was under such circumstances that Nexus successfully landed on the floating continent.

As soon as he landed, he stretched out his hands to build a ripple shield, resisting the subsequent terrifying torrent of darkness.

It looks like a dark torrent, but inside the torrent is a sharp cutting force like a sword's edge, making continuous sounds on the corrugated shield, but it has never broken through the shield.

Nexus revoked the ripple shield, and also used the gamma light knife, and released them one after another, colliding with these dark light wheels, and both of them were annihilated.

"You're here, Nexus!" The black base was mixed with dark red stripes, and even the soft armor and metal face on his body had become dull.

The Palaji bracelet on the wrist also changed from fluorescent blue to deep red.

From a glorious posture full of legends, it has become a bloody and evil demon posture.

The ice ax above the head remained the same, transforming from light to darkness, Beria's power plus Sai Luo's power, one plus one is definitely greater than two.

"The body that occupied Sai Luo has been resurrected from the monster cemetery, Beria." Retracting his hands, Nexus was not surprised to see Sai Luo's dark figure: "Take Sai Luo's body as a Is it the strongest body in the universe?"

"No, that's not the most important thing." Beria sneered: "It's mainly because of Sai Luo, who can have a sense of excitement."

"The great hero Ultraman Zero who saved the Kingdom of Light brought destruction to the Kingdom of Light, don't you think this is a wonderful thing?" Spreading his hands, he posed with Zero's body In the posture of looking up to the sky and laughing, Beria showed a rampant complacency.

"Where's Taro? Zoffy and the others, where are they?" The Otto brothers came to the monster cemetery one step earlier, but they didn't see their traces here at all. Reminiscent of the possible recovery of Lucifer, Nexus I couldn't help but have some bad premonitions in my heart.

"Brother Ott? Are you referring to Zofi?" Beria said slowly, crossing his arms over his chest, "If you're looking for him, you're asking the wrong person."

"After all, I haven't met Sophie."

"Didn't you meet?" Nexus thought in his heart. He clearly watched them leave the Kingdom of Light and headed for the monster cemetery. How could Beria not see them?
Could it be... Lucifer?
"But that's not important, the most important thing is that you are here." From clasping his arms to provoking a hand, Beria's red eyes were already full of vengeful tyranny: "You were How to beat me without fighting back, I always remember it in my heart."

"This time, I'm here to collect the debt!"

"Heh... You don't think that you can defeat me if you occupy Sai Luo's body?" Belia's inexplicable self-confidence really made Nexus unable to understand, even if you were possessed Sai Luo is one plus one is greater than two, but why do you think you can beat me?
"This is the body of your dearest apprentice, do you have the heart to kill him?" Beria opened his hands, laughing wildly: "Even if I don't fight back or do nothing, do you dare to kill your apprentice?"


Belial's maniacal laughter rang in his ears, leaving Nexus speechless.

How should I tell him...I usually beat Sai Luo to death...

"Then you really think too much!" He activated his figure instantly, and then approached Beria in an instant, and the palm with five fingers stretched out was printed on Beria's face.

Holding Sai Luo's head and pressing it to the ground, Nexus pressed Sai Luo's head and flew him all the way.

"What are you talking about, I can't bear to do it, hahaha!" After drawing a mark on the ground, Nexus lifted Belia up, and then kicked Belia's side with a whip kick, knocking him down. Knock.

"It's better to say that you are like this, but it makes me happier!" Originally, there was only one choice between beating Sai Luo and beating Beria, but now it suddenly became one thing. Do people feel perfect?
"Hiss... What kind of master are you? Are you really disregarding your apprentice's safety?" Belia stood up clutching his waist, feeling the pain in his body, Belia couldn't understand Nexus' behavior at all.

"The way I get along with Sai Luo is like this. What you think is your own business, it's just your own wishful thinking." Clenching a fist with one hand, the turbulent air burst into pieces of sound, Nexus said in the original Disappeared in the blink of an eye, and appeared in front of Beria in the blink of an eye, bending his arms and falling down brazenly.

This punch is unstoppable.

Beria raised his double cross and gritted his teeth to block the blow.

"It's really unfortunate that he has a master like you." With a force on his arm, Nexus was pushed back, Belia opened the distance, and the dark energy condensed in one hand instantly turned into an energy ball and was poured into it by him. The ground, turned into berserk energy, gallops underground.

Nexus took off with one foot and leaped away from the spot. At the same time, the subtle blue light wrapped around his head instantly turned into a beam of light, striking down from above.

With both hands building a dark shield in front of him, blocking the photon smasher, Beria immediately jumped up and rushed towards Nexus.

The last time I lost in a melee fight was extremely ugly, this time I have to get back my face no matter what!
(End of this chapter)

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