Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 870 The transcendent is to transcend any arbitrary cognition of strong people in this era.

Chapter 870 The transcendent is to transcend any arbitrary cognition of strong people in this era.

On this day, Max led Libut, a member of his team, to the planet Mikalit to investigate the cause of the abnormal decline of the planet, and thus descended here.

Normally, a planet has a process from its birth to its destruction. If there are no external factors, and if there is no intelligent life inside the planet, then there are traces of a planet's birth to death.

The planet Mikalit is still in its youth in the records registered by the Kingdom of Light, and it is far from reaching the standard of decay.

In other words, its changes are not normal.

As a planetary observer, Max already has the task of observing the development of planets or life, so it is normal for him to lead his team members to Mikalit.

After arriving on this planet, Max and Libut came to the underground world, preparing to go to the core of the planet through here.

But before going far on the way, the two of them saw a terrifying life form that was being conceived and wrapped in an eggshell.

And this kind of living body, from the moment they met, Max recognized it.

That is the egg of the Mog Serpent, and the Mog Serpent is a terrifying existence that is said to be able to devour planets and the universe.

Its growth is even more able to use the planet as its energy source, and the planet itself as its own food, and then allow itself to quickly pass through the maturity period, thereby developing and maturing.

But the magic snake is an existence that lives in the area of ​​the monster galaxy, why did it suddenly appear here?

Could it be that... as the shattering of the barriers of the universe became more and more severe, they came from other universes?
As far as Max knows, there is indeed one Mog Serpent in the records, but that Mog Serpent has already been sealed, and it was Captain Zoffy who personally sealed it.

But the mog snake in front of him...could it be a new one?

Along with the appearance of the mog serpent's egg, there is Helgoros, the monster that will appear in Taiga TV in the future.

There are a pair of blade-like horns on the top of the head, and the hands are covered with armor, and there are also arm blades. It is more like a monster with a beast body, but it is extremely sharp in its actions.

The size and weight of monsters can't be called, but they still have strong physical strength.

The spikes on the back can release arrow rays, which are dense and powerful.

It appeared here, and it must have been placed here to protect the eggs of the Moge Serpent.

As the main attacker, Max rushed up without hesitation, first disintegrated the arrow light with Max's head mark, and then rushed up to start a hand-to-hand fight with Helgoros.

To deal with such beast-like monsters, Max opened the distance, did not choose to fight, but left a distance that both sides could react to, and began to fight.

As an assistant, Libut immediately released the binding skill - the powerful net, sealing Helgoros inside.

Seeing this, Max raised his hand to gather light energy, and used the Marcus Humcannon to destroy the monster.

But the sudden red phantom flew around at an extremely fast speed, and the target of the attack was still Libut.

Max also turned on the extreme speed immediately, but it was a step slower in the end, because around the egg of the mog serpent, those soaring tentacles were interfering with his actions.

In the end, Max's ending is still the same as in the Ultra Galaxy fight. He was infected by the injection of Geddes cells by the Slan Stars, and was captured by the magic snake with tentacles. As a last resort, he could only choose to shrink all the light in his body Can, used to resist the invasion of Gordis cells.

And Libut, an Ultra fighter who prefers to support, has nothing to do about it, and is ordered by Max to go back to the Kingdom of Light for help.


And what happened on Wang Li's planet was naturally the same as the original book. Eddie blocked the Rugset who came suddenly, and successfully repelled the cosmic white blood cells.

After such a big thing happened, Eddie immediately escorted Julian back to the Kingdom of Light and reported it to Father Otto.

As a member of the Galaxy Rescue Team, the queen of the planet Ganon: Queen Isana, also came to the Kingdom of Light.

Libut also came back together.

And then... that is the birth of that handed down classic.

Hikari: Max was invaded by Gordes cells. With his energy, he can only last for three days at most.

Sophie (the grown-up): OK!Then we will rescue him in three days.


Can't wait for Max to die!

"The Transcendent." Ao Wang, who was watching the world-shattering battle in the multiverse and paddling in other universes, was attracted by the breath of the Transcendent, and found this place after searching for it.

Although it was a little strange, from the four-colored Ultra warrior and the dark figure like a demon, King Ao could feel the aura of a transcender, and even more so, the aura of the source.

But... here comes the problem.

There is only one source, but why are there two Ultra fighters with the breath of the source?And are they all transcendent?
What happened to Yuan?
It's just that I haven't seen him for a few days, why did he become like this?
But in any case, this means that a transcendent was born in this era after all, rather than a chicken pecking at each other.

And when the next era comes, those legendary existences will come one by one.

In a sense, the transcendent is actually a member of the old stuff.

King Ao couldn't understand Yuanquan's current situation. Could it be that with the light of Nexus, part of Noah's light, this kind of thing would definitely happen?
Noah is the messenger of light, and the shadow of his figure reflected by the light is darkness, which is what Zaki is called.

So... Carrying this source of light on his back, he also gave birth to his own shadow?

The power fluctuations of the transcendent emanating from that pitch-black Ultra warrior were extremely frightening and crazy.

But in addition to being crazy, King Ao could also feel the endless sorrow and pain of the black Nexus.

It's a pity that Noah is not here at this time, otherwise you can ask Yuanquan what's going on.

And under the attention of King Ao, the battle between Yuanyuan Nai and Hei Nai also began to reach its peak.

Hei Nai was repelled, and with one hand he formed a black rope, which was connected to the unknown universe beside him. He Nai swung it with one hand and smashed the universe over.

Yuan Yuannai drew a circle with both hands, condensing a vortex in front of him, at the cost of being slightly repelled, he blocked the universe unscathed.

Not only blocked it, but even protected it intact without causing any damage.

Hei Nai came after him, got into the universe, and appeared in front of Yuan Nai in the blink of an eye, and pressed his five fingers towards Nexus' face.

Origin Nai shook his hands, and the deflected vortex produced a strong repulsive force, which sent He Nai flying out again, and the universe was also shaken back.

Hei Nai was suppressed on the barrier of the universe, roaring and screaming, he turned sideways, clasped the barrier of the universe with five fingers, swung it frantically, and smashed it over again.

Yuanyuan raised his hands high, and a golden swirl floated above his head.

Compared with the universe, the body is small, but it forcibly swallows the universe and enters the vortex.

Immediately, the universe was devoured, and Heinai's hands touched Gennane's. The two sides went up and down, wrestling with each other, and no one would give way.

The bodies of both sides turned up at the same time, hitting fast at the center of the high-speed rotating vortex, and the two lights and shadows could not be seen by sight.

The black fist and the silver-gray fist were engraved on each other's chests, and the two sides stepped back a few steps to open the distance again.

Yuanyuan Nai raised his hand, and his open palm was close to the side. In an instant, the universe that was swallowed by him emerged from nothing, emerged from the palm, and landed on the position where it should have been.

Seeing this, Heinai roared angrily, his hands were claw-shaped on both sides, and the infinite suction absorbed the two universes in his palms, and Heinai raised his hand and threw them out.

Yuanyuan sighed, and the golden vortex reappeared, and this time the scale was extremely huge. Almost in an instant, it swallowed all the surrounding universes and absorbed them all into his body.

And this is just something Yuanyuan Nai can do with just raising his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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