Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 878 What Happened When the Lucky Viewer Followed the Tips and Found the Host

Chapter 878 What happened when the lucky viewer (Lucifer) found the anchor (Noah) following the reward
The universe is eternally dark, but in the dark world, there is also a little bit of starlight.

The starlight is the flame of civilization, and it also represents the bonfire lit by life. It is shouting to this world and to the entire universe. Is there anyone? I am here.

Such sounds may or may not be captured.

Perhaps what is captured is a kind civilization that can treat any other civilization of the universe with a fair mind.

Perhaps what was captured was a cruel civilization, waiting for the one who lit the bonfire, which would be doomed to destruction.

The birth of intelligent life in the universe is accidental, not inevitable. Any planet that can give birth to intelligent life is a treasure for the universe.

But that is for the universe, for the beings living in the universe, for resources and survival, what they want is to attack each other, so that they can get all the resources, and then become the only one.

Lucifer was born in such a universe.

From the day he woke up, what was reflected in his eyes was this kind of world attacking each other.

The law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, the eternal truth in the universe, the eternal law in the universe.

I don't know how long I stared at it, and I don't know how long I watched it, but Lucifer suddenly found that he could move, so he walked towards the universe that he had seen all the ups and downs.

Under this starry sky, engrave the traces of your own existence.

He succeeded, ruling the universe with the strongest power, condensing all the voices into one.In the true sense, he has established a civilization that unifies the entire universe.

And he is the supreme king, respected by all.

However, after seeing the ups and downs of the universe, and the things that countless people wanted to do were completed in his own hands, Lucifer did not feel happy, but felt a sense of loss.

That feeling, like not being happy with it.

It was because he was dissatisfied with becoming the king of the universe just like that.Still dissatisfied, the difficulty of becoming a king is easier than imagined?
So, Lucifer disappeared and left that universe.

And when he left that universe, the huge empire that unified the entire universe fell apart in an instant, and returned to the level of chaos before.

In the end, it was divided into countless areas, as before, without any changes.

What Lucifer can do easily, for others, is a lifelong goal that is difficult to achieve even if you try your best to die.

Why is there such a difference?

When Lucifer raised his hand and scratched a wound stained with his power on the barrier of the universe, from that moment on, Lucifer understood that power is divided into strong and weak.

Therefore, this is the origin of Lucifer's transcendent characteristic-the magic injury, which can be possessed by all existences and become a wound that continuously absorbs and erodes the opponent, and as time goes by, this magic injury will become more and more serious. The bigger it is, until it swallows the whole person.

This characteristic does not come from anything else, but from the emptiness in Lucifer's heart, from the boring world wherever he looks.

On such a boring day, Lucifer was suddenly hit by a ray of light on his head one day, which made Lucifer find his goal again.

After that, Lucifer's life began to become more colorful again.

Although it didn't take long for him to be sealed, Lucifer would rather be sealed than do those unreasonable things.

Noah, is one of his pursuits.

And the Nexus in front of him is also a part that can ignite his interest.

"Just now." The edge of the origin sword was blocked by the bent arm, and there was something like a gauntlet on the armor part of the arm, which was enough to block the edge of the origin sword.

But even so, Lucifer was keenly aware of the changes just now.

"Are you invading my past?" Soon, Lucifer reacted, and looked at Yuanyuan in disbelief: "Why! Transcendents are worthy of invading my past? Are they worthy of knowing my timeline?! "

"Because there are the most essential differences between you and me, but also the most essential similarities." Yuan Yuannai's milky white eyes looked at Lucifer, and from the moment he chose to accept Hei Nai, he was no longer pure Savior.

In addition to the identity of the savior, the opposite existence is already him.

"Are you kidding? It's not that I haven't seen transcendents from other eras. They can't do such a thing. Why can you?!" Lucifer grabbed the edge of the origin sword with his backhand and said sharply.

"What is it that makes you enter the realm of the transcendent! Why I still haven't seen it until now!"

Yes, in this continuous battle, Lucifer has spent a lot of means, but he has not been able to figure out what the essence of Yuan Nai is.

He originally thought that Gennai was just a light of salvation, but later overturned this argument.

Like, but not exactly like.

And even if there is a slight difference, the ability of the transcendent is completely different, not the same at all.

"Why do you want to know, why, want to see everything in your eyes?" The origin sword gradually faded away, turning into a wisp of blue smoke from Lucifer's hand.

But even for this puff of green smoke, Lucifer grabbed it in his hand, and then squeezed it abruptly.

What happened to Qingyan?Isn't Qingyan part of the origin sword?

Lucifer condenses a huge energy ball above his head, no, it's not an energy ball, but a complete small material world, completed with Lucifer's hands raised high.

Yuanyuan Nai also raised his hand, spread his five fingers in front of him, and a spinning energy ball suddenly appeared in his palm, which also became huge in the blink of an eye, even comparable to Lucifer's.

"The microcosm." Lucifer's voice was a little shocking: "It's so simple to condense the microcosm, and it's so perfect."

There is no such method among the transcendents. Even in his era, when the transcendents gathered together, there were not many transcendents who could do such a thing!

"You have to figure out one thing, Lucifer." The material world and the microcosm collide together on the same scale. From a distance, it seems that there are two complete universes being waved in their hands .

But in fact, it was just created by them.

The surface of the sphere and the sphere collided with each other, and both of them died, and both of them collapsed.

"I am a transcendent, because in our era, the only title beyond the ultimate is the transcendent."

"And the transcendent in your mouth, the highest achievement, is the transcendent."

"Make no mistake."

With a few words, Lucifer immediately understood the difference between the two.

The changes of the times have made the transcendent still the transcendent, but the meaning of the strong covered by the transcendent has become completely different.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is!" After all, it is the strongest evil god that has survived from ancient times to the present, and Lucifer immediately understood his mistake: "Oh, I didn't expect that the transcendent of my era would actually be..."

"I underestimated you, Yuan."

"You underestimated a lot." At the moment when the universe collapsed, Yuan Yuan raised his two fingers together, aimed at the top and swiped down.

Lucifer's body froze, and white sword marks remained on Lucifer's armor. Although he didn't break through the defense, he managed to push Lucifer back a little.

Not to be outdone, Lucifer held up his palms, and the edge of the knife in his hand shone with red light. After sweeping across for a moment, the black light of the knife suddenly fell on Yuan Yuannai's chest.

The corrosive magic injury existed for an instant, but in the blink of an eye, it was absorbed by Gennai's body.

"Is it like this again?" This is not the first time Gennai has been hit, but it happens every time.

Lucifer watched it many times, and more or less saw something coming.

"Your body can absorb energy attacks."

"Swallow? Is this the ability of your transcendent?"

"This is not like the ability of a savior."

(End of this chapter)

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