Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 894 Origin Nai and Hongkai are to God, Jugula and Heinai are to Humans.

Chapter 894 Origin Nai and Hongkai are to God, Jugula and Heinai are to Humans.

Looking at the persistent young man in front of him, Quan still felt a little headache.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy is also an Ultra fighter, just like this second time he ran over to block his way, Quan would beat him up no matter what he said.

"What are you doing here?" In the space port, this port built on the star gate has already become extremely prosperous under the impetus of a certain civilization.

When Quan and Jugula came here through the star gate, they also stayed here because they wanted to get a taste of the customs of this place.

But it was just such a stay, so that Hongkai also encountered Quan and Jugula here, so Hongkai stood in front of Quan again, his resolute face was full of seriousness.

He must take Jugula back!
"Where did you intimidate Jugula! How on earth did you..." Hong Kai knew Quan's identity from the ring, but he didn't really believe that this black giant was also a giant of light.

Moreover, his acting style is not like a giant of light!

Although Hong Kai was puzzled, there must be a reason for what Yuan Huan said, so this time Hong Kai did not attack as quickly as last time.

"Hmph, my impression of Jugula is much better than yours." Quan folded his hands on his chest, not to mention the fact that Hongkai will become a borrower in the future, just Hongkai's performance at the beginning of his birth, let him Quan was very dissatisfied with him.

"What do you mean?" Hong Kai couldn't understand Quan's statement. In his cognition, he and Quan had no communication at all, and the two had no relationship at all.

Quan did not point out that because of the great changes in the multiverse, many subdivided timelines belong to two possible timelines, so some things that happened in the past may disappear.

It is true that Yuanquan once met Hongkai and Jugula who were climbing the peak of warriors at that time in O-50, but the problem is that Nexus at that time was a red youth, a Anyone who reads it can tell that this is the most orthodox and authentic Giant of Light.Such a conclusion.

But at this time, Nexus was black and gold, so that it was obviously similar in shape, but Jugula and Hongkai didn't think about it.

They also don't think that the Nexus they met back then has anything to do with the one in front of them.

"It's nothing interesting, but since you're already here, I don't mind. I'll find a new master for you." Quan's mind was still small, and after a thought in his mind, he came up with a wonderful idea , Immediately, he was ready to capture Hong Kai.

But Hong Kai had been wary of Quan early in the morning, and when he saw Quan's body approaching, he immediately ran to the back, keeping far away.

The last time he was knocked down like a game, it represented an insurmountable gap in strength between the two sides, so Hongkai didn't plan to transform, and didn't even count on resisting, turning around and preparing to run.

But it's a pity that although he didn't transform, and didn't show the posture of being a transcendent, Quan's own strength lies there.

Evolution represents all-round changes. Even in the appearance of a human, he can use the energy in his body.

Therefore, after Hongkai hadn't run far, Quan followed Hongkai with easy steps.

In the latter's sad expression, Quan picked up Hong Kai's collar, and broke through the energy shield of the spaceport with the screaming and struggling Hong Kai, knocking it out of a big hole, walk away.

He walked swiftly, but caused a panic in the space port where the energy shield suddenly broke a hole. After all, not all cosmic beings in this port can survive in a vacuum environment, especially the poisonous nature of cosmic radiation. is terrible.

The person in power at the spaceport had to urgently deploy manpower to repair this gap, and issued an evacuation notice to allow those fragile cosmic people in the airport to enter the room as soon as possible.

Juggler, who was left in the port, was lying in the hotel room, sleeping on a big soft bed.

With a smile on his lips, he was obviously in a good mood after destroying an interstellar alliance base.

Even when he was sleeping, he no longer wore a bitter face.


The king's cloak is actually in the hands of Nexus, because Yuanyuan didn't need it, so Yuanyuan gave it to Heina.

It is precisely because of this that Nexus can directly come to the Kingdom of Light without using the star gate.

The appearance of the black Nexus in this glass-colored country still seems a bit out of place. Although the Kingdom of Light is broken, under the attention of Yuan Nai, the self-test and repair function of the Kingdom of Light has been activated. Destroyed buildings are slowly being repaired.

Yuanyuan Nai's spiritual power spreads throughout the Kingdom of Light, turning into tentacles to assist in the construction.

Compared with the dilapidated level of the place last time, this time the Kingdom of Light can at least look a bit like the previous glorious country.

"Here, I found you an apprentice." Spreading his palms, he released Hong Kai imprisoned in the dark energy bubbles. Nexus crossed his arms and looked at the origin guarding in front of the plasma sparks. Chennai.

"Ultraman Uub, what are you going to do by capturing him and handing him over to me?" When Nexus returned, Gennai naturally knew it a long time ago: "Uub has his own mission, his own experience, you bring him here , which is equivalent to making him deviate from the original development."

"Do you know the result of this?"

"Hey, I don't care what the outcome is, I've already brought him here, whether you like it or not." Nexus did not return to Heinai's appearance, but talked to Yuanyuannai in a basic posture: "I've already done it anyway, what do you say?"

"You just do what you do and don't care about the consequences, that's what I don't understand the most." Yuanyuan stared at Nexus flatly: "I can erase his memory and let him be in this period of time. There is absolutely no memory of what happened."

"So what? Is Ultraman Orb out of his mind? Will he be like Max whose memory has been disturbed by a strange cat?" Nexus clapped his hands in admiration.

"That scene seems pretty good, I really want to see it."

"Going against the times and doing some inexplicable things, what is the meaning of you?" Yuanyuan asked.

"It doesn't make any sense. I just did it on a whim." Nexus said, "I'm taking Jugula to experience the cruelty and reality of this multiverse because I have a good relationship with him. This person, I quite like it."

"Hong Kai, I think he might get along well with you."

"And think about it, Jugula was taught by me, and Hongkai was taught by you. In this way, the two of them can be regarded as carrying our will."

"And because of the fateful relationship between the two parties, they are destined to be linked together. At that time, your will and mine will collide with others."

"Doesn't it prove that between us, who is the right side?"

Having said that, Nexus rubbed his hands in anticipation, and couldn't wait to see that scene happen.

"This shouldn't be your real purpose. You just think it's very interesting and fun, so you did it." Yuanyuan Nai is not so easy to fool, Nexus's whim, an idea, let him think This excuse was made, but fundamentally, it was because he found it interesting.

"Anyway, I think it's all right, what do you think?" Nexus asked back: "The battle between you and me will start soon, but you and I also know that no matter who we die, It means that person will never come back."

"The winning party will only continue to exist as a separate individual, and our main body will disappear." Yuanyuan Nai knew this a long time ago, so he didn't eliminate Hei Nai at that time: "So, you came up with this Method?"

"Tsk, why are you so talkative and hesitant?" Nexus said dissatisfied.

"In a word, are you doing it or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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