Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 934 The Milky Way is hit, the source of Nai becomes stronger, the Galaxy triggers the passiv

Chapter 934 The Milky Way is hit, the source of Nai becomes stronger, the Galaxy triggers the passive, and the Galaxy becomes stronger...

After everyone finished talking about the old days, what they looked up again was no longer the radiant emerald planet, and it was no longer the eternal plasma spark tower, but in a melancholy and dark mysterious sky, alone Two beings standing.

"That's... the Milky Way?!" With Xiao Guang for so long, Taro naturally knows the image of the Milky Way.

Although it was a little far away, he still saw it with Ultra Vision.

"Wait a minute! Pay attention to your surroundings." Eddie's startled breath attracted Zhongao's attention. Everyone looked around, and suddenly found that the vacuum of the universe had disappeared, replaced by a colorful and gorgeous world.

Every time those mysterious lights passed by, they seemed to be able to take away part of their bodies.

Not only that, even when these air currents flowed over their bodies, they passed directly through their bodies, becoming illusory.

But is it their bodies that have become illusory, or is this air flow illusory?
Many Ultra fighters can't distinguish these clearly.

"If my predictions are correct, we should be in a very delicate state now." Holding a virtual controller in his hand, Hikari walked forward: "Simple observation effect. When our eyes see this scene, then The answer that comes to mind is what we see in our eyes."

"Some people feel that the air flow passes through their body, which is true; some people feel that their body passes through the air flow, which is also true." Hikari pointed with one hand and pointed to another standing The guy on the other side of the galaxy: "Nexus should be able to give us an explanation for all this."

"Brother?" Mebius took a step forward. He had never seen Nexus in this posture, and it was very different from the Nexus he knew.

"Everyone from the Kingdom of Light, hello, I am Galaxy, Ultraman Galaxy, from the future." Gennai is not the kind of person who wants to take the initiative to explain something, so Galaxy took on the responsibility of being an announcer : "As you can see, I'm going to stage a battle with Nexus... no, it's Gennai."

"Everyone who has been turned into puppets at the moment of the arrival of the new era still has a lot of ignorance about this era, that is to say, it will start much later than other civilizations, so we want to let you here See."

"Tayro." After Yinhe's words, Yuanyuan Nai also spoke: "You should know, those knowledge about attributes."

"Ah, I remember." Taylor nodded: "I'm just going to tell everyone about this."

"The change of attributes can't be explained clearly in a short time. Galaxy happens to be an existence with all six attributes. He will demonstrate it himself. You should be optimistic."

"The store manager! What the hell happened!" At this time, Gaia also spoke.

"After the arrival of the new era, due to the opening of attributes, the overall strength of the universe has risen to a higher level, so the information on the monsters we recorded before must be updated accordingly." Tai Luo turned around and faced the Kingdom of Light. Everyone popularized the knowledge he learned.

"What does the big universe mean?" Otto's father asked.

"The big universe is the multiverse, my brothers. The star gates that appear in the big universes connect all the universes together. All the universes are a whole, so it is called the big universe." Taylor nodded.

"There are also attributes. Now all life in the universe is divided into seven attributes: wind, thunder, water, fire, earth, light and darkness."

"Based on the evolution of these seven attributes, it will be derived accordingly..."

After talking for a while, Tai Luo poured out all the things he knew like pouring beans, which made the Ultra fighters nodding their heads when they heard what he said, and they were quite aware of this.

"I brought the way beyond the ultimate." Just this sentence made Aofu, who had been in the realm of the ultimate for a long time, startled.

"It's a transcendent, I heard Justis said that it is a realm stronger than the ultimate power, beyond all cognition of strength, that kind of power is called a transcendent." Gauss came out and said loudly: " That’s right, Brother Yuan.”

"Gauss is right. The realm above the ultimate, the transcendent, and the simultaneous advancement of personality and strength can create such a level." After a pause, Yinhe added a sentence: "All veteran fighters in the new era The strength has risen to a level, and many existences have reached this level based on strength alone."

"So what we show you is the personality of the transcendent." The plasma crystals all over his body emit golden light, and the Galaxy's first move is a nirvana: Galaxy Lightning Strike.

"Thunder Attribute: Galaxy Lightning Strike." After a short sentence, Yinhe threw out with both hands, smashing the golden galaxy criss-crossing the galaxy, and went straight to Yuanyuan.

Yuanyuan Nai did not dodge or evade, stretched out a finger, and absorbed all the thunder of the coming Galaxy lightning strike on the fingertip, and then the entire golden Xingxuan was absorbed into Yuanyuan Nai's body.

The mighty thunderbolt disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Yuan Yuanna's breath became stronger.

Correspondingly, the breath of the Milky Way has also become a little bit stronger, and it is always a little higher than the current origin.

Just a little bit.

Yinhe said hello with the attribute of thunder, and Yuanyuan Nai was naturally not to be outdone. He popped out another finger and drew a circle in front of him. Suddenly, the howling wind formed a violent tornado, and the wind carried the edge of the blade. The four derived attributes of rotation and persistence are all accommodated in one move.

The plasma crystals were converted into blazing flames, and the meteorite spheres formed by the galactic flame strikes were gathered behind by the galaxy.

But this was not enough, soon, the color of the plasma crystal changed from orange red to bright red, Galaxy raised his hands high, and the meteorite hit by Galaxy flames turned into a huge boulder, burning with billowing flames.

Ground fire, supplemented by: high temperature, melting, gravity, explosion... and other derived attributes, finally formed such a powerful galactic flame strike.

The tornado storm was crushed with a destructive force. Even though the blade was cutting at an extremely fast speed, there was no way to cause much damage to this fusion attribute meteorite.

"The wind helps the fire, and in turn uses my attack to increase the power of my moves, and then uses the earth attribute to stabilize the wind's wandering without a trace." Yuanyuan Nai exclaimed: "This is your real level?"

"That's not the case, it's just that you have become stronger, and I have become stronger." Yinhe is silent, Gennai will absorb other people's attacks and accommodate them in the body to strengthen himself, and the essence of his Galaxy's transcendence is: no matter how strong you are , the galaxy is always above you.

This is so embarrassing that he hit Gennai, and then his power was absorbed by Gennai, causing Gennani to become stronger, and then triggered the transcendent essence of the galaxy, which then raised the power of the galaxy to overwhelm the transformation Level higher than strong origin Nana…

If the two sides continue to fight, then this stack of passive paths will continue endlessly.

It depends on who can't hold it in the end.

Facing the fusion attribute attack of the galaxy, Gennai finally chose to fight with the same strength.

The hand held flat in front of him turned into a claw shape, and one hand was raised to the sky. In the blink of an eye, a giant ice ball emitting a faint blue light was lifted by Yuan Yuannai.

Derivative attributes under the simple water attribute: ice, freezing, cold, solid... All kinds of fusion are formed, and a huge ice ball is formed.

Throwing it with one hand, two high-quality solid substances collide with each other, extreme attribute conflicts, extreme material contests, both of them perish at the moment of contact, and the conflicting elements are blended to form a vast fog.

But even fog can be used to attack.

The howling wind passed by Galaxy's side, and the palm of his hand turned into a knife, sweeping across, Galaxy cut out a huge blade, sweeping across the barrenness.

Yuanyuan still didn't hide, let the wind blade hit his body, and then was absorbed by the whale.

Yuan Yuannai's momentum is even better.

The momentum of the Galaxy also rose by another three points.

This round...frozen...

(End of this chapter)

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