Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 952 Baltan: I just want to live a peaceful life after escaping from the red toilet head demo

Chapter 952 Baltan: I just want to live a peaceful life after escaping from the red toilet head demon
With his hands in the pockets of his white coat, Quan Shi, who was humming a happy ditty, walked into the lower laboratory of this Xio base.

Here, in addition to sophisticated experimental equipment, there are also busy staff.

It is wrong to say that it is the staff. After all, even if Quan is counted, there are only five, and this is the result of counting one of the aliens.

The entire experiment can be roughly divided into four areas, namely the workbench, conference table, experiment area and energy pipeline.

Among them, the first three or three are literal meanings, and the last energy pipeline is responsible for managing the circulation and scheduling of energy in the entire base. They only need the captain's order, and they can make corresponding rectifications.

The staff in this underground base, first of all, is Lui, a pure and natural pink girl, who is still in the inexperienced stage and is full of curiosity about everything.

Even if it is a monster doll, Liu Yi will think about how to use their power to decorate her little hobby.

At this time, she was holding the energy burst gun, and handed it to the Vatican star, that is, the doctor in charge of science and technology of Xio, the manager in charge of development and scheduling.

...This is not a big deal in the new generation. In fact, in the new generation, the protagonist group has an alien as a partner, which started from Aix.

Of course, it goes back to the Heisei period, Hanojiro of Dyna TV.

In the new generation, after Aix, Geed, Zeta, and Trija, these TVs with clans basically have an alien friend.

"Hey, it's just in time. The Ultra Explosive Gun will be successfully developed later. Come and try it out. After all, it is a weapon that has been developed and modified based on the data of the Energy Explosive Gun." He said hello, he knew Quan's identity, and now that the multiverse has turned into a large universe, rumors of Quan have gradually spread.

Not to mention that before coming to the earth, Quan had a good reputation in the universe, so he was naturally famous.

"Have you solved the problem about the energy of Spaceum?" Although the energy blaster is used to create firearms that can be used by humans, the issue of energy is the most important.

The popularization of Spesium energy proposed by the Vatican stars was a topic three years ago.Until now, the gun is about to come out, and I don't know if the energy is done.

"Don't worry, senior, the accessories for the Ultra Explosive Gun, that is, the Spicyum upgrade device will come out together with the gun." Mikayueshou, the last person in the scientific research logistics team in this base who has not been introduced, as Vatican He is active in the base as an assistant of the stars.

"Develop the Ultra Explosive Pistol and the Spetsium device as a combined weapon? Although this can go hand in hand, the attack needs to be charged. The device converts the Spetsium energy into the gun and then fires it. There is no way at all. Meet the requirements for continuous shooting." After receiving the information handed over by Sankai Yueshou, Quan quickly browsed through it before saying.

"The advantage is that it is easy to carry, and the parts can be replaced at any time..."

"There are advantages and disadvantages." As he spoke, Quan poked his head out and asked the Vatican over there: "Doctor, is this your decision?"

"It's certainly possible to build the Spyium energy conversion device into a gun, but then it's not a pistol, but a sniper rifle." The Vatican star quickly pressed the button: "Although it can't fire continuously , but you can bring a few more parts for replacement, and the power and durability are still guaranteed.”

"That's right." Considering that it was a pistol, Quan was no longer so entangled: "Where's the earth? Went to the monster resting garden again?"

"Of course, for him, nothing is more important than monster dolls." The Vatican star responded: "That child can indeed make those monsters listen to him, which is very strange to say. "

Is it strange?This is the person chosen by Rainbow Knife to open up the future. His body is full of endless possibilities, and it is not a problem to communicate with monsters.

Holding the Xio communicator hanging on his waist in his hand, Quan looked at the content displayed on it calmly, and nodded with interest.

"I have something to go out temporarily, wait, remember to punch me a card when I get off work at night." Patting the shoulder of the little fat man in front of him, Quan said: I am very optimistic about you.With an expression on his face, he immediately took off his white coat, put on a shirt, turned his head and left.

"Hey! Senior, why do you want me to check in for you again! It's been a month in a row, and I can't explain what the captain asked!" The little fat man didn't have time to stop Quan, so he could only watch him leave.

Even though the little fat man chased him out, he had already lost Quan's figure outside the gate.

Mikayueshou who muttered to himself was quite helpless, but unfortunately he didn't know that once some things started, there would be only the first time and countless times.

Obviously, he couldn't escape the matter of helping to clock in.

"That guy is very good at fishing in the team. He is quite flexible." The Fanton star knew Quan's identity and naturally knew his past.

However, the Vatican star thought that the spring was the source, the rumored savior of the stars, so he didn't know that the spring was actually just a half body.

"Eh?" Da Di came up from the stairs belatedly, his bewildered expression highlighted his bewilderment.


Underground world.

In fact, it is not right to say that it is the underground world, because this is not really the underground world, but refers to a world that is different from the normal world and belongs to the non-human world.

Human beings with special abilities, cosmic beings who came from the universe and settled on the earth, all these have built another world on the earth, a world that belongs to non-humans.

dependent on the normal world.

Xio is aware of the existence of this world, and has communicated with many cosmic people inside.

There are ordinary cosmic beings who sincerely want to come to the earth to settle down, and to be a stable and dead man; there are also cosmic beings who have ulterior motives and try to do things here.

In short, fish and dragons are mixed, and there are all kinds of people.

Especially after the connection of the big universe, there are countless people in the universe of all kinds, and the variety has doubled.

The person who communicated with Izumi through the communicator was a cosmic being determined to live on the earth, a Baltan star from an unknown universe.

…seriously, this is not easy.

Since the last Baltan was delivered, the Baltan star has disappeared without a trace, and Quan has never seen the existence of Baltan.

It was rare to see a Baltan, so Quan specially went over to talk to him.

Although the Baltan star seemed extremely frightened after learning that Quan was an Ultraman, he finally calmed down under Quan's good-for-nothing comfort.

Then, this Baltan told Quan where he came from.

From a planet like a chicken hunting ground, under the pursuit of a red toilet head, he managed to escape from death.


WTF?You, Baltan, escaped from Red Superman?

Quan looked confused, and what he recalled in his mind was that Baltan Starman who was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were split and ran away when the Red Superman was killing monsters with a spear...

It's you who co-authored it!
After knowing where this Baltan came from, Quan was full of respect for it.

To be able to run away from Red Superman's hands, that's really no ordinary bullshit.

Later, Quan often went to chat with it, and the two sides became acquainted with each other over time.

Baltan, who only wanted to live a stable life in seclusion, dismissed those cosmic beings who tried to cause trouble, and was even willing to serve Xio, using his identity as a cosmic man to find out which cosmic beings were plotting, and then reported to Xio, and sent These horrible guys caught them all.

That's why, in the house of this Baltan star who mimicked a human being, there are many pennants and medals of commendation hanging on the wall.

Belonging is a wide open pattern.

(End of this chapter)

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