Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 958 So what, this chapter is so serious that I don't know how to read it...

Chapter 958 So what, this chapter is so serious that I don't know how to speak...

Aix's first battle was very embarrassing at the beginning, much worse than his predecessors.

Because the state of one mind is not perfect, Aix has suffered a lot.

But after the earth reacted, the two sides established a preliminary connection, and the state of one mind was steadily improving at this time.

As a result, Aix began to display his true combat power, and gradually took the initiative of the scene in his hands, and then suppressed Dimaga.

This time it wasn't fighting in the city, so the only person who could see Aix's figure was Xio.

Facing this giant that suddenly appeared, Captain Shenmu also held the meaning of observation in it at first.

Although Ultraman once appeared in this world, it was a long time ago after all, even so long that it can be called a mythical story, and there are no specific text and image records, so Xio does not know about Ultraman The presence.

The appearance of X can be regarded as completely announcing the existence of the Giant of Light to the world.

After a fight between Aix and Dimaga, Aix successfully defeated Dimaga with Zaladim light, and converted its huge body into a data stream, and finally reunited to form the Shining Man I.

The special ability of X's Zaladim light will turn the hit being into a flash doll.

The X-type timer has already started to blink. Although it is the first time for Aix to fight with the earth, the tacit understanding between the two sides and the state of unity are constantly rising.

As if the two of them were destined partners.

After the victory in the battle, X flew away from the earth. Captain Shenmu seized the opportunity and wanted to use Xio's satellite to lock on X's track to see where this person came from, but it was a pity that X died after leaving the earth's atmosphere. It turned into a stream of data and dissipated, and returned to the earth, throwing the earth around Lui and the others.

"Aix, they didn't...eh?" Opening his eyes, he glanced at Lui and Ah Shou who were still in a coma. Dadi breathed a sigh of relief, but just as he was about to ask Aix what, but suddenly It was discovered that the three people who were supposed to be lying here turned into two.

"Where's Senior Quan? Why is Senior missing?" Suddenly realizing that there was one person missing, the earth suddenly panicked.

How is senior?Picked up by aliens?

Or did he fall into the ditch because of the shaking of the earth?
Or did the senior wake up early?
Doesn't he know that I'm not here?
"How long are you going to stay there in a daze?" Just when Aix was about to make a sound to calm the earth down, Quan's voice sounded from the other side.

At this time, he had just climbed up from the slope under the grass, and his whole body was wet, as if he had fallen into the river.

"It's outrageous, yes, I fell into the river while sleeping soundly, and I almost drowned." Pushing aside the green grass hanging on his back, Quan looked unhappy, and looked at the land with his hands behind his back. Looking around, he was furious: "What happened just now? Also, what are you hiding behind your back."

"No, nothing, nothing, it's just an ordinary communicator." He took out the communicator on his back, and then kept shaking it in an attempt to get away with it, and said perfunctorily, "Senior, why did you fall into the river?" I went to learn, did the monster shake the ground and shake you down?"


Before Dadi finished his follow-up words, Quan reached out and grabbed his wrist, and then took the communicator away from his hand.

Unlike ordinary communicators, although the main body of the earth has not changed, it already has a golden border, engraved with mysterious lines.

There is also a chute that slides down at the back of the communicator, and the devices on both sides of the gold trim can be spread out to both sides due to sliding, forming characters like "X".

However, Quan didn't push it down, but just held it in his hand and looked at it, so as not to stimulate the nerves of the earth.

Because he didn't dare to snatch it back, Dadi could only wait on the sidelines, hoping that the seniors would not find X hidden in the communicator.

"You still have a little hobby." After returning the communicator to the earth, Quan said indifferently: "I also dyed the communicator and installed outer protection, in order to prove that this communicator is unique. Is this yours?"

"Ah, that's right, that's right, that's it." Dadi breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to Quan's statement, and quite agreed: "The captain strictly forbids us to assemble the communicator without permission. I changed it like this, and the captain didn't know about it. Senior, please don't tell him."

"Okay, just do your own hobbies, and I won't tell the captain." Quan waved his hands, squatted down and patted A-Shou's face: "Hey, A-Shou, wake up, monsters are coming to eat is you."

"Luiyi, wake up, you are going to be trampled to death by monsters!"

It took a lot of effort to wake up these two guys who had fallen into a coma due to the explosion.

At the same time, Asuna Yamase, an expatriate combatant who was speeding all the way in a land tank, finally arrived at the scene, got off the car and flew over and hung on Dadi's body, ignoring the spring beside him, There were also two people who woke up staggeringly.

I don't know how the three sparring partners who were beaten down by Asuna in the training room should feel when they saw the scene of Asuna's soft girl.

Asuna has been in love with the earth for a long time, this is what Quan knew a long time ago.

Dadi's special concern for Asuna, and Asuna's unique concern for Dadi, I am afraid that no one in the whole xio is clear.

Only they themselves feel that nothing happened.

"It's great that you're fine." After letting go of her hands and embracing the earth, Asuna said softly: "Next time, don't mess around, attracting monsters or something, that's not what you should do matter."

"It was I who asked him to turn on the voice of Gomora to attract the monsters." Quan stood up, and at the same time showed his existence to avoid being stuffed with dog food: "If it weren't for the earth, Dimaga would Rush straight into the city, and it'll all be over."

"Quan did the right thing, but if such things are not necessary, it's better to reduce them as much as possible." In the communicator, Captain Shenmu also said: "You are not the main combatants. It's dangerous."

"It's okay, that guy was attracted by Gomora. No matter what, I have an unshirkable responsibility." Da Da took the blame on himself: "Speaking of which, if it weren't for the red giant, we would all be dead. It's over."

"I hadn't passed out at the time, so I saw that giant appearing suddenly and protecting us." Da said with a nose and eyes, and it was really difficult for him to make up such a reason in a short time.

"Earth, as you can see, this giant..." Said Tachibana Sayuri.

"Didn't it be said in Taiping Fengtuji? Dimaga was defeated and sealed by a giant glowing all over his body." A golden data stream flashed across the Aix terminal pinned to Dadi's waist. At that moment, Aix has already told the earth his name.

"The legendary giant should be it."

Izumi: No, if it's Ubuna's Taihei Fudoki, it refers to Uub, but here, the luminous giant that Taihei Fudoki refers to is either the first generation or Tiga.

"Can we trust him? After the monster appeared, he also appeared, as if he came here just for the monster." Captain Shenmu had deep worries in his eyes: "To be honest, everything about this giant is unknown. ,I…"

"You can trust him, because this giant of light has another name in the universe." As soon as Quan opened his mouth, he attracted everyone's attention.

"Ultraman, Ultraman who defends the universe and maintains peace!"

"Ultraman..." everyone murmured.

"That's right, the giant's name is Ultraman X!" Dadi said X's name, and he was very sure.

 At this time, I will speak in Japanese.

  come with me.

  Five-way procrastination slow~
(End of this chapter)

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