Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 962 Aix really does not lose to Zeta in all aspects, but it is a pity that he was born at an

Chapter 962 Aix really does not lose to Zeta in all aspects, but it is a pity that he was born at an untimely time.

"So, it looks for huge objects everywhere and piles them together to make nests and lay eggs?" Lui was very close to Barton's bird's nest, hiding on the side of the road so as not to be exposed to Barton. And the earth looked over there cautiously.

It seems that because the nest was built, Barton no longer chose to go out, but lay down in the nest, looking groggy as if he was about to fall asleep.

"Barton is a carnivorous monster. Although there is no record of cannibalism in the records, it's just that we didn't record it." Putting down the communicator in his hand, Quan's tone was more serious: "The data transmitted by the Muscadi It shows that there are still many human beings in the waste that Barton used to pile up the seat bird's nest."

"For Barton, it doesn't care about human attitudes, or maybe it knows it, but it doesn't care."

"That is to say, Barton may have done this on purpose, in order to awaken the offspring to the habit of hunting after hatching." Covering his abdomen, Captain Shenmu would not speculate on others with malice, but It is an indisputable fact that Barton has threatened the safety of mankind.

"According to common sense, it is the most sensible choice to eliminate a dangerous race and reduce the females and young children of the other party." Sayuri Tachibana knew that such a decision would be difficult to make, but she still stood up without hesitation.

"Even if she is for..."

"I know, I know exactly what I'm doing." Interrupting Sayuri Tachibana, Captain Shenmu took a deep breath and made up his mind: "Hayato, Wataru, hovering in the sky on standby; Asuna, you use the x-series bazooka , launch an electromagnetic bomb to attract Patton's attention, but you must protect yourself, and also be careful not to hurt civilians."

"Understood!" x3.

"Patton's flying speed is not too fast, and the flying speed of the Muscaidi is enough to engage in an air battle with it." Quan added: "Hayato, Du, are you really the trump card that you usually boast about? pilots, now is the time to prove it."

"Hmph, don't underestimate us," Hayato and Du confidently smiled: "Just watch carefully when you are on the ground, the sky is our domain."

"Asuna, be careful!" Asuna, who had just parked the car on the downhill, ran over with the bazooka in hand, Dadi carefully instructed, while holding the X terminal tightly, ready to dodge the transformation at any time.

"Yeah!" With the encouragement of her sweetheart, Asuna was full of fighting spirit and ready to fight hard.

First, the electromagnetic cannon bombarded the empty lair to attract Barton's attention, and then the Muscadi launched the Vatican photon cannon to attack.

The battle that broke out in the air field was extremely exciting.

The flying speed of the Maskedi is Mach [-], and the attack weapon is also the technology of the Vatican Stars - the Vatican photon cannon, which can cause great damage to monsters in all aspects.

And Barton could not escape the pursuit of the Muscaidi.

Hayato and Du are indeed at the level of ace pilots. Although they are not as good as a Trica human body, they are much more powerful than those two guys on the Diga set.

If it wasn't for Barton playing tricks, hiding his life fluctuations underground, and then sneak attacking and knocking down the Muscadi, the outcome is still uncertain.

At the moment of crisis, the earth came to the back of a forest, merged and transformed with X, reappeared, and caught the Muscadi that was about to crash.

There is nothing that can increase favorability more than the act of catching a war-damaged plane to save people's lives. If X's position cannot be determined in the first episode, then after this scene, whether it is Captain Shenmu Or Sayuri Tachibana, they have already confirmed that this giant is on their side.

Putting the Muscadi on the ground, X turned around and made an attack gesture, waiting intently.

Button is not an easy target to deal with.

"Get ready, Dadi." In the data space of one mind, Aix and Dadi fought side by side again.

"Oh Si! (The first sentence of the new generation, Oh Si, was really yelled by Da Da.)" Da Da responded to Aix, and the two were about to go up to fight, but the sudden third voice suddenly overwhelmed Aix. They were both terrified.

"Do you want to turn Barton into a flash doll?"

This heavy voice echoed in the data space, and was heard by Aix and the earth, scaring them out of their wits.

"Aix, did you hear that?"

"Impossible, how could there be another voice? Could it be that there is a problem with my data?" In the outside world, Aix was also quite confused while covering his earphones.

In the next second, a huge fiery red body flew from low altitude, hit Aix, knocked him out, and fell to the open space.

"I might be able to understand other monsters, but Barton, who is pregnant, turned it into a flash doll, is this your consciousness?" It means to disperse.

"I see, it's Nianli. Someone is using Nianli to talk to us from a long distance." Ax got up, grabbed Barton's mouth, and pushed it away with all his strength.

"Eh? Then what does he mean by this question?" Da Da responded quickly: "Turn Barton into a flash doll? I think so?"

"Then tell me what to do if you can't turn it into a shining doll!" The earth roared: "This is the human earth, one Barton is acceptable, but a litter of Bartons is impossible for human beings." Accept it!"

"When monsters form groups, the corresponding needs will increase, and they will threaten the living environment of human beings. This is the biggest problem."

"If you don't turn it into a flash doll, one day, more and more Bartons will become more and more unscrupulous. At that time, what should we do about the losses that humans are forced to cause, the lives that died because of Barton? "

This is the awakening of the earth, which he has had since a long time ago.

The world in which humans live is too small to accommodate monsters.

No matter how the living space of a planet is, it will affect human beings.

Even those animals will be driven away because of human activities, isn't it the same for monsters?

The so-called coexistence will one day turn into war.

The only solution is for human beings to go out of the earth and open up the universe.

When the resources are no longer limited to one planet, then monsters and humans can live together relatively peacefully.

Before that, let's feel wronged as a flash doll.

One day, the monsters will be able to reveal their original bodies and live under the blue sky.

The firm determination made the earth explode with stronger power, and made X's power stronger.

Locking Barton's body with both hands and bringing it down, Aix rode on Barton's body and attacked continuously.

"...Is this your enlightenment?" Opening his eyes, a flash of appreciation flashed in Quan's eyes: "Sure enough, you are different from many Ultraman of this era."

"Aix, it's a pity that you were born at an untimely time." Quan sighed because he felt sorry for Aix TV's untimely birth.

Obviously not losing to Zeta in all aspects, and even surpassing it, but because of the ridicule of the new generation of LED Ultraman after the Galaxy and Victory, X was abused and discredited for no reason.

"Eh?" Dadi and Aix were taken aback.

Why do you suddenly feel emotional?
"Your determination has aroused my interest, X, and Dakong Dadi." In the laboratory, Quan opened his eyes, pulled out the evolution trustee, and his whole body was surrounded by surging darkness.

"In exchange for my interest, I will meet you in person."

Aix/Earth: ? ? ?
Amidst the darkness surging, Quan couldn't help curling his lips.

Yuanyuannai wanted me to see you, and those cosmic beings got nervous because of you...

No matter what, I have to appear in front of you today.

I appreciate your determination, but Barton can't be turned into a Glitter Doll.

...at least not yet.

(End of this chapter)

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