Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 964 Nuo-crazy-shock-anger

Chapter 964 Nuo-crazy-shock-anger

Dadi squinted at Quan.

You even know this?
"That's right, it is because the savior disappeared that led to the chaos of the universe. There is only a half body, and there is no way to become the savior after all." What Quan said is true. Whether it is him or Yuan Yuannai, it is only the half body of Yuanquan, not himself. According to the legend of the savior achieved by Yuanquan himself, he is the only savior.

Gennai is the transcendent, and Quan is also the transcendent, but not the savior.

"The legendary savior, I really hope to see it with my own eyes." At this time, Aix, who was staying in the Aix terminal, also expressed emotion unconsciously, letting the subconscious mind pass by the terminal, and also smiled.

"Then don't meet again, you will be disappointed." Quan curled his lips: "The so-called savior is a guy who is entangled in hypocrisy and very awkward."

Otherwise, how can one be divided into two and become two.

"Barton was taken away and left the earth, which is already the best result." The moment he walked into the laboratory with his hands behind his back, and Izumi passed by, Dr. Gehrman exchanged eyes with Izumi cryptically: "Those cosmic beings are actually They have been perfectly integrated into the earth and are living in various positions in the society, if they are all scared away and so many people disappear at once, it will cause great turmoil."

"That guy, he's still thinking far away." The door of the laboratory was closed, and the voices of Dr. Gehrman, Lui, Daichi Asmoru and the others were also cut off, leaving Quan alone with his hands in his pockets, humming a ditty left.

He originally planned to go back to his home, because he estimated that there should be a bunch of cosmic beings squatting in his home waiting for him to go back.

But at this point in time, I don't seem to be off work yet, if I rush back, I will probably be charged...

Looking at the time, it looks like there are still four hours before get off work, so where should I go to fish in the next period of time.

The universe where the Kingdom of Esmeralda resides.


Using a slashing ax to stop the incoming imperial machine soldiers, Jambert turned around and drove the emerald Emeraldah energy ore, condensed a light blade on the arm blade, threw it out, and killed another empire Mech.

At the same time, Jannay is giving full play to his advantage, that is, the powerful firepower coverage. He almost guarantees all the enemies in one direction by himself. No matter whether it is the imperial machine soldier or the dark cyclops, there is no way to break through his firepower suppression .

Red Lotus Flame is in a group with Mirror Knight, traveling between universes.

The red lotus flame breaks through with powerful force, and the mirror knight assists the red lotus flame to ensure that his body will not be hit by the attack.

In the end, everyone in the Sero Guard is fighting hard to kill the enemy, and they want to completely wipe out the remnants of Beria in this universe.

They are indeed very strong, and there are countless strong ones anywhere in the universe, but they are still not as good as that Sai Luo who broke through the formation and entered the encirclement.

He descended on the army formation in an instant with the posture of the miracle of the moon god, and the eight ice axes flying everywhere cleared the surrounding environment of the miracle of the moon god Sai Luo.

The moment he landed, Sai Luo, the Miraculous Moon God, instantly disintegrated himself, moving at a high speed to pull away his figure. In a series of phantom changes, he shuttled through the enemy's formation like a ghost.

It was only a moment from breaking into the enemy's formation to when Sai Luo came out.

"Everyone, let's go together!" With one hand pointing at the sky, Sai Luo said, retracting his arms and putting them on his waist, posing the starting gesture of Sai Luo's beam beam.

It's not just him, Sero has already separated eight phantoms in the phantom change, and they are arranged in all directions to wrap all the enemies inside.

These phantom Siros are also like the real Siros, posing the hands of a Siro beam beam.

In the next instant, eight golden cluster rays blasted out directly.

Eight rays of light, eight directions, drowning everything.

In the successive explosions, all the enemies were wiped out in an instant.

The phantom returned to itself, and Selo laughed triumphantly.

"My young master is different from before. You don't even have the ability to force out my true abilities." After defeating Dark Nexus, Sai Luo suddenly realized that his strength had reached such a terrifying level. In such a situation, ordinary enemies couldn't even withstand his punches and kicks.

Especially after opening the Miracle of the Luna God and the Strong Corona, not only the degree of fusion, but also the tricks have become more.

But all of this is thanks to that guy.

With a sinking heart, Sai Luo turned around, just about to join his partners, but suddenly a golden space was covered in front of Sai Luo, and the next moment, before Sai Luo could react, the golden Nazak space It swallowed Sai Luo in, and forcibly brought Sai Luo into another world.

At the moment when Sero was swallowed by Nazak's space, in another universe far away, Yuan Nairuo, who had just suppressed an evil king beast in his body, felt something, and immediately turned his gaze away.

"Tartaros? That guy seems to be healed at last." The origin of the fluctuations in Nazak's space can't be mistaken, it's an ability unique to Tartarus.

Moreover, he and the little golden man had already met countless times.

That guy would suddenly attack Sai Luo, why?
The timeline of Galactic Fight is still far away. What is the little golden man thinking about finding Sai Luo so early?
The figure faded and disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, Yuanyuan appeared outside the big universe, standing in the void, and after locking on to the universe where the Kingdom of Esmeraluda was located, Yuanyuan immediately wanted to teleport there. Forcibly break into the place where the Nazak gate disappeared.

But just as he was about to leave, extreme dark fluctuations mixed with monstrous hatred bombarded him from a very far away.

The galloping thunder intensified the dark red light, destroying it for no reason, and directed at Gennan itself.

With one hand unfolded and formed into a knife, he casually swiped towards the side to chop the dark stream of light into pieces.

It seems to be an understatement, but in fact Gennai knows how much power he used.

Even without turning his head, he knew who was looking for him.

"Human!!!" Before the human arrived, a roar full of anger and resentment resounded in his mind.

This black and red figure is quite eye-catching in my impression, Yuan Yuannai can know who he is just by hearing this voice.

"It's been 2 years, have you finally been resurrected?" Yuan Yuan's sword instantly turned into a shield and stood beside him. After a violent "Duang", Zaki maintained the posture of punching, and Yuan Yuan was only separated by a shield .

"But you are resurrected, why did you come to me." Just separated by a shield, Yuan Yuannai's milky white eyes and Zaki's red eyes looked at each other.

The eyes of both sides reflected each other's current appearance.

"It is absolutely impossible for me to lose to anyone other than Noah! Human beings, I don't believe in your ability to create Noah's wings for no reason!" Zaki didn't break through with one punch, and Zaki charged up his energy. Strike on the shield of origin.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

"I do not believe!"

A punch is faster than a punch, and the power of a punch is higher than that of a punch. The shadows of the fists that are almost connected together make continuous sounds on the shield of origin.

"That's just a flash in the pan. Your real enemy is Noah, not me." After gathering his hands in front of his chest and rubbing out a golden ball of light, Yuan Yuannai pushed his hands forward and pressed them against the back of Yuan Yuan's shield.

One punch, withstood Zaki's countless punches, restraining Zaki's crazy dog's style of play.

"Hahaha! Hold the light of Nexus and evolve into a transcendent, but it is not a wingless Noah, but a brand new posture!" Zaki roared: "Human! This posture of yours is to explain Explanation? Do you think you can surpass Noah?"

"No one can surpass Noah! No one!"

"Change me back! Fight me with Wingless Noah!"

"This time, you will never have another chance and use that again!"

(End of this chapter)

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