Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 973 Brother Tazi: The Kingdom of Light has run out of cards.Origin Nai: The Kingdom is still

Chapter 973 Brother Tazi: The Kingdom of Light has run out of cards.Origin Nai: The Kingdom is still deep.

After coming out of the Nazak space, the first thing Yuanyuan Nai saw was the golden scene of the whole world.

This kingdom, in this era, he should be the first to set foot here.

Although he will be visited by many Ultra fighters later, but now there is only him, and only him.

"Breaking the bull fist with strength!"

"Absolute destruction!"

Regardless of being in his hometown, the little golden bull and the little golden man immediately used their nirvana after they came out of the Nazak space, and they attacked swiftly when they came up.

Faced with the combination of these two guys, Yuanyuan Nai did not dare to take it, and chose to avoid the blow, letting the state of absolute destruction and rigid force break through the dead and smashed the golden floor tiles all the way, blasting Nazak Outside the space, the golden wall of the kingdom.

"Let's gossip." After dodging the attack, Yuan Nai slapped the ground with one hand, and a strong wave swept across the surroundings in an instant, spreading to the entire kingdom.

But in the process of spreading, it was hindered by the towering, golden tower, and even received a backlash.

A powerful force pushed back from the high tower and hit Yuanyuan Nai's body, forcing Yuanyuan Nai to stop, and was even forced to take a few steps back, smashing through the golden wall and sinking inside.

"There are still masters in the kingdom?"

I haven't seen the origin of Galaxy Fight [-]. Nai doesn't know much about the kingdom.

He only knew Tartarus well, and he didn't even know much about the little Taurus. Therefore, the ripples he spread were bounced back by a more powerful existence and even hit him, which made him instantly aware of the crisis.

"You're courting death!" Little Taurus also sensed that fluctuation, no, not only him, but the entire kingdom probably felt this fluctuation.

That was the wave emanating from the king's deep sleep, not to wake up, but a spontaneous counterattack to protect the kingdom.

There is a powerful enemy who has invaded the kingdom and is even making waves here.

Before the whole kingdom started to work, Gennai rushed out of the ruins, locked on the position of Sai Luo who had returned before being bounced back at an extremely fast speed, and rushed away.

The speed of the little Taurus is not so fast, so it is slightly behind, and Tartarus can really keep up with Yuan Nai, and constantly fights in the actions of both sides.

Yuanyuannai didn't want to have too much entanglement with Xiaojinren, so this time he used something that is only available in the new era, that is, attributes.

Turning around and sweeping his arms, the huge wind blade was shot by Yuan Nai. At the same time, one foot gently touched the ground, and the ripples of water spread out and scattered around. .

That little ripple seems to affect the whole world, starting from that point.

Tartarus raised his arm and blocked the wind blade with his palm.

With such tricks, even the skin on his arm couldn't be broken.

The body of the ultimate life form is guaranteed to be strong.

The ineffectiveness of the wind blade has long been expected by Yuan Nai. This move was originally used to attract Tartarus' attention. The effect is not to kill, but to attract.

During the pursuit, Tartarus stepped into the place where Gennani had stepped before. Immediately, the sky-filled water curtain burst up, and the stagnant water completely sealed the space around Tartarus, and it was concave in an instant. Water prolongs time and space infinitely, so that Tartarus could never step forward.

No, it's not that it can't go out, but it's falling slowly at an extremely slow speed.

That speed is so slow that it is almost equivalent to stagnation.

Yuanyuan sword suddenly flew out of the body, and Yuanyuan Nai grabbed it in his hand. In the next moment, Yuanyuan Nai flew high into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant sword that held up to the sky and slashed towards the tall building in the distance.

With just one sword strike, half of the roof of the tall building was cut off.

The golden buildings fell slowly, hitting the streets of the kingdom, causing countless chaos.

Genesis Nai fell from the sky, grabbed the shrunken Genesis Sword and fell into the gap.


Yuanyuan sword raised up, blocking a golden sword edge, time was running out, Yuanyuannai, no matter who the opponent was, suppressed the opponent's sword edge with strong force, forcing him to bend down.

Thanks to the output of Tartarus in the Nazak space, the current strength of Genesis Nai has been greatly strengthened in the battle, and it has now reached a very exaggerated point.

Compared with the shortcomings at the beginning, the current Genesis Nai is not a Titan at all (speaking of which, according to the transliteration, the little swordman should be called Titan, why is it translated as Titan.) can stop it.

Unwilling to let go of the sword in his hand, Titan turned to take off his head dart, swung the condensed golden light wheel and slashed towards Yuan Yuannai.

The moment the light wheel touched Yuanyuan's body, it was transformed into pure light energy, and was completely swallowed by Yuanyuan's body, causing Titan's head dart to be chopped on Yuanyuan's chest.

Although it left a shallow trace, it did not cause effective damage after all.

Yuanyuan Nai exploded the light energy in his body, sent Titan flying, and casually gave him an energy pulse.

The beam of light shot by a single fist turned Titan into a meteor and flew to nowhere, Yuan Yuannai then set his sights on Sai Luo with red eyes.

"Shadow Mage." Haunted by the power of darkness again, Yuan Yuannai's eyes penetrated Sai Luo's body, and he had already seen the guy who was entrenched in Sai Luo's body and blocked Sai Luo's mind.

The shadow mage is also an old friend who has not seen for a long time for Yuan Yuannai.

It's a pity that Yuanyuan Nai remembered the Shadow Mage, but the Shadow Mage didn't know who Yuan Yuan Nai was.

It's just from this guy's body that Shadow Mage can feel an unspeakable crisis. This kind of crisis makes Shadow Mage dare not speak out at all, and can only carefully hide in Sai Luo's body.

What?You say run out now?Occupying Ultraman Zero's body like this, the opponent will definitely kill him?

How can you be sure he won't kill me if I run out?

Why don't you go out and try?
Raising his hand, absorbing Sero into the body and storing it, Yuanyuan raised up one hand, pointed his finger on the crystal on his forehead, and began to emit light himself.

Between looming and faintly visible, his figure has faded a bit.

As a kingdom that dares to go to war with the Kingdom of Light, and will go to war after knowing the existence of King Ao, there must be a terrifying existence no less than King Ao hidden in it.

After all, Galaxy Fight II is just an introduction rather than the end of the story.

Genna, who knows nothing about the kingdom, would never allow himself to be trapped here.

Too dangerous.

In the outside world, the little Taurus who finally arrived saw that Tartarus had fallen into a near-stop predicament, and had no choice but to use the Rigid Power Breaking Bull Fist to violently break Tazige's current predicament.

Although the Gangli Po Niu Fist did destroy the Water of Hysteresis, this punch also hit the completely undefended Tazi brother, directly blasting him out, falling to the ground and smashing the floor of the kingdom.

But after getting out of trouble, Brother Tazi didn't pay attention to these things. He got up and went straight to the direction of Yuanyuannai, wanting to see if he could catch up with the stop.

Although he was in a predicament, Brother Tazi still saw the scene where the Titan turned into a meteor and was blown away.

The last line of defense, the Titans have already failed, so wouldn't it be Cerro's capture plan?
Sure enough, Brother Tazi, who was halfway running, saw a blue beam of light rising into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

What that means is self-evident.

"Why don't you stop it?" Although he had expected such a result, Brother Tazi was still very unwilling: "As long as you are willing to come forward, I will definitely be able to."

"So what? Can you beat him?" Tregia walked out from the dark, folded his hands on his chest and said slowly: "If you can, of course I believe you."

Brother Tazi:
"I'm different from you. I don't have any feelings for Sero." Tregia turned around: "My goal, from beginning to end, is only one, and only that!"

"No matter who the others are, I don't care."

(End of this chapter)

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