Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 990 It can be seen that the cosmic people have successfully integrated into the earth.

Chapter 990 It can be seen that the cosmic people have successfully integrated into the earth.

The universe, beautiful and mysterious, is the existence that life on the planet can see by looking up at the sky.

The universe is a broader interpretation of the night.

The birth of life has always been a miracle, but the struggle in the universe will never stop. The strong and the weak, attack and defense are staged in every dark corner every moment.

Because of a chaotic battle, I rode on a battleship that was about to leave the battlefield, and watched the broken battlefield get farther and farther away from me from the window.

The uniform on the body is the difference between the enemy and the enemy, and the weapon in the hand is a sharp weapon for killing, but what is this compared with the universe?
This kind of war for a life and a civilization to decide the future is not even a corner of the vast universe.

At that moment, I knew that I was tired of this fate of killing and killing, tired of this endless battle.

I'm going to see things that I've never seen before.

Some people come into this world to survive, and some people come into this world to cut off the survival of others.

I want to live for myself.

The earth is the first stop I choose. This is a beautiful planet. Just looking at it makes me feel very relaxed.

But the perception of this planet in the universe is not so wonderful.

The planet is beautiful, but the races that live on it are very annoying.

I wanted to try, at least to judge by myself, so I pretended to be a human being and blended into their world.

Human beings are fragile, humble, and nothing compared to my life.

They are tyrannical, suspicious, and have a natural resistance to all non-human creatures.

No, even as human beings, they cannot understand each other.

I finally know why people on Earth have a bad reputation.

This is like my current identity, killing fish in this RT-Mart market, and I have been killing fish here since the day I came down to earth.

seven years.

I killed fish for seven full years.

Even if you put the underground shark Guvila in front of me, I can still slice it into fish fillets in seconds!

If you keep doing some things, it will wear down the will of a life. Just like me, when I first came to the earth, I still didn't understand the living customs of the earth, and I couldn't agree with the three views of the people on the earth. Now, I am the same part of it.

My person is as cold as my knife, and my heart is as cold as a fish under my hands, dead simply.


"Okay! When do you want to remember when you are on the horse, where did you fight Wenqing Cosmic Man!" Slapping the table, Quan looked impatient: "Enough is enough, I'll come over and give it to you!" You send some pig's trotters and vegetables, a barrel of cooking oil and a piece of fish knife, why are you talking so much nonsense!"

"The assimilation of other cosmic beings is not so serious." The doctor slapped himself on the face, feeling extremely helpless: "The Kemmel and you are simply two extremes."

"Don't call me a cosmic man, I have a name." Shaking the cigarette ash on his hands, the bald man with a fishy smell all over his body crossed his legs: "Zojin, Magang Zuojin."

"The famous sliced ​​fish hand with a radius of hundreds of miles, whether it is tuna or squid octopus, anyway, as long as it is fish, if it passes under your knife, even the taste will be a bit fragrant." Quan rolled his eyes. There are all kinds of life, but why do you come to kill fish!

"I don't need a fish knife. I only need one knife." Amidst the smoke, Zuo Jin said flatly: "This knife is very cold and cold, just like my heart."

"There is only one heart and only one knife, how can I change it?"



Damn it, where did the universe Wenqing come from!
"Okay, okay, I lost to you." Quan waved his hand, and didn't bother to pay attention to this guy: "In short, stay on the earth for a few days, no matter what happens, it doesn't matter. The crisis of extinction, human beings will not."

"If you need help, you can call me." Zuo Jin unhurriedly stretched out his abs, "Although I hate war, I can't even kill a fish if these guys make me die." , then don’t blame me, the Zutun Stars, for not giving me face.”

"Killing fish is life, and peace is pursuit."

"Life is a beauty that is close at hand, and peace is a longing in the distance. There are too many fish killed, and they occasionally..."

Ignoring the inexplicable and bewildered Judun Starman, Dr. Izumi ran out of it in a rather embarrassing manner, then got in the car and turned around and ran away in one go, without any intention of staying here for a long time.

"It's terrible. What made the Zultons become what they are now." Sitting in the co-pilot's seat, the doctor couldn't bear it: "He wasn't so sick when we came here last month. Seriously."

"Are you crazy?" Quan cursed angrily, "You really think he's been killing fish for years!"

"What the hell he was selling pork in the vegetable market last month, saying that he wanted to be a handsome pork guy, but he just changed his job this month."

"You really believe his nonsense!"

"Fuck!" The doctor said that it was extremely grassy, ​​did this guy even talk like this?

"Last month when I was slaughtering pigs, I said that my knife skills were superb, and I could separate the bones and flesh of pigs with just one knife. I even went to ask how the pig's head felt. He has some brain problems."

As he said that, Quan pointed to his own head: "Maybe he is the Judun star that Leo kicked."

"I finally understand the hardships of your work." The doctor's face was shocked, this action can be said to be very insightful: "Just this bunch of crouching dragons and phoenixes with unique skills, it is really not good for you to deal with them every day." Easy."

"So you now understand why I admire Commander Black and the Baltans so much." Quan Yi patted the steering wheel: "This is all forced!"

The doctor patted Quan on the shoulder, saying nothing.

"The last place is Xingyunzhuang." Turning on Bortes's built-in computer and locking the location of Xingyunzhuang, Quan drove Bortes away from here.

The two of them really didn't want to stay here for a second.


Just as dusk was approaching, Xingyun Manor ushered in a special guest.


Why is it said that human beings are special, because the three people currently living in Xingyun Village are not human beings, but cosmic beings who are mimetic, and they are also old acquaintances.

That's right, the three guys who were turned into spark dolls and then materialized for a short time in Yinhe TV are: Balki Stars, Naker Stars, and Ikars Stars.

The three of them have left that universe since they got rid of humanization, and stayed away from disputes, and came to live on the earth of X, and took root here, trying to be a good person.

How good is it?

The kind that you will really hand in your wallet if you find it.

Try not to use your abilities to fully integrate into the earth, and get along well with the surrounding humans.

Even when the boss of Xingyun Village pressed for the rent due to insufficient funds, he didn't go into a rage, instead he kept smiling.

It belongs to the kind that sincerely wants to reform.

Quan knew the existence of the three of them early on, so he went to register these three guys with insufficient financial means early on, and would give assistance and subsidies every month.

Even Xingyun Manor's rent is now 60% paid by Xio.

The rest is naturally left to them to figure out their own solutions.

Although the three of them were almost out of their wits in fright when they saw Quan appear at first, but fortunately they were comforted by Quan afterwards, so they finally stopped running around in panic and sat down enduring their fear.

After all, the three of them knew Quan.

On Galaxy TV, Izumi made an appearance.

After finally realizing that Quan didn't come to destroy them, the three finally let go of their hugging together and breathed a sigh of relief.

If Quan Nai really wanted to kill them, she shouldn't have said so much.

This relationship has been maintained until now after Quan continued to visit the aid supplies.

 Why do I write so many stories about aliens living on the earth, because this is a world where human beings and aliens coexist peacefully, and this is the reason why Aix occupies a large proportion in my heart.

  This world is completely different from the previous Austrian world, in a real sense.

  This is why I think Exx is better than Zeta.

  Zetari couldn't give the answer to the coexistence of monsters and humans, but X, he gave it.

(End of this chapter)

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