Chapter 607
Qiu Zijun, the monarch of Chu State, lived in Mr. Bo Lang's house for three days, and his eldest son assisted in the administration.

Political affairs are not hindered, but his youngest son fell into the water and died for no reason!

Queen Ji Lianer was heartbroken.If Qiu Zijun hadn't rushed back to the palace in time, she might have gone with her son too!

"How could this be?"

When Luo Jiaojiao and Bo Langjun followed Qiu Zijun to the queen's bedroom, they saw the little prince lying on the cold ground covered in white linen, and there was no sound.

"He's only three years old!"

Ji Lian'er, who was rescued from the beam by Qiu Zijun, let out a heart-piercing cry that moved everyone inside and outside the hall.

The prince is also waiting outside the hall.

His imperial brother went, and he didn't feel the slightest joy in his heart, on the contrary it made him want to cry loudly.

Everything was planned by his third uncle.Although he knew it, he didn't stop it.

The third uncle also cleared the obstacles for him, didn't he?
A tear fell from the corner of Prince's eye.He couldn't remember how long he hadn't cried!Maybe since the death of his mother and concubine, he has no more tears.

"It's all my king's fault!"

Qiu Zijun's heart is also bleeding.Why did his favorite young son die?

Did he do it?
Qiu Zijun raised his eyes and aimed at the prince.

not him!But even if it wasn't him, it still had something to do with him!
This point, Qiu Zijun's heart is like a mirror!But he has only one son left!He owed him a lot.He couldn't lose his only son any longer!

"The little prince died unexpectedly! Funeral!"

Qiu Zijun struggled to make a decision.

"not like this!"

Ji Lian'er mumbled something after hearing Qiu Zijun's words, and fainted in his arms.

She knew that her son was murdered!

The morning light shone faintly on the queen's bed.

Ji Lian'er slowly opened her red, swollen and painful eyes, and Luo Jiaojiao's concerned eyes fell into her eyes.

"Help me up!"

Ji Lian'er moved her chapped lips that had lost all color.

Luo Jiaojiao helped Ji Lian'er to sit up with a worried expression on her face.

"Drink of water!"

Luo Jiaojiao brought the white jade water bowl to Ji Lian'er's lips.

Ji Lian'er closed her eyes and took a sip.

The burning sensation in her throat caused her numb body to tremble suddenly.

"Queen! Please use the soup!"

The hand of Ji Lian'er's personal maid holding the soup trembled slightly.

Except for her, everyone who served the little prince was put in prison for severe interrogation.

"let it go!"

Ji Lian'er didn't want to smell the soup.


Qiu Zijun walked in quietly.

After Luo Jiaojiao stood up and saluted, she exited the queen's bedroom.

"Too bitter!"

Ji Lian'er frowned, with resentment in her eyes.

"Come on! Drink it! You can have more children!"

Qiu Zijun comforted Ji Lian'er.

Ji Lian'er didn't say anything, but obediently drank the bowl of soup.

Ji Lian'er, who didn't cry or complain, made Qiu Zijun feel scared.

What has he never been afraid of?But now he is really scared!

He is well aware of Ji Lian'er's intelligence and sophistication.

Ji Lian'er is the daughter of the governor of Hedong County, and she is no stranger to family struggles.Since she can be deeply loved by the sheriff, she is not an ordinary boudoir girl.

She would definitely blame her eldest son for the tragic death of the little prince.If any one of them had something to do with each other, it was the last thing Qiu Zijun wanted to see!

Words are the most powerless, no matter how Qiu Zijun comforts Ji Lian'er, their son will never come back.

The enmity between the prince of Chu and the queen is completely settled!
"We really shouldn't let Master Qiu live at home!"

Bo Langjun and Luo Jiaojiao regretted a little on the way back.

"I never imagined that the palace of the Chu Palace would be so dangerous!"

Luo Jiaojiao leaned her head on Bo Langjun's shoulder with a bitter face.

"Forget it! There is no regret medicine in the world! We have to be careful in the future!"

Mr. Bo Lang could not help but sigh.

"You need to help Master Qiu more!"

Luo Jiaojiao didn't want Qiu Zijun to have anything to do, so she hurriedly mentioned Mr. Bo Lang.

"Outsiders can't help with his family affairs!"

Mr. Bo Lang is well aware of the fierceness of the battle in the royal family, and he also understands that he can't intervene in such a matter.

The family affairs of the royal family are secrets, how can outsiders interfere?

Luo Jiaojiao doesn't understand, but Bo Langjun is well aware of the unknown secrets.

The little prince's funeral was very grand, and it was completely organized according to the funeral ceremony of an adult prince.

For a long time after this incident, Qiu Zijun stayed with Ji Lianer in the palace.

After the dry heat of late summer, heavy rain came unexpectedly.

Mr. Bo Lang stood in front of the house looking at the old tree in the yard.

A cicada clings tightly to a branch of an old tree, swaying in the wind and rain.

How long can it last?
Mr. Bo Lang suddenly felt sad for the fate of the cicada.

"Don't catch a cold!"

Luo Jiaojiao put a robe on Bo Langjun.

"I haven't received a letter from Jiang Yu for a long time! I'm afraid he is in a difficult situation!"

Mr. Bo Lang was very worried about his sister's health.

At this time, sister's body is prone to illness.

Autumn is the season of sentimentality.

Bo Ji, who is the empress dowager, can't help feeling more sad every time this season comes.

Now that her younger brother is missing, her health is getting worse and worse.

The emperor and Mrs. Shen came to ask for An's company every day, but they still couldn't make Bo Ji happy.

"Why is there no news about this person?"

Bo Ji gently pushed away the spoon in the emperor's hand.

"Is uncle smart? Nothing will happen!"

The emperor said so, but he scolded Mr. Bo Lang in his heart.

Mr. Bo Lang was writing a letter to his elder sister after several desks.He couldn't say that he was in Chu State, for fear of hurting Qiu Zijun.

Luo Jiaojiao read Bo Langjun's writing for the first time.

In the end, he sealed the letter paper he was satisfied with and handed it to Li Zheng, and then asked him to send it out of town.

Li Zheng rode out of the city, but was watched by Zhao Qi's men.

Zhao Qi and others got the news and decided to intercept and kill Li Zheng to deal a heavy blow to Mr. Bo Lang.

Li Zheng was ambushed by Zhao Qi's men when he was passing a hill, and the arrow fell down the cliff and his life was uncertain.

Mr. Bo Lang played the piano every day to relieve his boredom since Li Zheng left.

Seeing that Li Zheng hadn't returned for three days, Luo Jiaojiao felt anxious.

"Where did he go? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to come back!"

Bo Langjun's strings suddenly broke, and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

"Did you hurt your hand?"

Luo Jiaojiao ran to Bo Langjun's side and knelt down to check Bo Langjun's fingers.

"It's okay! You go to the palace and ask Master Qiu to send someone to the northwest to look for Li Zheng!"

Mr. Bo Lang didn't hurt his finger.He was worried about Lee Jung and used too much force, causing the strings to break.

"You mean Li Zheng is in danger?"

Luo Jiaojiao looked at Bo Langjun suspiciously.

"Although Zhao Qi and the others dare not make trouble in the city, they probably haven't left!"

Bo Langjun's eyes became gloomy.

"You mean that Li Zheng was given by them...I will go to Master Qiu to save him!"

Luo Jiaojiao finally understood!She rushed out of the door in a gust of wind, and ran towards the Chu Palace.

"I hope this kid is lucky!"

Looking at Luo Jiaojiao who disappeared into the rain, Mr. Bo Lang sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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