Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 10: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 10 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

Tit for tat, Jiang Yan gave her the book, she knew she couldn't pay Jiang Yan back the money directly.

Besides, she doesn't have any money at this meeting, and now it can't reach the point where online payments will be everywhere in a few years. The original owner usually uses cash as the most payment method.

I still go to the system to make up for it.

Fortunately, the books in Dimensional Space are prepared for ordinary people, and can be converted into data streams and imported into electronic devices.

Jiang Yan's health was not in good shape, her face was pale and her breath was heavy, and her energy was obviously lacking.

She found this "Yun Sheng Gong" in the dimensional space, which is a martial arts method that focuses on health preservation. It has the effect of nourishing as a therapy, and it is suitable for Jiang Yan's physical condition.

Since it is a martial arts technique, it also has a martial aspect, but compared with basic martial arts, martial arts are not as powerful.

It's up to her to send it off, and it's up to Jiang Yan to practice it or not.

After the things were delivered, Yu Hua went back to the ward.

Jiang Yan was left in a daze, not knowing what to say.

It wasn't the white-bearded grandfather who gave the martial arts cheats, but the little girl. The martial arts cheats have also kept pace with the times, changing from physical books to electronic versions.

"Yun Sheng Gong?" She found it funny and interesting, "The martial arts secret book was just given to me. Huh? There is new information."

The new message was sent by Yuhua, reminding her that Yunsheng Gong is a female cultivation method, and if a male practices it, I don't know what will happen.

Is it still a sunflower book?
Jiang Yan couldn't help it, she laughed so hard that it took a while before she stopped.

This girl is very interesting, she decided to keep in touch with her more.


Back at school after the long vacation, Ye Silin heard an explosive news: Zhao Yu, a student from Class 13, Senior Three, was beaten and hospitalized.

At the same time, Zhao Yu's three minions were also beaten.

What was explosive was the second sentence said by Zhu Hang, the tablemate who claimed to be a well-informed person: The person who beat the person was Cheng Wenjin from Class 4, sophomore year.

"What?" Ye Silin looked blank, "Has April Fool's Day passed? This rumor is too outrageous, who would believe it."

Who is Cheng Wenjin, many students in the second year of high school know, the class flower of class 4.

In fact, Ban Hua was prefixed with a 'facelift'.

Ye Silin herself is very disgusted with calling people "plastic surgery class flowers", but everyone says that, and she can't say not to call it that, she can only do it herself not to call Cheng Wenjin that way.

Cheng Wenjin's temperament is too quiet, let alone beating someone, I have never seen her speak loudly.

Just her?

Hit four boys?
Among Zhao Yu's three minions, Liu Zijiang, who is 1.9 meters tall and weighs [-] catties, is the only one, and Cheng Wenjin's thin body may not be able to be pushed down.

Still fighting?

Four more?
Zhu Hang showed a mysterious smile of 'I knew you didn't believe me', "everyone who heard it on the first day of junior high school asked this question.

But, it's true.The attacker was Cheng Wenjin.

All four were injured, Zhao Yu was the most injured, with a broken foot, and Liu Zijiang had a broken hand.Zhao Yu and the others have called the police, how can it be fake? "

Zhu Hang was satisfied to see the change of Ye Silin's face from disbelief to disbelief, and nodded heavily at her.

"My God, it's unbelievable. Maybe Cheng Wenjin cheated on something."

Zhu Hang kept a mysterious smile, "There is another piece of news. Cheng Wenjin also called the police. She was beaten until her internal organs bleed, and she was in a coma for two days in the hospital."

I have been at the same table for almost a year, and who doesn't know who, Ye Silin knew that Zhu Hang loves to show off his urine, so she asked cooperatively, "I'm really anxious, Zhu Hang, please tell me what's going on? Who beat who? Why were you injured and hospitalized?"

Satisfied, Zhu Hang said, "Both news are true. But..."

He lowered his voice, "It was rumored that Zhao Yu and Cheng Wenjin were talking about friends. This time, the two had a quarrel, and then they started fighting."

Ye Silin didn't believe it at all, "Impossible. Cheng Wenjin wouldn't mix with Zhao Yu even if he had any brains. If Zhao Yuqiang chased Cheng Wenjin and Cheng Wenjin didn't want to fight, it would be more credible."

Although Zhao Yu is a rich second generation, he can be regarded as a dog if he is not handsome by his appearance, but his character is really not that good.

Zhao Yu did everything that was not allowed in the school rules, swearing all over his mouth, shaking his body every step of the way, no different from a gangster on the street.

The Zhao family was going to send Zhao Yu abroad to study in university, so since the third year of high school, Zhao Yu hardly came to class. It is said that he hired a tutor at home to supplement his foreign language.

It should be said that in addition to keeping his student status at school, Zhao Yu is a social gangster.

Leaving aside the messy rumors and outstanding appearance, Cheng Wenjin is an ordinary high school girl who is introverted, quiet and has good grades. No ordinary girl would like a bastard who speaks dirty.

It is not ordinary people who like gangsters.

Anyway, Ye Silin didn't believe that Cheng Wenjin would fall in love with Zhao Yu.

"Whenever something happens, as long as there is a woman involved, the dirty water will always be directed to the woman, as if all the men without women are good babies. In fact, ah bah."

Zhu Hang's smile changed from mysterious to awkward yet polite, not because he disagreed with Ye Silin's words that hit a lot of people, but because Ye Silin probably had the truth of the matter.

"Hey, Chen Fei." Seeing Chen Fei walking into the classroom, Ye Silin quickly stopped her, "Aren't you friends with Cheng Wenjin? What's going on?"

People in Class 8 know Cheng Wenjin a lot, and they have a lot to do with Chen Fei.

Chen Fei is the class flower of class 8, and she has an average relationship with the students in the class, but she has become friends with Cheng Wenjin, who is called the beauty of the plastic surgery class in class 4, which makes the students of class 8 very curious.

When Ye Silin asked, many pairs of eyes turned to Chen Fei, waiting to hear the inside news.

Chen Fei was upset and didn't know what was going on. After returning from the hospital, her chest and buttocks were swollen and painful, and her waist was sore. The pain was not severe, but it was annoying.

It's not easy to see a doctor casually in these places.

Hearing Cheng Wenjin's name made her feel even worse. Wouldn't it be good to be a pawn and mess up her plan.

Annoyed, Chen Fei, who had privately trained her acting skills, was able to hide her face, and smiled, "Cheng Wenjin and I are just acquaintances, not friends. She...uh, I can only say that she is not that quiet."

Ye Silin wanted to roll her eyes, isn't this connotation Cheng Wenjin's inconsistency.

Not to mention friends?

Yes, Chen Fei didn't say that the two of them were friends in the class, but isn't that the case among classmates who become friends? Whoever declares 'we are friends' in public depends on how close the two are.

In the past, Chen Fei and Cheng Wenjin were very close.She had seen Chen Fei holding Cheng Wenjin's arm while shopping together, and when they arrived at the cosmetics store, Chen Fei even helped Cheng Wenjin put on makeup.

This is something that only friends can do together if they have a better relationship than ordinary friends.

"Hey, look, isn't that Cheng Wenjin?"

(End of this chapter)

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