Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 1043 The Otherworld Comes

In this battle, Yu Hua only acted as a commander, saving worry and effort, and even went back to the hotel in the middle.

After confirming that Xiao Qingting's planned trajectory had changed, she sent Xiao Qingting back to the hotel.Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need for Xiao Qingting to participate in the next thing, and try to attract her to ordinary children in the future.

When she returned to the hotel, she was surrounded by people in the lobby.

"Mr. Xiao, what's the matter?"

"We heard the sound of cannons. Is it the He family who came?"

"Mr. Xiao, do you need our help? Although we are not very capable, as long as we can use it, we have nothing else to say."

"Can the trees withstand the He family?"

"When did Little Dragonfly leave the hotel? Fortunately, I met you. Little Dragonfly, don't run out alone in the future, it's dangerous."

Yu Hua didn't want to be an unknown hero behind the scenes. She thought about what kind of people the He family was, how powerful they were, what they had done, the ambitions of the He family, and who would occupy Sining City and the Spring Hotel. I plan to tell everyone.

Before the mutated plants appeared, these words would cause everyone in the hotel to panic, because no matter how powerful Mr. Xiao is, can he surpass the cannon?
It's different after having mutated plants.Brother Hu and his party came with an armored vehicle. Before they could panic, Vitex and Chestnut Tree entered the field. Brother Hu and his party were wiped out before they could even enter the courtyard gate.

How many mutated plants were there then?

Now there are tens of thousands of mutated trees in Sining City, comparable to 1 warriors, the kind with their own abilities.

The ferocious beasts were violent enough when they entered the city to kill one by one, and hundreds of them when they entered the city.

There is more meat in the cold storage of the hotel, and the mutated trees have more fertilizer.

Hearing that the He family was coming, they really didn't panic.

There are worries.

Xi Hua said briefly, "It is the He family who have come, and they have already fought with them. At present, it seems that there is no need for you to do anything. We will win."

"Crack." Guo Hailiang raised his hands to the top of his head and patted, "That's great, I know the trees can do it."

Because they are all under the protection of the mutated plants, the people in the hotel nicknamed the mutated plants trees regardless of their species.

As soon as he took the lead, everyone clapped their hands.

Qi Ruoxian stretched out her hand to Xiao Qingting, and said with something in her words, "Leave it to me, Xiao Qingting. I will take care of her and not let her go out again. It's time for her to go to history class, so I will send her back to the classroom."

Yu Hua nodded to her, and passed Xiao Qingting's hand to Qi Ruoxian's, "Xiao Qingting, listen to Teacher Qi."

When she sent Xiao Dragonfly back, Xiao Dragonfly showed clear reluctance.But Xiao Qingting couldn't turn around Yu Hua, so he had to follow back.

She understood Xiao Qingting's psychology so well, so she sent the sound transmission to Xiao Qingting, 【Xiao Qingting, don't sneak out.Be good and I'll let you into my lab. 】

Xiao Dragonfly's eyes lit up.

Xi Hua confessed and left.

By the time she returned to the place of engagement, the battle was over.

The He family came to build the base camp, and they never thought that they would not be able to occupy it, so they brought most of their belongings here.

The booty that Xi Hua harvested was quite rich, and more than 20 military trucks were loaded with food supplies alone.

All kinds of heavy weapons, wooden warehouses, artillery ammunition accounted for one-third of the convoy.

With one command from her, the tentacles of the mutated plants receded, and the things were left to her basically intact.

All of Xihua was collected into the space.

Throw the six survivors out of Sining City, and see if they can survive.

Xi Hua kept He Zhenli in order to get some news from him.

For Tang Yi, she directly searched the soul. Although the memory she got was lacking, it also confirmed her speculation that Tang Yi was reborn.

It also let her know why Tang Yi reported her to the safe zone, because she "robbed" Tang Yi's chance, the wood power stone.

In order to obtain the wood power stone and the wood control power awakened by Han Ling in the previous life, Tang Yi changed his original name back to Tang Yi, and worked hard for many days in the power team in the safe zone.

He knew how powerful Han Ling's wood control ability was, and the mutated plant barrier in the Qiming Safe Zone made the Qiming Safe Zone the safest safe zone.

He had worked so hard for so long but got nothing. After discovering that she had awakened wood powers, he became manic and wanted to use the safe zone's hand to pull her off the horse.

These memories are irrelevant, what is useful is that Tang Yi's memories of his previous life added another piece of the puzzle of truth to Yuhua.

A few years later, some research centers discovered the secrets of the awakened people. The genetic mutation of the awakened people was related to the purposeful production of genetically modified food seeds by a certain big country.

A certain big country produced these genetically modified grain seeds in order to control the grain lifeline of other countries, shutting down the ability of seeds to reproduce naturally at the genetic level.

Xihua has lived in the Fanyao Federation in the interstellar era for hundreds of years, and has a comprehensive understanding of genetic technology.

Gene technology is a kind of technology. It doesn't matter whether it is good or bad. It depends on how it is used, where it is used, and whether there is a bottom line.

The Fanyao Federation produced the genetic evolution fluid. At the beginning, it promoted the evolution of the human body with good intentions and prudence, and it was the evolution under human intervention with a bottom line.

This approach is correct. Over the past 1000 years, human genes have become more and more optimized, and they have become more and more suitable for the requirements of the interstellar era.

Later, the optimization of genes became aggressive, adding genes of other races without a limit, creating mutants, which almost put human beings on the road to extinction.

However, the interstellar era has never done genetic modification to turn off the reproductive ability of seeds in the optimization of food and other basic edible species.

This is the bottom line.

The ability to reproduce is the most basic ability of life, and it is also one of the meanings of life.

The energy source of the interstellar age is the nutrient solution, but the raw material of the nutrient solution is also mainly food plants.

Once the genes of the basic food species are polluted, it is not possible but certain to contaminate human genes.

But in this technologically underdeveloped world, there is no such bottom line.

This kind of forcible and malicious tampering of genes has opened the magic box of life destruction.

When people eat this kind of food, their genes mutate.

The invasion of other worlds has enriched the aura of this world.

Under the catalysis of spiritual energy, genetic mutations have achieved qualitative changes, and people have awakened supernatural powers.

The price is that the awakened lose their fertility.

So what if the awakened ones have strong abilities, the lack of fertility means the end of bloodline continuity, and the possibility of human extinction.

Because no one can guarantee that people who are not awakened now will not awaken in the future, and there is no guarantee that the children of non-awakened people will not be awakened.

Beyond that, there is an even more serious existential crisis at hand.

Many species are contaminated with these genes.

First and foremost are the plants.

1 second to remember:

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