Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 1048 The Otherworld Comes

"The Shiyun safety zone has also confirmed that the mutated plants are not edible, not all of them." Zhang Xiaochen announced the news of the outside world to everyone in real time.

The communication equipment confiscated from the He family was installed in the hotel, and Zhang Xiaochen, a professional in electronics, became the person in charge.

With the communication equipment, they were connected with the Shiyun safe area and the other two safe areas, and they were no longer an isolated island.

The impending rainstorm was passed on to several safety zones before the rainstorm.

If the people in several safe areas are passed on to other safe areas, more people will surely be saved.

The news that the mutated plants are inedible has also spread. Various safety zones have conducted research, and so far, the conclusions drawn are that they are inedible.

The sun came out soon after the rainstorm.

This gives some hope.

The fact is also the same. After the heavy rain, except for the disaster of mutated plants, no new disasters occurred for a long time.

The emergence of mutated plants made all the safety zones see that food shortages were bound to happen.

Fortunately, they have a neutralizing agent, and beast meat has become a new source of food.

Each security zone has issued a mission to capture the beast.

However, not all beasts can be eaten, and edible beasts have become a scarce commodity.

Not long after, all the beasts around the safe zone were hunted down, and the people living in the safe zone had more space to move around.

Xi Hua marked a high price on the awakening pills, and sold them to the target person through the He family's network.

When random gates from other worlds appeared and the wave of ferocious beasts came, the halo-style gates from other worlds that appeared first disappeared.

One month after the rainstorm, the halo alien world gate reappeared, and fierce beasts kept running over from it.

But there is no way to compare the number of fierce beasts that appeared in the tide of fierce beasts. This kind of fierce beasts are more like sending supplies to people.

With the upgrade of the awakened person's ability, the risk of going to other worlds to find materials has become controllable.

Everything is returning to normal social order.

After half a year, some people gradually returned to Si Ning City.

Two years later, Sining City regained its urban atmosphere.

No one denies that the world after the alien invasion is a new world.

On the basis of the new discipline system, a brand-new communication system has been established, and the communication between various places and people has gradually resumed.

In contrast, Tang Yi experienced more disasters in his previous life.

The reason is that the Heavenly Dao of Exterminating the World has achieved the purpose that he will not perish again.

The difference is that Yu Hua developed the awakening pill in advance and let the people who should take it take it.

Of course, she didn't forget those people who were in league with the He family. She marked a high price on the awakening pill made by Wen Yubin, and sold it to them through the He family's network.

After returning to Si Ning City, the number of people increased, Yu Hua eliminated most of the mutated plants in the city, leaving only those in the Spring Hotel.

Because of the neutralizer, Yuhua and her laboratory registered in the country, and wanted her to go to the research department in the capital.

Yuhua's main job is to devour the free rules produced by the invasion of foreign worlds, and observe the changes in the rules connecting the two worlds. Professional research will be limited to her, so she rejected the solicitation of the research department.

The side job is to let the three children grow up safely and live the life they want to live.

It doesn't matter where she is, the social order in the capital is restored the fastest, so it's okay to live in the capital.

In this regard, she respects the opinions of the three children.

All three children expressed their willingness to stay in Sining City, so she didn't think about moving to other places.Not to mention Fengcheng, the building where the original owner lived was destroyed during the rampage of ferocious beasts, and he needs to buy a new house if he goes there.

Xihua is somewhat interested in the halo near Fengcheng, because the alien fragment connected by the halo is the one she met the soul of the original owner when she first came.

However, this is not a big deal, if she wants to get into that fragment, there are plenty of ways.

She packaged the laboratory together with Wen Yubin and others to the country, and of course asked Wen Yubin and the others for their opinions in advance.

She still lives in the Spring Hotel.

In terms of comfort, living in a hotel is better than living in an independent courtyard or apartment. It is convenient to live and has more space.

Yu Hua suspects that the three children's unanimous willingness to stay in Sining City has a lot to do with their liking to live in the Spring Hotel.

Needless to say, she likes living here.

Qi Ruoxian had followed her, and after knowing that she was staying, she also stayed in the hotel.

People who have families in Sining City have returned to their homes, but are still willing to work in hotels.

Five or six years later, most of the social order was restored.

The foreign world became the new land.

After the re-opening of the college entrance examination, Xiao An and Xiao Ning both entered the university.

Xiao Qingting's research on artificial intelligence has achieved results, and he was specially recruited into the National Research Center, where he is also taking postgraduate courses. Educational qualifications are always required.

Three years later, under the leadership of Xiao Qingting, he built the gate of another world based on the technology of this world, allowing the victims of human invasion from the other world to become the masters of the other world.

In the past, it could only be regarded as an adventure park for other worlds, because the halo would disappear someday, and there were many halos that had disappeared naturally in the past few years.

With the self-built alien gate, the alien world has truly become one's own country.

Xiao Qingting became the youngest academician.

Xiao Qingting's psychic powers have never been exposed, and she disguised herself as a spatial power.

In Xiao Qingting's academic education, Yu Hua didn't pay much. She only guided and restricted Xiao Qingting's ability.

It can be considered unintentional, the laboratory she established in the Chunyi Hotel made Xiao Qingting interested in doing experiments and research, and Yuhua is very open-minded, allowing the young Xiao Qingting to enter the laboratory Play around with all kinds of stuff.

Since then, Xiao Dragonfly has plunged headlong into research.

Yuhua spends half of her time in another world.

In another world, she is much less restricted.

Xiao An, Xiao Ning and Xiao Qingting lived to old age safely.


After the secret about the physique of the awakened was revealed, Dels and his like were recorded in the classics, but they were not the names they wanted, and they were engraved into history as human sinners.

Not only were they pulled down from the altar, but their skins were all peeled off. For hundreds of years, the fake history they made and the culture they stole from other countries in order to deify themselves were all exposed.

Many inventions are returned to the real inventors.

Many of them did not live to die, but were killed by angry people.

When they wanted to launch deadly weapons to destroy the world, Yuhua shot and destroyed the deadly weapons in their hands.

Letting them linger without a future in the midst of scolding is another kind of punishment.

However, they didn't live long, they would die after taking the awakening pills, and they would die within 20 years.


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