Chapter 1054 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (6)

Chen Yougui walked quickly, and when he entered the yard, he met Erya who was called out by Fan Taohua, and said anxiously, "I will take your third aunt to Wenlu's room later."

Ma Cuifen, who went home first, blurted out, "She deserves it too."

"Think about Wen Lu's future." Chen Yougui glared at Ma Cuifen dissatisfied, but Ma Cuifen dared not object.

The two girls responded with a smile.

Before Erya could go out, the courtyard door opened wide, and a bunch of people entered suddenly.

Cui Lan and Zhou Dafang were not from the Chen family, they all entered the Chen family's gate, and those who were not enough to watch the excitement followed into the Chen family.

The leather monkeys who were idle in the village were also recruited, and they ran in with the adults to poke around.

"Whatever you are doing, get out." Ma Cuifen rushed away with a pale face.

But how could she stop it.

Entering the yard, Yu Hua found where Chen Caiyu was at a glance, not because it was Chen Caiyu's residence, but because there were a few red lights coming from that house.

The red light is the manifestation of luck, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is good luck.

Based on this point, it is not wrong to say that Chen Caiyu is a lucky star.

Since this world can accommodate the existence of lucky stars, it can also carry out calculations of Taoism.

Xi Hua's fingers moved slightly, and she figured out that the entire Chen family had benefited from the lucky stars, and their fortunes were on the rise, and the Chen family's house became a prosperous house.

However, this fortune is not stable yet, and the upward trend is relatively vain, so it is easy to be suppressed.


"Why did people run into the house? It's so noisy." Chen Caiyu threw the drawing book on the ground.

After hearing the noise outside the yard and knowing that it was because of her cheap third sister-in-law, she was so annoyed that she cursed the nosy people outside in her heart.

Thinking that some of those people would have an accident right away, she couldn't take care of her family's business. Who knew it had been a while, and no one had any bad luck yet.

She knew from a very early age that she could make people good and bad.

At the beginning, she only knew that she could get what she wanted. She wanted to eat meat. As long as she said it in her heart, hares and pheasants would be delivered to her door automatically.

It's just that she can't use this ability too much, and her body will be weak for a long time if she uses it too much.

She later discovered that she, too, could make others miserable, which made her even more delighted.

Before throwing away the drawing book, Chen Caiyu got up from the bed and wanted to teach these people another lesson, but suddenly her chest felt tight and she had a bad feeling, so she sat back down again.


The Chen family has quite a few houses. Last year, five new brick houses were built, three in the main house, two in the west house, and the other houses in the east house were old mud and tile houses.

Chen Wenlu was the eyeball of Chen Yougui and Ma Cuifen. Cui Lan and Zhou Dafang supported Yuhua and walked to the main room as a matter of course.

But the person being supported pointed out that she lived in the woodshed next to the kitchen.

Zhou Dafang felt that Chen Yougui was blocking him strangely, now he felt that something was wrong, and supported Yuhua to turn to the firewood room.

The firewood room is for storing firewood and miscellaneous things. It can be built with care, but it is just a shed covered with mud.

"Wen Lu's wife lives here?"

No one who followed in believed it.

The situation of Chen Yougui's family is getting better every year, otherwise it would not be able to afford a scholar, and he would be sent to the county to study.

Last year, a brick and tile house was built, which is not envied by anyone in the village.

Chen Wenlu lived in a brick house, and Song Yuerou and Chen Wenlu were married. Normally, Song Yuerou and Chen Wenlu lived in the same house.

The leather monkeys moved quickly and pushed open the firewood door.

The door of the firewood room was made of twigs, and the seams were filled with mud, which was not strong at all. The monkeys pushed down the door of the firewood room with their careless hands.

The firewood room is low, and the door openings are made large, which is for the convenience of taking sundries and firewood.

As soon as the door fell down, the door opened so that everyone in front of the firewood room could see the scene in the firewood room clearly.

Firewood sundries occupy more than half of the space, and there is a pile of firewood in the middle covered with some tattered bedding, which can be regarded as a bed. There is a wooden box next to the "bed". There are some needles, thread, brain rags and so on.

"It really is."

Although the quilts are torn, they are cleanly starched, and the tattered places can be mended. It seems that it is a place where people often live.

And it's a place where women live, so how could there be needles and threads on the bedside of men.

It's just that the quilt is too worn out, many places can't even be mended, it looks like a beggar's den in tatters.

The most terrible thing is that there is a chipped bowl next to the bed, and there is half a black and hard cornbread in the bowl, and the marks of gnawing can be seen.

Farmers can tell that the cornbread is made from the bran that is fed to livestock with a little miscellaneous grains added.

There is something else that I don't understand, Chen Yougui's family didn't treat Song Yuerou as their own family, and thinking of the hard work that Song Yuerou did, they used Song Yuerou as a bought servant.

Weishan Village has never seen such a harsh treatment of their daughter-in-law.

It was strange that Chen Yougui wanted to stop people from coming in because he was afraid that people would find out how they bullied Song Yuerou.

"Doesn't this treat people like livestock?"

"It's worse than livestock. Old Wen's cow lives in a better place than this."

"It's not a disaster year, who in Weishan Village still eats this kind of throat-sucking stuff."

"Chen Wenlu, a scholar, treats his wife like this?"

Hearing this kind of words, Ma Cuifen didn't care about the pain in her hands, and went to push people out, "Whoever let you in, you all get out! Hey, get out! Boss, you are dead, drive them out quickly.

Dead Erya, it's all your good deeds, why don't you hurry up and help.The old family, the second child, the eldest and the third, all died in the house. "

Chen Fu picked up the guy and chased him away.

Erya followed Ma Cuifen and pushed people out.

Fan Taohua had no choice but to get out of the room if she didn't want to come out, and Qian Chunxiu came out of the kitchen with her waist crouched.

There was an uproar in the yard.

Chen Yougui was a bit moral, and sang red-faced, saying that the third daughter-in-law was being punished for disobeying her mother-in-law the day before yesterday, so she lived in the firewood house for a few days, and usually lived in the main room with the third son, and even opened the door for Cui Lan and Zhou Dafang to help her. Enter the main room on the east side.

Ma Cuifen led a group of Chen family members to sing bad faces, saying that Song Yuerou was from the Chen family and this was the reason of the Chen family, and drove the outsiders out of the Chen family.

Cui Lan and Zhou Dafang couldn't do anything, Ma Cuifen said that Song Yuerou was from her Chen family, and they couldn't help Song Yuerou if they wanted to.

At least they helped Song Yuerou into Chen Wenlu's room, so they couldn't do more without staying in the firewood room.

The Chen family had the upper hand. It was expected by Yuhua, after all, the Chen family's house was beneficial to the Chen family.

After everyone had left and the courtyard door was locked, Ma Cuifen couldn't wait to find fault with Xihua.

Ma Cuifen's hands were swollen, she was full of hatred, her face was like a ghost, and she stood, "Boss, quickly drag that rotten hoof out of the house."

(End of this chapter)

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