Chapter 1065 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (17)

Yu Hua followed Hua Qiuniang to the bamboo house.

"These are dried bamboo sticks." Hua Qiuniang took two slender bamboo sticks and gave one to Yuhua. "The bamboo that grows on our Weishan Mountain is two years old. It's best to weave things. These are all It's two years old."

The green bamboo is selected, scraped off the green skin on the surface, and then divided into bamboo strips about an inch wide for use.

Hua Qiuniang taught her how to divide the bamboo strips into bamboo strips.

Hua Qiuniang likes to talk, and she chatted with Yuhua while teaching, "...Rou Wazi wants to know why I want the old man to accept you, that's what you said.

I asked why you want to learn, you said you like it, I asked you whether you will teach it to your daughter or son in the future, and you said you can teach it to whoever wants it.That's what I thought of..."

Xihua understood why Hua Qiuniang helped her become a teacher.

She thought it was the wooden blocks she brought, which Luo Genshan and Hua Qiuniang praised, and her own carving, and her sincerity.

It turns out that it mainly lies in her concept of imparting skills.

Luo Genshan has accepted several apprentices, and of course Hua Qiuniang has also accepted them.

Unlike carpentry, which requires a lot of strength and requires a lot of movement, men generally learn a lot.

Bamboo weaving does not require much effort and can be learned by both men and women.

Hua Qiuniang took in many apprentices in the early years, all of them were girls.Because she knows that it is not easy for a girl to learn such a good craft.

Her bamboo craftsmanship is a family tradition, and she has liked it very much since she was a child, thinking of being the best bamboo craftsman.

But her father usually asked her to help prepare the bamboo strips. He only taught her to weave ordinary baskets, baskets, baskets and other daily necessities. No matter how complicated the skills and utensils, she would not teach her father no matter how much she asked, saying yes. The skills of the Hua family are passed on from male to female.

She later married Luo Genshan, and Luo Genshan supported her to continue to explore. Every time she saw a good bamboo weaving outside, she would find a way to take her to see it, and she would buy what she could buy.

She gradually learned all kinds of weaving methods, and she could weave anything she wanted.

Looking back at the things her father can make up, it's just like that, not a great skill.But it is this kind of skill that is one level higher than ordinary craftsmen, and she is unwilling to teach her daughter.

So she only accepts girls as apprentices.

It's a pity that girls can't come to study once they get married.

With so many apprentices, none of them have mastered her craft.

After some years, she discovered a fact that made her angry. When some apprentices passed on the craftsmanship of bamboo craftsmen, they passed it on to men and not to women. son.

These apprentices used to always complain about their parents being unfair and not treating them as favorably as their elder brothers and younger brothers, but when they got married, it was as if they had changed. Like the parents they complained about, they became harsh on their own daughters.

She is very angry.She didn't think of this level when she was teaching, and she didn't ask to only pass on females and not males, so she could only sigh.

Her relationship with her apprentice also made her heartbroken.

In the beginning, I would walk around during the New Year's Eve. Within two years, the number of walks became less and less, and after a few years, it was almost cut off.

She knows that most of the apprentices are good, and understands their difficulties. After they get married, they cannot help themselves. They are under the control of their in-laws and cannot go out freely. They have to work and have children and take care of them.

But it inevitably made Hua Qiuniang disheartened.

After getting discouraged, I don't want to accept apprentices anymore, I just think about how to improve my skills and make up what I want.

As she got older and older, Hua Qiuniang felt that it was very uncomfortable to bring her craftsmanship into the coffin, and she thought of finding someone who could really learn her craftsmanship.

I also think the same about my old man's craftsmanship.

In the past few years, it's not that no one has come to visit the teacher, neither of them was selected.

Hua Qiuniang must choose a woman to be her apprentice.

Hua Qiuniang's idea of ​​visiting her teacher was exactly what Hua Qiuniang wanted.

Yuhua is literate, and she is dexterous and stable, and has more strength from the wooden blocks carved with exquisite patterns, and she lives in Weishan Village, so it will not happen that she learns halfway and gets married and leaves.

For two years, she allowed the Chen family to practice without saying a word, and she did not agree with Hua Qiuniang's temperament, but she was also satisfied after communicating with Yu Hua herself.

In fact, Hua Qiuniang has only one requirement for her apprentices, that they can learn all her crafts and pass them on.

Yuhua said that if one day she leaves the Chen family, she will only live with her master and will not return to her family village, let alone remarry.

Hua Qiuniang didn't think there was anything wrong with Xihua leaving the Chen family. Based on what the Chen family had done, it was reasonable for Xihua to leave now. "It's time to recruit a son-in-law."

After seeing Yuhua's great strength, she vaguely guessed that all three members of the Chen family had broken legs, which had something to do with Yuhua.

She didn't feel that Yu Hua was cruel. If she was really cruel, with such great strength, she would have already attacked the Chen family. How could the Chen family treat her harshly for two years.With Yuhua's strength, he can chop up the entire Chen family.

She also felt that Yuhua woke up too late, and her body was exhausted for nothing. Look, she was dark and thin, and she hadn't regained her fairness when she first came here for more than ten days.

Yu Hua would not and would not marry, but she did not argue with Hua Qiuniang.

She said to Hua Qiuniang, "Master, you don't have to worry about losing your skills. I will find a way to open a craftsman academy in the future to teach these skills. At that time, I will invite two masters to be teachers."

The concepts of the two masters are both open-minded and open-minded in the modern time and space. She will help them realize their wish to pass on their skills in a complete way when they have the opportunity.

Hua Qiuniang pretended to be Yuhua to make her happy, and her face turned into a flower with a smile, "That's a good relationship."


When it was time to eat, Yu Hua went back to Chen's house.

Hua Qiuniang asked her to stay for dinner, but Yuhua said she was going back to drink medicine, so Hua Qiuniang let her go.

Xihua came back to take the "medicine".

Chen Sanya brought her rice, stewed vegetables with bacon, fried bamboo shoots, and white flour steamed buns.

"Third Aunt, the food is here."

Yan Hua glanced around, and there were many extra "ingredients" added to the two dishes.

She took out a piece of bacon from the bamboo basket next to it, and gave it to Chen Sanya, "You cook another dish. Before you serve it, you have to serve it in a bowl."

In order for the Chen family to eat bran-swallowed vegetables in peace, she put away all the grains, bacon and other things except bran, and took out just one portion every day.

"Hey, I'll do it here." Chen Sanya thought it was because Yuhua didn't have enough food, so she went back to the kitchen with the bacon.

These days, she knew how big the third aunt's appetite was.

She wasn't too surprised, because her father ate more, more than she, her eldest sister, second sister and mother combined.

Xihua poured the fried bamboo shoots into the pot containing bacon and stewed vegetables, and took the dish pot to the main house.

There are three rooms in the main house, the middle is the place for receiving guests, the room on the east side is Chen Wenlu, and Ma Cuifen and Chen Yougui live in the house on the west side.

"You, what are you going to do?" Ma Cuifen stood in front of the house and shouted sternly.

Yu Hua pulled her away and kicked open the door, "Settling the score."

(End of this chapter)

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