Chapter 1070 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (22)

"Yuerou, why do you say that? Don't you want to recognize your mother? Did you hear what someone said..." He Zhenniang's voice became smaller and smaller, and she didn't dare to look at Yu Hua again.

Those eyes that can penetrate people's hearts made He Zhenniang's whole body feel heavy, as if a heavy object had weighed on her body, and she couldn't breathe. Face.

He Zhenniang couldn't bear it, and fell limply on the ground, "I, what has nothing to do with me, was done by your father. What can I do as a helpless and weak woman, I can only obey your father's orders..."

Yu Hua didn't want to hear her self-pity, so she said coldly, "Pick up the important ones and start from the beginning."

The cold voice made He Zhenniang's heart chill, and she dared not listen, "...Yes, I am not your real mother, I was bought by your father to pretend to be your mother, your father said that your mother secretly left home Let's go, your father didn't want to be pointed out by others, so he bought me who looks like your mother..."

He Zhenniang's original name was Liu Ye, and she was a girl from a rich family. Later, that family fell into ruin and sold all the servants in the family, and Liu Ye was bought by Song Sheng.

From then on, Liu Ye became He Zhenniang.

In order not to let people see the clues, He Zhenniang was "ill" for two years, and she didn't go out or see outsiders during the two years.

Originally, He Zhenniang had round pearls and smooth hair, but she became fatter after giving birth, and her willow leaves were thinner.

It is normal for He Zhenniang to be "ill" for two years and lose weight.

He Zhenniang knew very well that impersonation cannot be discovered by others, and after becoming He Zhenniang, she changed from a slave who could not help herself to death to a respected scholar lady, and Liu Ye was also willing to become He Zhenniang.

Liu Ye obeyed Song Sheng's words, and Liu Ye would do what Song Sheng asked Liu Ye to teach the original owner.

Song Sheng didn't let the original owner go out, and didn't let the original owner run too much, so Liu Ye kept the original owner at home, and let the original owner embroider every day to grind her temper.

Song Sheng is not Liu Xiahui, he has become a real husband and wife with Liu Ye.

He has always been on guard against Liu Ye, until Liu Ye became pregnant and gave birth to a young son, Song Sheng had some trust in Liu Ye, and no longer completely cut off her communication with outsiders.

"...I didn't intend to replace your mother. I took care of you as the lady of the master's family, and I didn't slack off at all." He Zhenniang took two steps forward, knelt down in front of Yu Hua, tears formed in two lines, "Yue Rou , for the sake of Song Ming being your younger brother, please let me go, if this matter is exposed, your father's reputation will be bad, and Song Ming will also become a slave child."

At the end, I choked up.

Yu Hua stared at her unmoved, "Let me let you go, have you ever thought about letting me go? What are you doing here today, you don't know?
What a good fake mother, she came to visit her married daughter in a new dress, she couldn't wait for anyone at Chen's house, she didn't dislike the difficult road to the foot of the mountain, and she wasn't afraid of wearing out your embroidered shoes, she just wanted to find me sooner.

I've found it now, you're looking for me in such a hurry, why don't you hurry up and do what you want to do.Quite willing, four boxes of pastries from Qingyunlou.

Coincidentally, I have something to go to Lizheng, and four boxes of pastries happened to be a gift.Don't worry, I will explain in advance that you brought the four boxes of pastries. "

The four boxes of pastries were tampered with and sprinkled with medicine.There are two kinds of medicine, one can cause people to faint, and the other is to make people weak.

The first one is easy to say, if she is stunned, she will be slaughtered.

The second type is aimed at her great strength. No matter how strong you are, your body will become weak and you will not be able to use your strength.

It was because she was afraid that one medicine would not work for her, so she took a two-pronged approach.

When Yuhua asked her back, "You don't know in your heart", He Zhenniang retreated in fright, from kneeling to kneeling and sitting on her own feet. When Yuhua mentioned the cake, He Zhenniang's body trembled .

Her face was as white as paper, and she kept shaking her head, "It's not me, it's not what I want, it's my son-in-law, yes, it's Chen Wenlu, he asked me to bring you the cakes, he bought them all.

He didn't tell me anything other than let me watch you eat the pastry.He threatened Ming'er, I dare not not come.I really have no choice, how can I, a weak woman, beat him. "

Yuhua reveals her skin everyday, "You can't beat Chen Wenlu, but you can beat me, so you know that Chen Wenlu is uneasy and kind to me, and there is something wrong with the pastry, so you still do what Chen Wenlu said.

Then you don't know anything, you are forced, so you don't care what happens after I eat it.This is what you said, take care of me as the lady of the master's house?You are a big bully. "

Some weak people are not worthy of pity. They have a distorted view of "I am weak but I am justified. I am weak so I have to do bad things. If you don't forgive me, you are bullying me".

He Zhenniang is soft-tempered, but she is not stupid, otherwise she would not have learned to read and write from the main lady when she was a girl.

She couldn't have imagined that no matter who she was in fact, she was Song Sheng's wife and Chen Wenlu's mother-in-law in name.She didn't want Chen Wenlu to come in, so she could have locked Chen Wenlu out and told her neighbors that Chen Wenlu coveted the property of the Song family.

Chen Wenlu did not bring his wife, and frequently went to the widowed mother-in-law's house, which was easy to be gossiped by others. As long as He Zhenniang spoke, Chen Wenlu would not dare to go again, because Chen Wenlu was going to take the imperial examination and would not want to leave such a stain.

Song Sheng's reputation in Gujia Village is good, and He Zhenniang's gentle temperament is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Once she speaks, people in Gujia Village will believe it.

He Zhenniang did not do this.It was nothing more than thinking that the original owner was weaker than her, and he had listened to her since he was a child, so he chose to obey Chen Wenlu and sacrifice the original owner to gain his own safety.

"I don't want to..." He Zhenniang wanted to defend herself again, but she stopped talking when she met Shang Yuhua's judge-like black and white eyes.

Yu Hua asked, "I'm not Song Sheng's daughter either, am I?"

Song Sheng made a fake He Zhenniang, which is puzzling.It is true what Song Sheng said, He Zhenniang ran away secretly, Song Sheng was afraid of being pointed out by others, so he should arrange for He Zhenniang to "die of illness".

When He Zhenniang died, no one would give advice to Song Sheng, but would only comfort Song Sheng.Song Sheng could justly marry another wife instead of buying a willow leaf and pretending to be He Zhenniang.

Many people have met He Zhenniang in the past, even Luo Genshan and Hua Qiuniang.Liu Ye is only similar to He Zhenniang, not exactly the same, and there is a risk of being exposed.

Song Sheng took the risk to maintain the false appearance that He Zhenniang had never left home, and there must be an ulterior purpose.

It is more likely that the original owner is not Song Sheng's biological daughter.

He Zhenniang's eyes wandered a few times.

Yuhua knew what He Zhenniang was thinking at a glance, "To be honest, don't think about making me another fake brother. Chen Wenlu didn't dare to do it himself if he wanted to harm me, but he made a detour and borrowed your hand to do it. I'll do it." Tell you what, because I am strong and he is weak."

(End of this chapter)

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