Chapter 1072 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (24)

"I, I thought that the child I raised was not my own, and I was unwilling to do such a wrong thing. Lord Lizheng, don't report to the government for the sake of raising her." He Zhenniang covered her face with a handkerchief and cried .

Lizheng looked at Yu Hua, "What do you think?" He coughed again, "I think Mrs. He intends to repent. No matter what, Mrs. He is your adoptive mother, and it will hurt you if you sue your mother, how about... ..."

Yuhua knew that Lizheng could see that she didn't want to drag He Zhenniang to report to the police.

Li Zheng's surname is Jiao, and his name is Jiao Qizhong.

In Weishan Village, the Chen surname is the most, followed by the Wang surname, and the Jiao surname does not even rank third.

Jiao Qizhong was able to work as a Lizheng for many years in Weishan Village, where most people have the surname Chen, thanks to his fairness in dealing with people and his high reputation in the village.

Being able to be praised for being fair, what Jiao Qizhong has achieved is not only fair, but there is no lack of resolute means and flexibility.

In the past few days, Yuhua has basically found out about Weishan Village, including Jiao Lizheng.

If Jiao Qizhong was a rigid person, Yuhua would not come to him, and she would take other ways to deal with He Zhenniang's matter.

It happened that she saved Jiao Yushu, Jiao Qizhong's grandson, and Jiao Qizhong would be very willing to repay her kindness.

Sure enough, Jiao Qizhong intended to build a ladder for her, and Yu Hua took it, "As she said, no matter what, she raised me, including her kindness, and she poisoned me. If I don't report to the official, I will be a The two are equal.

So I came to you and asked you to always be a witness. She wrote me a summary of Daoming's situation. From today onwards, I will have a clean break with the Song family, and it doesn't matter anymore. "

Xihua didn't let He Zhenniang tell Chen Wenlu, not because she wanted to let him go.

He Zhenniang can only prove that Chen Wenlu bought the pastry, but it has been in her hand for two days, and she brought it again. She cannot prove that she did not put the medicine in the pastry.

What makes He Zhenniang even more inexplicable is that Song Sheng left behind the drug in it. He Zhenniang said that it was taken away by Chen Wenlu, but she still has no way to prove it.

As long as Chen Wenlu bites back, He Zhenniang will be hard to argue with.

As for Chen Wenlu, Xihua has another solution, so he won't be pulled out this time.

The matter of He Zhenniang drugging her can be big or small, because it is not a lethal poison||drug, and He Zhenniang is using the name of a adoptive mother. In this era, it can be said that people do not raise officials and do not investigate such things.

But there is weight in talking about it, after all, it can be said to be poisoning.

Sentences for poisoning cases have always been severe.

"It's rare to be lenient at such a young age." After Jiao Qizhong praised Yu Hua, he asked He Zhenniang, "Mr. He, what do you have to say?"

He Zhenniang stopped crying, and wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "I, I am willing. From now on, Ming'er and I will never come to tease Yuerou again. We will be different from each other."

How could she not want to.She didn't know why, Song Yuerou didn't expose her as a counterfeit, but it was good for her and Yu Ming'er, how could she not want to.

Moreover, after breaking off ties with Song Yuerou, Chen Wenlu could no longer come to the door in the name of her son-in-law, and she could lock him out.

Jiao Qizhong nodded in satisfaction, "Since you all agree, that's it, Mrs. He, get up, write down the cut-off book, and copy three copies."

Is there anything far-fetched in what He Zhenniang said?have.Jiao Qizhong didn't want to ask clearly.

The person in charge of the trial is the magistrate of the county, and he is only doing mediation work.

In addition to partially saving his grandson's kindness by helping Song Yuerou, he also wanted to form a good relationship. Song Yuerou's extraordinary strength was a good thing for Weishan Village.

Now that you have decided to help, then help thoroughly.

It was not enough to just write down the summary, Jiao Qizhong sent someone to find Li Zheng from Gujia Village.

He asked He Zhenniang to tell Gu Lizheng about it again, and the two of them had a breather and reached an agreement.

He wrote down the seals, stamped his and Gu Lizheng's seals on the seals, and sealed the bamboo basket containing the drugged pastries.

Even if there is evidence, it is also to frighten He Zhenniang, lest she go back on her word or be forced to change her words indiscriminately.

Xi Hua has no objection to Jiao Qizhong's actions.

After Qiejie finished writing, he asked He Zhenniang to sign and press her fingerprints. The two Lizhengs each held one copy, and the other was given to Yuhua, and the Gu family villager took He Zhenniang away.

When He Zhenniang left, two hours passed.

Xi Hua went up the mountain as planned.

She went to chop the wood first, and carried it to the bamboo forest.

Chen Caiyu's basket was not full yet.

Bamboo shoots are everywhere in the bamboo forest, you just need to dig.

It seemed that digging bamboo shoots had cured Chen Caiyu's obsession with cleanliness. She sat cross-legged on the dirt-covered ground, feebly digging the dirt in front of her with a hoe, and her pink dress was covered with dust.

Seeing Yu Hua approaching, Chen Caiyu burst into tears, "Third Aunt, I don't want to dig anymore. I'm so tired and hungry."

She had never suffered from this kind of pain since she was born, and she was terribly wronged, but she had a hunch that it would be even worse if she didn't do what the third aunt said, so she didn't dare to quit.

Yu Hua put down the piece of wood he was carrying, and the piece of wood weighing several hundred catties hit the ground with a loud bang, and said, "Today, Dasuo and Yushu were only a short distance away from death."

Xihua is only tolerant of pure-minded real cubs. As for Chen Caiyu, she did not use force against her because she is a cub on the outside.

Chen Caiyu's crying stopped suddenly, and she looked at Yu Hua pitifully.

It's a pity that Yuhua didn't like this kind of thing the most, and sat on the wooden section, and ruthlessly told Chen Caiyu, "Come on, release some blessings, the exact amount is calculated as four pheasants."

In order to maintain her pampered status in the Chen family, and to eat well for herself, Chen Caiyu would use her ability to let the Chen family harvest prey every ten days and a half months, sometimes a month.

The length of time depends on Chen Caiyu's mood.

The number of prey varies each time, at least there will be three or four pheasants and hares.

Weishan Village relies on mountains to eat mountains, and many people go up the mountains every day.

Wild animals are afraid of people, and they will avoid places where people frequent, and they are rarely seen on the mountains near the village.

If you want to hunt, you have to go deep into the mountains.

There are many dangers in the deep mountains, and there are large wild animals. Only hunters who specialize in hunting dare to enter.

With the blessing of Chen Caiyu's luck, the Chen family doesn't have to go to the deep mountains, and every time they go up the mountains, they will gain something.

"Oh." Chen Caiyu felt even more aggrieved, she finally recovered, she had saved some ability, and she didn't want to use it at all.But she dared not stop.

Yuhua didn't give Chen Caiyu a chance to play tricks, "Remember, it's to release blessings, not use my own blessings."

There are two ways for koi to give good luck, one is to distribute its luck to the other party, and the other is to mobilize the other party's own luck, that is, to let the other party's good luck appear in advance.

Chen Caiyu put away her little thoughts and began to think.

Yu Hua sensed a wave of luck falling around her.

(End of this chapter)

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