Chapter 1075 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (27)

Hua also figured out how to use it. It is concentration. Luo Genshan likes woodworking to the point where he can concentrate and forget himself. The concentration allows him to use the soul power unconsciously and inject emotion into the work.

The same is true for Hua Qiuniang.

Luo Genshan came into contact with carpentry when he was eleven or twelve years old when he went to learn the craft from a teacher. Hua Qiuniang has been in love with bamboo weaving since he can remember because it is a handicraft handed down from his family.

Compared with the woodworking work in Luogenshan, Hua Qiuniang's bamboo weaving utensils are more original, and they usually weave how they want.

During the simple preparation process of dividing bamboo into bamboo strips, the talkative Hua Qiuniang would chat and laugh with Yuhua, and teach her various weaving methods and how to make the shape of the utensils what she likes.

When it was time to officially weave a utensil, Hua Qiuniang didn't say a word, and concentrated on the weaving, often showing a happy smile while weaving.

The utensils she weaves are sometimes pleasant and sometimes joyful.

It's one thing to figure it out, and another to do it well. Xie Hua can imitate the works of the masters without any differences, but can't imitate the emotions injected.

That aside.

The works of Luo Genshan and Hua Qiuniang are not perfect, let Yuhua do it, she believes that she can make it more perfect, but the works of the two masters are not perfect, but it makes people feel just right.

Yu Hua felt a little numb about how to do it just right.

Still a lot of observation and practice.

Luo Genshan chiseled the best mortise, put down his work, and finally released his focus. He habitually glanced at Hua Qiuniang, and saw that Hua Qiuniang was holding a honey cake with only one bite left. Send it to your mouth.

He lowered his face at Hua Qiuniang, "Qiu Niang, why are you making honey cakes again?"

After hearing this, Hua Qiuniang didn't put it down, but quickly ate the remaining honey cake into her mouth, chewed it a few times, and there was room in her mouth, and then said confidently, "Why can't I do it, what, I Make honey cake for Rouwazi, do you have any opinion?"

Yuhua knew she was a tool person, so she became a quiet tool person.

As soon as Hua Qiuniang straightened up, Luo Genshan couldn't get angry, couldn't pull his face up, and his words became soft, "I can do it, but you can't eat too much, and you will feel uncomfortable in your stomach for a long time. Didn't you feel better for two days last month?"

Hua Qiuniang didn't count on it, how could she eat more honey cakes in front of Luo Genshan, her wrinkles were flattened several times, "You don't know, Rouwazi said, she can make some pills for me, It doesn't matter how much sweet you eat after taking the pill."

Luo Genshan looked at Yuhua disapprovingly.

Yuhua can no longer be a quiet tool person, denying and admitting, "I didn't say that it would be okay to eat as much sweets as possible, but I said that taking the pills will not cause stomach pains again."

Since she worshiped as a master, she wanted to keep the two masters in good health. Luo Genshan's health was better than that of ordinary people, and Hua Qiuniang had some stomach problems, which were related to her love for sweets.

The story of Xihua's ability to set bones spread, and it was believed that she had some medical skills, but Xihua didn't want to be a doctor. She said that she only knew how to set bones. A little medical skill paved the way for her to make pills for Hua Qiuniang.

Song Sheng, who has the status of a scholar, is a very good tool person. When Yuhua was an apprentice, he gave the two masters the pattern, and the two masters agreed that she brought it from the Song family.

The same goes for bone setting, she said she learned it from books, and no one in the village doubted it.

Hua Qiuniang was not angry because Yuhua didn't give her the bottom line, but clapped her hands and laughed loudly, "Oh, you soft boy, why do you have the same temperament as the old man, always rigid, oh, I laughed so hard, seeing you grow old It’s funny to sit there with a stiff face at least.”

Hua Qiuniang leaned back and forth with a smile.

Xi Hua really didn't know where Hua Qiuniang was smiling.

Glancing at Luo Genshan, there was also a smile on Luo Genshan's face, but Yu Hua could tell that Luo Genshan just laughed along, not really thinking it was funny.

Luo Genshan shook his head helplessly, picked up a piece of wood that had just been mortised, and inspected it.

On Hua Qiuniang's side, she gradually stopped laughing, and winked at Yu Hua who was looking over, with a sly look on her face.

Yuhua: ...

It turned out that she became Master Hua's tool again.

No, a laugh fooled the matter of eating honey cake.


With the laughter and laughter coming from the main room, Chen Caiyu felt even more grievances.

She peeled the bamboo shoots again and again, in front of her, there was a pile of bamboo shoots, and beside her, there was a pile of bamboo shoots waiting for her to peel.

After the bamboo shoots are peeled, they should be washed, cut into shreds, soaked, and then put into jars to make sour bamboo shoots, all done by her.

This pile of bamboo shoots was dug by the fierce god Song Yuerou.

Obviously, she had already dug so much, and she was asked to dig up the mountain that day just to command her and make her tired.

Song Yuerou called her up every day when she went out to make her endless work.

Chen Caiyu threw the peeled bamboo shoots into the bamboo basket next to her, looked at her rough hands, wanted to cry, but didn't dare.

Looking at the half-peeled bamboo shoots, he thought that Song Yuerou would be the best to eat so many sour bamboo shoots.

Thinking of this, Chen Caiyu's mind froze and she lost her mind.

It almost turned into cursing Song Yuerou, if Song Yuerou found out, she would starve again.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Chen Caiyu quickly grabbed a bamboo shoot and peeled it with her head down, not daring to look up at Yuhua.

Chen Caiyu's guilty conscience was seen in Yu Hua's eyes, but Yu Hua didn't ask, it was just Chen Caiyu who scolded her in his heart.

Yu Hua ordered, "Have a hunch, when will I meet Chen Wenlu tomorrow."

Chen Caiyu's premonition ability can only be used on herself and those who are related to her by blood.

Chen Caiyu knew that Yu Hua was going to trouble her third brother, so she was not only not angry, but also secretly pleased.

She helped the third brother the most, but when something happened at home, the third brother didn't even come back, and the message he sent only asked her what kind of premonition she had, and didn't say to take her away from home.

She suffers at home, so why does third brother live well in the county.

"Tomorrow it will be three quarters."


Chen Wenlu left Gujia Village with a livid face.

He didn't expect that He Zhenniang would dare to shut him out, even threatening him with Song Ming didn't work.

From He Zhenniang's inadvertently revealed words, he guessed that Song Yuerou might not be Song Sheng's daughter.

Song Sheng took the trouble to marry Song Yuerou to him, not what he said, he wanted him to take care of He Zhenniang and Song Ming's mother and son more.

"Unless..." Chen Wenlu tapped the folding fan in his hand, unless Song Yuerou's background was unusual.

It's a pity that he guessed it too late, otherwise, when Song Yuerou's identity is revealed, he and the Chen family will be able to take advantage of the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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