Chapter 1080 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (32)

There was a military disaster in more than ten years, including An County, and Weishan Village was also affected. Half of the mountain temple in Weishan was destroyed, and it was roughly repaired later.

The damaged mountain temple fell into disrepair quickly. After more than ten years, the mountain temple has been dilapidated. The statues of the mountain gods inside have lost most of their paint. Someone has proposed to rebuild it, but the difference is the money. The difference is in the reconstructed address.

After the news of the mountain god's apparition spread, someone proposed to rebuild the mountain temple, and the villagers of all villages responded, and each family donated some money.

Weishan Village is the closest to the mountain temple, and Jiao Lizheng has become the main leader in rebuilding the mountain temple.

Jiao Qizhong circled around the newly built pavilion in the yard, clasped his hands behind his back in satisfaction, and said "good" and "good".

He made it happen in his heart.

The carpenters in Luogenshan are good, but Luogenshan only participated in the construction of the Town God’s Temple in the county 30 to [-] years ago, and also built wooden pavilions for some wealthy families. In recent years, most of them have made some furniture and utensils. Making too big objects makes him not very practical.

"Brother Luo's craftsmanship is still the same as before." Jiao Qizhong praised.

The pavilion is a four-corner pavilion, not big, only five steps wide, but it gives people a sense of grandeur.

The base pillars are solid, and the brackets are overlapping and complicated. Jiao Qizhong, a layman, can see that there are profound skills in them.

There are all kinds of patterns carved on the pavilion, and the paint colors are colorful and bright, which is no worse than the carvings and paintings in the Town God's Temple.

"Jiao Lizheng missed one person." Luo Genshan smiled and raised his beard, "This pavilion is half the credit of my apprentice Rou Wazi."

He couldn't be more satisfied with his apprentice, Yuhua, he learned everything quickly, and within a month he was able to make objects by himself. The carvings on the cabinet were more delicate than his carvings, and he couldn't find any faults.

After he got the pattern given by Yuhua, he couldn't help itching, so he built this four-corner pavilion as a practice, using the structure of the pattern.

Seeing that Yu Hua learned quickly, he asked her to participate. This pavilion was built by their master and apprentice.

Jiao Qizhong was surprised.He knew that Hua Yuerou was learning crafts from Luo Genshan and Hua Qiuniang, but it had only been a few months?Or learn both crafts together?

He has lived in a village for decades, and he knows that Logan Mountain will never lie about his carpentry skills, so this is true.

"Congratulations, Brother Luo, a famous teacher produces a great apprentice."

Luo Genshan was humble, "Everywhere, Rouwazi is talented."

Jiao Qizhong brought up the business again, "Did Brother Luo agree?"

Luo Genshan is from Weishan Village. Luo Genshan took the lead, so that he could persuade the leaders of other villages to rebuild on the original site.

As soon as the mountain god appeared, people in other villages wanted to build mountain temples near their villages. How could this work?
If half a year ago, Luo Genshan didn't dare to take it, but he had the design given to him by Yuhua in his hand, and he had practiced building a four-corner pavilion, he was somewhat sure, and he agreed.

When he participated in the construction of the Town God's Temple, he thought that if he could build such a temple someday, he would die without regret.

It's just that after that, he didn't even have the chance to participate, let alone the chance to play a leading role.

He originally thought that this wish would never come true again, but as he was getting old, a great thing happened to him.

Jiao Lizheng said "Okay, okay" twice, "I will leave the task of picking the head to you two, master and apprentice. You can make a total of it to see how many people are needed. I will discuss it with other villages. Let’s see how many people need to be sent out from a village, and it’s decided that we can start work after a year.”


Xihua and Hua Qiuniang came back from the town and heard Luo Genshan talk about it.

"Old man, your wish has come true now." Hua Qiuniang knew what was going on in Luo Genshan's heart best, and she changed the subject, "It's all the blessing brought by Rou Wazi.

You see, after Rou Wazi came, we got whatever we wanted, just say yesterday, that big wild boar was startled, and no one would run away, but bumped into our house, what a blessing. "

Luo Genshan agreed, "What Qiuniang said is true."

The two inadvertently told the truth.After Xi Hua checked it, the fortune of the Luo family became stronger, and the house became a prosperous house.

A large part of it is due to Chen Caiyu. She let Chen Caiyu use her ability, and a lot of blessings fell to the Luo family. Luo Genshan and Hua Qiuniang's luck was already good. With Chen Caiyu's bonus, Luck is better.

As long as she knew it herself, she never thought of saying it.

"Master, I happened to go to the town and found a pattern of a wooden building." Yu Hua gave the pattern to Luo Genshan.

Hua Qiuniang asked, "You bought this at that second-hand stall?" She had gone into the cloth shop to look at the cloth by then, and she didn't know what Xi Hua bought.

"Hmm." In fact, Yu Hua made it himself.It happened that there were also some books for sale at the second-hand stalls, so she went along with the flow.

She originally planned to give it to Logan Mountain during the Chinese New Year, but now she took it out ahead of time.

Luo Genshan took a look, he was really sleepy and met the pillow, and his confidence increased by two points.

"There are still good things." Hua Qiuniang took out five ingots of silver from her basket and showed them to Luo Genshan, "Look what this is. I was going to sell dowry boxes in the town today, and I met a passing official family member who bought it." I went and gave ten taels of silver."

Luo Genshan laughed, "Qiuniang's craftsmanship should be worth so much."

Hua Qiuniang took out two ingots of silver and gave them to Yu Hua, "Rou Wazi, you deserve this. Take it, if you didn't dare to bid, you wouldn't be able to sell it for ten taels. I only sold the last one for two taels."

Yu Hua confiscated it, "Master would be being polite to me if he gave me money. Then do I have to give Master the meal money? I also sold one, and I have money to use."

In fact, if you ask her to tell her, the twelve zodiac dowry box sells for less than ten taels of silver.The dowry box took Hua Qiuniang half a month. The twelve zodiac signs are three-dimensional and made of bamboo strips as thin as hair. Each one is lifelike and full of festive atmosphere.

There are no gaps or burrs inside and outside the dowry box, and the workmanship is very exquisite.

What Hua Qiuniang lacks is fame, and with fame, she can sell at a higher price.

Seeing that Yu Hua insisted on resigning, Hua Qiuniang gave up.


"Brother, many people have seen the God of the Mountain appear with their own eyes. What are we doing with this ticket...?" The six sons looked at Boss Tu who was sitting in the upper seat with bitter faces.

"Hmph." Wansan, who was sitting on the side, snorted disdainfully, "What kind of mountain god's apparition is just fabricated by some foolish people, what kind of mountain god is really jealous, we Longfengzhai can still live here standing?"

The six sons argued, "Third brother, but those people said they have noses and eyes. I found out clearly that Wang Gouzi from Gujiacun and Wang Zaozi from Wangjialou couldn't connect their legs. Both of them were paralyzed and half dead."

Wan San curled his lips, "I think he is someone who knows how to punch and kick a few times. It's just that he used the name of the mountain god to find those two bad luck."

"Big brother?"

Boss Tu slapped the table with his big hand, "That's it, let's do it."

(End of this chapter)

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