Chapter 1085 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (37)

Boss Tu looked straight up, opened his eyes suddenly, and the two scars on his face twitched, "Third brother, you do what you need to do to block people. Sixth child, whichever direction that person is going, it won't be deep into the mountains Let's run."

Seeing that Boss Tu took it seriously, the six sons didn't dare to smile again, "No, that man didn't run into the mountains at all, he just ran out, if he dared to run into the mountains, I would chase him to death.

He ran to the north, to the mountain temple.In my opinion, he might be a hunter from a nearby village, and he wanted to run back to the village. If he really wanted to get out of the mountain, he should run east. "

"Mountain Temple..." Wansan held his chin, "Brother, why don't you go to Weishan Village this year, it doesn't matter whether that person is a hunter or someone sent by the new guard, if he goes to Weishan Village to hide, we will kill them together.

It doesn't matter if you can't get it out, the movement is so loud, it's not afraid that you won't be able to get out of this person.As long as he dared to run out of the mountain, he would be able to catch it.

By the way, I will send someone to the mountain temple to see if the person has hid in the temple. "

"It's a good idea to use us as three fires to stand up and stand up." Boss Tu's face was ruthless, "Let's not show him some real tricks, but treat him as someone himself. Let's go Weishan Village, visit more people this year.

Six sons, tell the brothers, let go of your courage to do it this year.Oh, take a look at the mountain temple, and catch them if there are any. Don't alarm the people down the mountain. "

"That's good, brother." The six sons said happily, "Brothers are definitely willing. Damn, they always say that people in the village should not be massacred, and this happens every year. It's really a tooth sacrifice. It's not fun."

Six sons ran out.

"Brother, do you want to change the peak after the next year?" Wan San asked.

"After finishing this ticket, I will change it when I come back, and the next village will be called Langtou Village." Boss Tu began to eat and drink again.


The mountain temple is built on a peak above Weishan Village. It is located in a high position, and there are no tall trees on the hill. It can be seen from a long distance, and it has become a marker for nearby villagers.

You can know where you are when you see the mountain temple, and it is not easy to get lost.

The mountain temple does not occupy a large area, but it has a complete layout, with a mountain gate, a main hall, and side rooms.

There is no temple celebration in the temple, and those who come to worship the mountain god bring their own incense sticks to offer incense to the mountain god, and offer their offerings to the statue of the mountain god.

However, most of the villagers worship the mountain god in a simplified way. They worship toward the mountain temple at home a few times, and they usually offer offerings in front of the mountain god tablet at home during the New Year's festival.

It will be winter. Although Weishan Village is located in the south and the climate is warm, it is colder on the top of the mountain, and sometimes there will be snowflakes. Fewer people come to the mountain temple to worship.

Usually, there are not many people who come to worship in the mountain temple, most of them are hunters.

From the mountain temple to the inside is the deep mountain. Before entering the deep mountain, Orion will go to the mountain temple to burn incense and pray for the blessing of the mountain god.

The mountain temple is already very dilapidated, half of the mountain gate and side rooms are collapsed, the window sash is missing in the main hall, and there are several holes in the roof.

The worst thing is that many of the wood has been eaten by moths, and some have been broken into several pieces.

Xi Hua went into the temple of the mountain god, and when she saw the statue of the mountain god, she was indeed blushing.

This mountain god is like a clay sculpture. Not only is most of the exterior paint peeled off, but there are also many deep cracks in the clay tire inside. There is no way to repair it, so we can only build a new one.

She walked around the statue of the mountain god, and took note of some characteristics of the statue of the mountain god.

Reconstruction will begin in the next year, so she will come over to inspect the site first.

Although it is dilapidated, the wooden structure and carved patterns of the mountain temple are worth recording. She has recorded it in her own database and will draw it when she goes back, so as to serve as a reference for the newly built temple.

Going around in the mountain temple and jotting down the information to be memorized, Yuhua came to a corner of the main hall and picked up an arrow from the ground.

The arrow had coagulated blood stains, judging from the freshness of the blood stains, it happened in the past two days.

Whether it is human blood or the blood of wild animals, Yu Hua can tell with a little inspection, the blood on the arrow is human blood.

The arrow itself attracted her attention even more. In terms of workmanship and standard, it was not like the ones that ordinary hunters could use, but it didn't have the logo of a military arrow.

And if it was Orion's arrow, Orion would be reluctant to throw away the intact arrow, even the remaining arrow would be picked up.

It reminded her of bandits.

When bandits went to the village to plunder, they used bows and arrows.

Whether it is an arrow used by bandits remains to be verified.

If so, how did the bandit's arrow come to the mountain temple?

Whoever finds the shot will figure it out.

Before leaving the mountain temple, Yuhua cleaned up the blood left by the arrow shooter.

Fortunately, the person shot by the arrow was still on the mountain, and Yu Hua found the person following the blood information left on the arrow.

She came to a cave.

The entrance of the cave is well covered by vegetation, and you can't tell that there is a cave here unless you get close.

However, for the people in Weishan Village, the nearby caves where people can hide are not a secret. Sometimes when it rains or other accidents on the mountain, and they cannot go down the mountain in time, they will run to these caves for shelter.

Xi Hua walked into the cave.

Because the cave was used as a temporary shelter, some villagers spontaneously cleaned up the cave, set up wooden boards that can be used as beds, dry firewood, and built an earthen stove.

At this time, the fire stove in the cave was already burning, which made the cave not so damp and cold.

There was someone in the cave, a young man with a handsome appearance, dressed in the clothes that hunters often wear nearby, with a cloth strip wrapped around his right arm.

Yu Hua judged at a glance that this person was not a hunter.Although his exposed hands and face were not white, they were well maintained, and Orion would not look at her with arrogant eyes.

Seeing that it was a young woman who came in, Lu Linxuan's appearance caught his eyes. He put down the knife in his hand and asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?" Seeing that she was dressed as a village girl nearby, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Yu Hua didn't talk nonsense with him, and took out the arrow, "Did the bandits hurt you? Where did you meet the bandits?"

When Lu Linxuan took out the arrow in Yuhua, the knife was in front of him, "Who are you, and what do you have to do with bandits?"

He felt disgusted with Yu Hua, the women in the bandit's lair were all bandits' playthings, so what kind of good would a woman who had a relationship with a bandit be.

Yu Hua: "I should ask you this question, who are you, where are you from, and how did you meet the bandits?"

"Ah!" A person rushed in from outside the cave, blocked between Yu Hua and Lu Linxuan, spread his hands and arms, and protected Lu Linxuan behind him, "Don't kill him, he is a good man, he is...he is my fiancé.

Please, don't tell him, please let us go. "

The person who rushed in was very familiar to Yu Hua, it was Daya Chen.

Yu Hua had a questioning face, wondering what Chen Daya was up to, acting as if she was a villain who beat mandarin ducks.

(End of this chapter)

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