Chapter 1089 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (41)

After Chen Wenlu was admitted as a scholar, he passed the bright road with Su Yushang, the prefect's lady. Many things can be done with the help of the prefect. In addition, he got acquainted with Lu Linxuan, and he has a wider network. He is proud of himself for a while.

When he went to the capital and accidentally saw Liao Qinghan's appearance, the clouds cleared, because Liao Qinghan looked very similar to Song Yuerou.

Liao Qinghan is the eldest son of General Liao Shiwu. He has a younger sister, Liao Fangling, who was born in the same year as Song Yuerou.

The ancestors of the Liao family were born with supernatural powers, and later joined the army and were made generals by virtue of their military exploits. Many descendants of the Liao family, regardless of gender, have inherited the great strength of their ancestors.

However, most of the Liao family who have inherited great strength are only stronger than usual, and very few can stand shoulder to shoulder with their ancestors.

Liao Qinghan's grandfather and father were both born with great strength. Although they were not as powerful as their ancestors, they were still as powerful as an ox.

The Great General is not a hereditary title. Later generations think that the Great General's mansion will not fall, but it depends on military exploits to be named.

Liao Qinghan's grandfather and father both made military exploits and were named generals successively.

Song Yuerou and Liao Qinghan look alike, and are born with supernatural powers, so it's hard not to let people think of her as the blood of the Liao family.

But the Liao family did not have a lost daughter.

If Song Yuerou was from the Liao family, it could only be because she was replaced.

Liao Fangling is the only daughter of the Liao family who is about the same age as Song Yuerou.

Liao Fangling did not inherit the great strength of the Liao family, because she didn't like martial arts since she was a child, and her body was weak.

Chen Wenlu asked someone to investigate secretly, and asked Chen Caiyu to use his ability to help him.

Chen Wenlu really made some investigations, and it was confirmed that Song Yuerou and Liao Fangling had been deliberately switched identities.

Chen Wenlu wanted Chen Daya to pretend to be Song Yuerou and tell her all these.

Song Yuerou was already dead, but she died in the Chen family. If the Liao family found out, they would only vent their anger on the Chen family. Chen Wenlu knew this well, and would not directly tell the Liao family about Song Yuerou.

Chen Wenlu came up with a wonderful idea, let Chen Daya, who is about the same age, pretend to be Song Yuerou, and go to Liao's house to recognize relatives.

Weishan Village was slaughtered and looted by bandits. Some died, some were wounded, some were arrested. Half of the houses in the village were burned down, and few of the houses that were not burned were left intact. I was worried that the bandits would return Then, the rest of the people left one after another, like the Chen family all moved to the county town.

When the Liao family came to Weishan Village to investigate, they would not find anyone.

There are very few people in Gujia Village who have seen Song Yuerou with their own eyes, and after a few years, no one can tell what Song Yuerou looks like, only that she has a good appearance.

Chen Daya was not as good as Song Yuerou, but she was not bad either.

Moreover, the Chen family did not notify the Gu family village of Song Yuerou's death.

With Chen Caiyu's ability, the Liao family couldn't find anything.

The person who needs to be taken care of is He Zhenniang.

Chen Wenlu asked Chen Caiyu to use his power on He Zhenniang. Within a few days, when He Zhenniang went out in a carriage, the horse was frightened and overturned the carriage, and He Zhenniang fell to her death.

After the troubles were resolved, Chen Wenlu set out to ask Chen Daya to recognize her relatives.

The jade lock really belonged to the Liao family, and with the evidence Chen Wenlu found out, the Liao family kidnapped Song Sheng's younger sister.

Song Sheng's younger sister couldn't resist the board, and admitted that she had exchanged the daughter of the Liao family.

In fact, there is a well-known background about how Song Yuerou could exchange Liao Fangling, that is the rebellion of King Huai back then.

King Huai was the third son of the first emperor.

The first emperor had many children, and among those who survived to become adults, there were twelve princes and eight princesses. According to the practice of the Great Chu Dynasty, the princes would be crowned kings when they became adults, and a fief would be allocated. After the prince got married, he would go to live in the fief.

With more princes, the battle for the throne became more intense.

The first emperor was a long-lived emperor. He had been in power for 40 years at that time, and he had not established a crown prince.

King Huai was the most ambitious. He trained the army in private and established his own power secretly.He originally wanted to launch a palace change in the capital, this way is the most direct and takes the least time.

But before the palace change planned by King Huai was not carried out, the news got out, and the late emperor was furious, cleared out the manpower arranged by King Huai in the capital, and then sent people to arrest King Huai.

King Huai kept on doing nothing, and launched a rebellion after knowing the news had been leaked.

He colluded with the Dirong tribe and helped the Dirong tribe open the gates of the border towns. The border was in chaos, and Dachu fell into a situation of internal and external troubles.

The court sent King Su to lead an army to reinforce the border.

General Deng was stationed in the border town, and Liao Shiwu was his subordinate, but in fact Liao Shiwu belonged to King Su.

The border city fell, General Deng died in battle, and Liao Shiwu was ordered to act as the general temporarily.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Dirong tribe involved most of Chu's army, King Huai launched a mutiny.

King Huai suspected that it was King Su who had reported him, and he hated King Su deeply, and King Su's fief was the first to bear the brunt.

The soldiers of King Su's mansion protected King Su's family and avoided them.

During the turmoil in the border town, Liao Shiwu sent his family members to King Su's fiefdom. Unexpectedly, King Huai trained so many soldiers secretly, and was the first to launch an attack on King Su's fiefdom.

The family members of Liao's family did not wait for King Su's Mansion. They met the family members of King Su's Mansion on the road. Knowing that it was impossible to go to King Su's Mansion, the two families fled to other places together.

King Huai's pursuers persisted, and the family members of King Su and the Liao family were dispersed, and some of them fled to Luzhou.

The masters in the group include King Su's youngest son and Shen Rushuang.

Song Xiang, Song Sheng's younger sister, was among the servants.

Song Xiang was sold to the Shen residence by the Song family through Renyazi when she was ten years old, and became Miss Shen's maidservant of Shen Rushuang, and was renamed Xiangyun.

Shen Rushuang married Liao Shiwu, and Xiangyun was brought into Liao's house as Shen Rushuang's personal maid.

A few years later, Shen Rushuang married Xiangyun to Liao He, Liao Shiwu's personal servant.

Liao He is the son of the Liao family, he followed Liao Shiwu since he was a child, and was deeply trusted by Liao Shiwu. Because of this, Xiangyun also won the trust of Shen Rushuang and Liao Shiwu.

This time Xiangyun followed Shen Rushuang to King Su's mansion.

Shen Rushuang was seven months pregnant when she was sent to King Su's mansion, and when she moved to Luzhou, Shen Rushuang's fetal gas moved, and she gave birth to a daughter, Song Yuerou.

King Huai's mutiny was fought under the banner of the Qing emperor, some of them wanted to fish in troubled waters, and then launched large and small rebellions. The whole Chu was not stable everywhere. Luzhou was relatively better, but there were also rebellious soldiers from time to time.

After Shen Rushuang gave birth, they encountered rebellious soldiers, and the group was dispersed again. Xiangyun ran together with the newborn child and the mother who was holding Su Wang's youngest son.

Xiangyun was already ten years old when she was sold, and she did not lose contact with the Song family after she went to Shen's house. She proposed to take refuge at her brother's house temporarily.

A few of them were weak and weak, so they went to An County and lived in Song Sheng's house after hearing Xiangyun's suggestion.

In fact, Xiangyun was also pregnant, and it had been five months, but she didn't say anything, plus she was not obvious about her pregnancy, and she was wearing thick clothes. No one thought of this.

(End of this chapter)

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