Chapter 1098 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (50)

" was passed on by the third child." Chen Shou took the initiative to expose it to Yuhua, "He said it was better than reconciliation and divorce. Marriage doesn't count. Even if he is not a second marriage, it is more likely that he will marry the prefect's lady."

"I see." Yu Hua had heard the rumor two days ago.

It is said that Chen Wenlu was only in order to live up to the teacher's entrustment and take good care of Song Yuerou. The two had no personal relationship, and they were not really married to Song Yuerou. They didn't even apply for a marriage certificate. .

It was agreed at the time that after Song Yuerou's 16th birthday, she would find a time to clarify, so that both parties could marry separately.

Xi Hua knows better than Chen Shou why Chen Wenlu spread the word.

Chen Wenlu wanted to pave the way for Chen Daya's impersonation.

When Chen Daya went to recognize relatives, the Liao family would definitely send someone to investigate, and then they would hear the rumors.

Looking at the rough foreshadowing made by Chen Wenlu, it is easy to be punctured.

Because Song Sheng never let Song Yuerou go out, not many people in Gujia Village have seen Song Yuerou's real face, but everyone in Weishan Village knows Daya Chen, and they know that Song Yuerou has become Huayuerou Hualizheng now.

But Chen Wenlu's idea was based on Chen Caiyu's ability. He was confident that with Chen Caiyu's help, this rumor would become the fact that Liao's family found out.

Seeing that Yuhua didn't change his face even in anger, Chen Shou thought of the god statue in the temple for no reason, which made his heart skip a beat.

It was rumored that Hua Yuerou was a half-disciple of the mountain god, but he himself didn't believe it, because everyone in the Chen family knew that Hua Yuerou was born with great strength, not taught by some mountain god.

But facing the current Hua Yuerou, he seemed to be standing in front of the statue in the temple, and he couldn't help feeling afraid.

He was not sure what Hua Yuerou's attitude was, "Third brother asked me to send a message to Yaomei to use her powers on you..." He didn't dare to keep his hole cards, and told him everything Chen Wenlu asked him to do.

The third brother wants Yaomei to use her abilities on Hua Yuerou, so that Hua Yuerou will be unlucky, and it is best to die in an accident.

"En." Yu Hua responded after hearing this.

Chen Shou still couldn't see what kind of attitude Yu Hua had towards him, so he said bravely, "I want to move to Fan's family to be my son-in-law, look..."

Hua Yuerou will not make things easier for the Chen family.

Look at his mother, in addition to serving his father every day, she also has to open up wasteland, she is so thin that she is out of shape.

His father and his eldest brother were half paralyzed on the bed. After a long time, no one was around to serve them. The two of them were dirty and smelly, and life would be worse than death.

As for him, he was exhausted from working every day, not to mention not eating well and not being able to eat enough. If he continued like this, he did not know how many years his life would be lost.

One day he is the Chen family, and the other day he has to be implicated by the Chen family.

Hua Yuerou's reputation in Weishan Village is getting higher and higher day by day, and she has even become Lizheng of Weishan Village. There is no hope for him to stay in Weishan Village.

Although the name of the door-to-door son-in-law is not good, he must have a reason to get out of the fire pit of the Chen family.

"Follow you." Yu Hua said.

Chen Dakui molested the original owner, and Fan Taohua fanned the flames in order to please Ma Cuifen, causing the original owner to invite Ma Cuifen to beat and scold him more. Chen Shou pushed his work to the original owner many times.

Xi Hua broke Chen Dakui's leg, Chen Dakui and Fan Taohua had nightmares for several months, Chen Shou had a drought for several months, and the resentment of the original owner on the three of them basically dissipated.

Chen Shou felt relieved.


The Chinese New Year in Weishan Village is more lively this year than in previous years.

Killing the bandits back up the courage of the villagers, coupled with the confidence in force brought by practicing Kaiyun Fist, their voices became louder, and their backs couldn't help but straighten.

Those who slaughtered pigs, those who made rice cakes made rice cakes, and firecrackers bought a few more.

Except for the Chen family.

The Chen family has had a miserable year.

Chen Shou got the approval of Yu Hua, and he took his family to Fanjia Village without any delay. It was useless for Ma Cuifen to play around.

Seeing Chen Shou's family push away with their parcels on their backs, Ma Cuifen sat on the ground crying and cursing, "You shameless..."

Few of the onlookers came forward to persuade them, because they all knew what kind of virtue Ma Cuifen was, and they were afraid of getting into trouble.

In private, it is said that the Chen family is cold-tempered.

Let’s not talk about the past, let’s take the present as an example. Chen Yougui broke his leg, and Chen Wenlu never went home to visit him, even if he brought some medicine.

I will not return after the Chinese New Year.

Seeing that Chen Yougui and Chen Fu became a drag on the family, Chen Shou didn't say that he would take on the responsibility of supporting the family, and ran away on his feet, preferring to be a half-way son-in-law.

There was only Chen Erkui left as a male, and a [-] or [-]-year-old male could be a pillar in someone else's house, but as for Chen Erkui, he ran to the mountains every day, fed himself, went home to sleep at night, and didn't care about anything at home.

When the villagers talked about things, they used Chen Yougui's family as a negative example to set off.

Since Chen Wenlu wants to use Chen Daya to rely on the Liao family, Yuhua is willing to help him.

The higher you climb, the harder you fall.

Yu Hua took advantage of the opportunity to admit Chen Wenlu's statement and moved out of the Chen family.

Her moving away from the Chen family didn't mean that she let the Chen family go. When the original owner's grievances dissipated, the calculation would be over.

The Chen family doesn't need much energy from Yuhua, she is also very busy during the Chinese New Year.

The matter of rebuilding the mountain temple was settled, and those who donated money from the villages donated money, and those who gave out gave out.

Luo Genshan said that no wages are required, and Jiao Qizhong will be the guarantor, and the responsibility for the construction falls to the top of Luogenshan.

Luo Genshan was excited for several days, and went to the mountain temple to worship.

The reconstructed mountain temple adopts stone and wood structure, stone is used as the foundation, and the part above the ground is made of wood.

The foundation of the old mountain temple is also made of stone, and most of it can still be used without major changes. All the above ground needs to be demolished and rebuilt.

During the few days of Chinese New Year, Yuhua drew the construction drawings agreed by the two, and drew detailed structural drawings of each component.

"Rouwazi, come and carve the statue of the mountain god."

Luo Genshan was not good at carving such large wooden statues. Seeing that Yuhua was good at carving, he handed over the matter to Yuhua.

Xi Hua agreed.

After the Lantern Festival, the construction was about to start, and Yuhua took some time to go to the county town to discount Chen Wenlu's right hand.

Chen Wenlu's eyes were about to burst, "Song Yuerou! You have such a poisonous mind, I will never live with you!"

His right hand is discounted, how can he take the county exam, and if he doesn't take the county exam to get a scholar, how can he continue his relationship with Su Yushang.

Yu Hua glanced at him, "I can't live with you? How dare you?"

Chen Wenlu was throbbing in pain, but he didn't dare to yell or curse.

Yu Hua threw away the bricks that were obtained locally, "If Chen Caiyu comes to harm me, I must be prepared to have my arms and legs broken."

She never wanted to give Chen Wenlu the opportunity to be a scholar.

In the previous life, Chen Wenlu was admitted as a scholar, and he was admitted to Juren in one go.

There shouldn't be a future by stepping on the bones of the original owner.

Her broken hand could not write well even after receiving it. Chen Wenlu would never even think about taking the imperial examination in his life.

A broken leg was inconvenient for Chen Wenlu to jump up and down to package and sell Chen Daya, so she didn't interrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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