Chapter 1101 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (53)

Chen Daya couldn't help being excited, she could finally leave here.

Lu Linxuan sent her a letter through his third uncle, saying that if she wanted to go to the capital to meet relatives, he could help her.

This is a signal that Lu Linxuan has found out the origin of the jade lock.The origin of the jade lock is easy to find out. It was given to Liao Shiwu's children by King Su back then. It is a set of eight jade locks, with the intention of wishing Liao Shiwu many children.

When the army was in chaos, Shen Rushuang took a jade lock with her when she left, and hung it around her daughter's neck after her birth.

Later, Xiangyun returned to Liao's mansion with the fake daughter in his arms, and for some reason, left the jade lock at the Song family, falsely claiming that it was lost, so the fake daughter did not have the jade lock.

Chen Daya hurriedly found Chen Caiyu, "Sister-in-law, it's time, let's leave."

The third uncle didn't tell her to take my sister-in-law with her, so she would too.

In the previous life, if there was no sister-in-law, she would have been exposed long ago.

Chen Caiyu wanted to leave, but she still shook her head, "I can't leave, if Hua Yuerou finds out, she will break my leg."

After hearing this, Chen Daya suddenly felt her legs go cold. Thinking of her bright future, she gathered herself together and said according to what Chen Wenlu taught her, "What are you afraid of? She can still go to the capital!" Can't find us?

Hua Yuerou was also domineering in Weishan Village. When she arrived in the capital, she dared to attack others, but the guards of the capital shot her dead with an arrow.No matter how powerful she is, she can surpass officers and soldiers. "

Regarding Song Yuerou changing her surname to Hua Yuerou, Chen Daya couldn't wait to laugh out loud, the change was so good, in the future there will only be her, Song Yuerou, and there will be no more one.

If my sister-in-law casts spells, it will be easier to fool the Liao family.

Chen Caiyu wanted to say that Hua Yuerou killed dozens of bandits in one go. She was really stronger than officers and soldiers. However, what Chen Daya said earlier moved her, so Hua Yuerou dared to go to the capital to find her?
Seeing that Chen Caiyu was moved by her words, Chen Daya hit the iron while the iron was hot, "Hua Yuerou has been in the mountains recently and only came back at night. Let's wait for Hua Yuerou to go to the mountains tomorrow and leave. When she finds out, we will leave the county early. Now, where is she going to find us?"

Chen Caiyu decided to leave with Chen Daya.

She is not stupid, she knows that Daya Chen kept encouraging her to leave because she wanted to use her ability, and she also wanted to use her ability to live a life of gold and silver. She met the lady of Zhou Dahu's family in the county once. , full of pearls and emeralds, those jewelry are very beautiful.

That is, she just went to pray to the workers in the mountain temple yesterday, and she used up all her abilities.

If Hua Yuerou were to help, she would recover immediately, but now she has a ghost in her heart, and she can't hide, so how dare she look for Hua Yuerou.

It's not that there is no other way...Chen Caiyu looked in the direction of the main room.

She had discovered it early on, and every time her abilities were exhausted, she recovered the fastest at home, especially by her mother's side.

It's not so fast to stay with her father.

She later vaguely knew that she recovered quickly by staying with her mother because she absorbed her mother's blessings. Her mother loved her and was willing to let her suck, so she recovered quickly. Her father treats her well on the surface. To prevent her from taking blessings is to not love her from the bottom of my heart.

Thinking that her mother has treated her worse and worse in the past few months, and sometimes scolded her, and her father, the only one who loves her the most is the third brother, the second brother and the eldest brother in the back row, and the eldest brother and the second chief. It's her.

In the past few months, I know that she can't use her abilities for the family and the third brother, so I don't even like to look at her.

Then don't blame her for being cruel.

She has a feeling that she can absorb the blessings from the Chen family.

As soon as Chen Daya left, Chen Caiyu began to try, closing her eyes and thinking about it.

As she muttered silently, Chen Caiyu didn't even realize that her hands made a seal.

After a while, traces of luck gathered from the members of the Chen family to her.

As soon as luck entered her body, Chen Caiyu knew she had succeeded, and her heart was filled with joy.

She was quite thoughtful and didn't smoke any more, thinking that she would smoke before leaving tomorrow so that she wouldn't be afraid of being discovered by Hua Yuerou.

Early the next morning, Chen Daya came over and called Chen Caiyu, "Sister, Hua Yuerou has been up the mountain for half an hour, let's go quickly."

"Wait a while, you go out first, I'll use my ability." Chen Caiyu said vaguely.

Chen Daya thought that Chen Caiyu would use his ability to bless the two of them, and was very happy, "Then hurry up."

As soon as Chen Daya came out of the house, Chen Caiyu immediately thought as she did yesterday.

Yuhua on the mountain sensed Chen Caiyu's change, stopped the saw in his hand, and looked towards Chen's house.

Chen Caiyu was using her ability with her eyes closed, but instead of sending out luck, she sucked it into herself.

A trace of luck was stripped from the Chen family and gathered on Chen Caiyu.

She checked and found that Chen Caiyu had not awakened her body consciousness.

It seems that Chen Caiyu has accidentally learned to absorb luck from others.

I don't know if Chen Caiyu has absorbed enough, or she has sensed it. When Xi Hua scanned Chen Caiyu's soul with mental power, Chen Caiyu stopped absorbing it.

At this time, Chen Daya came in with a burden on her back and urged Chen Caiyu, "Hurry up, the milk is about to wake up."

When Chen Caiyu heard this, she hurriedly put on her shoes, carried the big package next to the bed, and ran out of Chen's house with Chen Daya.

Chen Daya and Chen Caiyu's intentions were too obvious, they wanted to run away.

Yuhua didn't stop it.

With Chen Caiyu's ability to clear the way, the two left the village without disturbing anyone.


"This one of yours is a millennium ginseng!" Zhou Zhongli's hands trembled excitedly.He has sold the medicine all his life, but he has only heard of the thousand-year-old ginseng, but he has never seen it.

Without it, millennium ginseng is a rare treasure.

He didn't expect to see one in his lifetime.

"How much can you pay?" Yu Hua asked.

"Thousand-year-old ginseng is too expensive, and the price starts at [-] taels. I can't afford it." Zhou Zhongli was excited, but he felt regretful. He really wanted to buy it as the treasure of the store, but he didn't have that much money, so he put his entire medicine The halls are sold and there is not enough to buy.

"However, I know someone can afford it. If you believe me, I'll write a post for you, and you can just come to your door."

"Thank you." Yu Hua trusted Zhou Zhongli.

After he recognized the thousand-year-old ginseng, he didn't hide it from her, let alone lower the price, so his character is reliable.

Zhou Zhongli waved his hand, "I can't thank you. People who want to buy high-quality ginseng are of the same family as me, and they have already said hello to me. If you come to the door with a post I wrote, it is equivalent to sending me a favor. I want more Thank you for that."

Immediately wrote a post, wrote the address of the family, folded it, and handed it to Yu Hua.

Xi Hua looked at the address, and it was in neighboring Shan County.

His surname is Zhou, and he lives in Zhoujia Town, Shan County. Yuhua knows who it is, it is a family of a third-rank official who has returned from an official career, and the bamboo crafts she and Master Hua wove last time were sold to this family.

(End of this chapter)

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