Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 1114 Is Koi a blessing or a curse?

Chapter 1114 Is Koi a blessing or a curse (66)

A carriage drove into Weishan Village. There were seven or eight people in the carriage, half of them were boys and girls in their teens.

The carriage stopped in the open space in the middle of the village, everyone in the carriage got off, and the driver turned his horse and left.

Seven or eight people were obviously not from Weishan Village. They had been looking around since entering the village, and they got out of the car and looked around in place.

In the past, when there were so many outsiders entering the village, people in Weishan Village would be curious and ask who their relatives were or what they were doing here.

Now, not only are the people in Weishan Village not surprised, but they also feel a sense of pride in their hearts.

No need to ask, these people want to come to the craftsman academy to learn crafts, and the older ones are the children's elders, sending the children here to have a good future.

After the Artisan Academy was opened, many people from other villages, even from other counties, came here, wanting to enter the academy to learn crafts.

When you enter the academy, you can learn crafts for free for three years. You only need to do some work for the school.

Not only can they learn crafts, but students who enter the academy will be taught reading, literacy and arithmetic.

This is a great thing.Regardless of whether the craft can be learned, you can earn money if you can learn to read and calculate accounts. It is a good job to be a bookkeeper when you go back.

For ordinary people who can afford to pay for scholars, the annual Shuxiu alone can make it hard for people to be bad.

Not to mention free food and lodging.The half-grown boy eats the poor old man, and the family is short of the rations of a half-grown boy, so there will be a lot of leeway in three years.

Such a good thing, of course, can't accept everyone who comes, and those who don't pass the interview will go back and forth.

Only the children in their Weishan village can go to school if they want to learn.Adults can follow along if they want to learn, even if they are 50 or [-] years old, as long as they don't care about food and housing.

Who told the Artisan College to be built in their Weishan Village? It would be their Weishan Village's college after rounding up.

In Weishan Village, everyone who is over seven years old and under 50 years old can know a few words, at least they can draw their names with branches. They dare say that any village in Dachu can't compare.

With the pride in their hearts, the villagers were very friendly to those who were studying abroad, and someone immediately pointed out the way to seven or eight people, "Did you see that wooden sign, the four characters written on it are Artisan College, and the arrow below refers to the direction.

You go in the direction indicated by the arrow, and follow the arrow when you see the next wooden sign, and you will be able to go to the Artisan Academy after a while. "

Seven or eight people thanked the villagers and followed the arrows up the mountain.

"It's more magnificent than Luzhou Academy." Zhou Rujin stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the large and brightly colored buildings halfway up the mountain, her eyes became brighter.

Craftsman College was better than her grandfather said it would be.She went to the famous Luzhou College with her grandfather.

Luzhou College is also on the mountainside, with a large area of ​​houses, but compared with Craftsman College, the houses of Luzhou College are too sparse.

She fell in love with the building of the Artisan College at a glance. It is colorful, but just right, without any sense of clutter.

Moreover, the Artisan Academy is divided into male and female colleges, both men and women are accepted, and the women's college is larger, and its style is also more generous than that of Luzhou College, which only admits men.

"Sister Zhou Jing, have you ever been to Luzhou Academy?" A girl next to her asked curiously.

"I just passed by at the foot of the Luzhou Academy Mountain, and saw it." Zhou Rujin lamented inwardly, and said strangely that one cannot tell a lie, and after telling a lie, one would have to tell a lot of lies in the future.

But I can't tell the truth, because she left home secretly.

In order not to be found by her family, she changed into coarse clothes, changed her appearance, and changed her name.

She liked to do some handiwork since she was a child. There was an old servant in the family who had a good hand in woodcarving. She wanted to learn it, but the family refused to let her learn this kind of handicraft. Demure asked her to learn embroidery.

She doesn't like embroidery, but likes wood carving, bamboo weaving and other handicrafts.

She thought her grandfather admired Sister Hua and would allow her to learn crafts from Sister Hua's two masters, but she was disappointed.

Hearing the news that the craftsman college recruited students, she made a bold decision-to sneak away.

Grandparents have already started to discuss her marriage, if they don't fight hard, there will be no chance, and she will regret it for the rest of her life.

She bet that her grandfather's appreciation for Sister Hua was sincere and his love for her was genuine. When she entered the women's courtyard, even if her grandfather found her, he would not take her home immediately. An extra day of study is a day.


"...The Liao family already knew that the one in the capital is a fake, but the Liao family has not made any movement yet." The old god Zhou Chuanyou took a sip from the tea bowl, and then another sip.

He really likes this tea.

Even the tea that Hua Yuerou brought out was unusual.

He almost believed that Hua Yuerou was a disciple of the Mountain God.

Disappointed but not disappointed, he didn't see any turmoil in Hua Yuerou's mood.

Yu Hua nodded, "Chen Daya has married to the Dingyuan Hou Mansion, and the Liao family doesn't want to break this relationship."

"That's right. Apart from that, Liao Shiwu needs some face. If the first daughter he recognized last time is a fake, the Liao family will become the laughing stock of the capital." Zhou Chuanyou has put Hua Yuerou on an equal footing with him superior.

From the perspective of serving the emperor, he and Hua Yuerou can be regarded as colleagues.

After the merits of killing more than [-] enemies in Weishan Village came out, he didn't hide anything from the emperor, and reported everything, including Hua Yuerou's life experience, and her wish not to admit to the Liao family.

The emperor took a fancy to Hua Yuerou's supernatural power and her ability to lead troops in battle.

There are foreign troubles in the north and south of Dachu, and the biggest foreign trouble is Di Rong.

More than ten years ago, King Huai rebelled and colluded with Di Rong to attack on a large scale, causing internal and external troubles. In the early stage, the Chu army was defeated and numerous generals were killed and injured.

As a result, there are not many generals in Dachu who are not in charge today, and there are not many generals who can lead their troops to resist Di Rong.

Su Wang can do it, but the emperor dares to Su Wang's military power. Once given, the throne may be unstable.

So even if the emperor doesn't like Liao Shiwu, he still has to pinch his nose and make him a general, because right now only Liao Shiwu's supernatural power can make Dirong people fear.

The emperor has been looking for someone who can replace Liao Shiwu, even one, but he failed to get what he wanted.

The appearance of Hua Yuerou made the emperor think otherwise.

After finding out what Hua Yuerou did in Weishan Village, the emperor made a decision.

Not long ago, he received the emperor's secret decree to designate Hua Yuerou as a fourth-rank guerrilla general.

Although Da Chu never had female generals, there were more than one female generals in the previous dynasty. Both female generals have been famous for many generations.There is evidence for the emperor to appoint a female general.

However, there is a prerequisite for Hua Yuerou to truly become a guerrilla general.

If Hua Yuerou did it, she would be a guerrilla general. If she didn't, the imperial decree would be invalidated.

(End of this chapter)

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