Chapter 1118 Koi is a Blessing or a Disaster (70)

Xi Hua first sent Zhou Rujin to Zhou's house.

Zhou Rujin entered the Artisan Academy, and she didn't want to live in the back house like her grandmother and mother for the rest of her life, let alone marry early.

But the final decision on Zhou Rujin's marriage is in the hands of Zhou Rujin's parents.

Knowing that she was coming to the capital, Zhou Rujin came with her.

After delivering Zhou Rujin, Yuhua took people to the house that the emperor gave her.

It is a rather large house with complete pavilions, terraces and pavilions, scenery everywhere, and even a small lake.

According to her grade, she couldn't live in this kind of house, but it was given by the emperor, so it's another matter.

The emperor tried his best to make her a general, overpowering those non-royalist courtiers, and he would never treat her badly.

Giving her her own house also didn't want her to live in the Liao family, because she had too much to do with the Liao family.

No matter what the emperor's consideration was, Yuhua was quite satisfied with having an independent residence in the capital.

Yu Hua brought people to the front of the house, the door of the house was wide open, and an old man dressed as a servant stood outside the door.

The old man stepped forward and saluted Yuhua respectfully, "General, old slave Yan Zhang, I will act as the housekeeper of the general's mansion temporarily before the general arrives."

It means whether he can continue to be the housekeeper. It depends on Yuhua. If Yuhua says to use him, he is the housekeeper.

"You will continue to be the housekeeper in the future." Yu Hua has inspected the whole house with mental strength, and the inside is well-organized, which shows Yan Zhang's ability.

She doesn't care that Yan Zhang is the emperor's man, as long as she takes good care of the house, she will be a good subordinate.

"Thank you, General." Yan Zhang was overjoyed.When he saw that Yuhua had brought dozens of people over, he thought that he would not be left behind. After all, everyone likes to use their own people.

It would be great to be kept, which shows that he is a useful person.

Xi Hua lived in the main courtyard.

The sixty men she brought were arranged in the backyard.


It's peaceful in Yuhua, but other places in the capital are not peaceful.

It didn't take long for everyone in the capital to know about the news that the female general appointed by the emperor had entered the capital.

Hua Yuerou's real life experience is known to those who should know.

This cannot be hidden.

The guerrilla general personally appointed by the emperor is still a woman, and has attracted the attention of various forces.

What's more, her life experience has not been investigated.

Some were happy and some were angry, but when most people found out, they all took the attitude of watching jokes, watching the jokes of the Liao family and the Lu family.

Hearing that Hua Yuerou had entered the capital, King Su laughed a few times, "Luoyan's move really wins my heart."

The current emperor's name is Qin Luoyan, and King Su didn't call him by his name directly to show outsiders how close the two are, but rather without the slightest respect.

Su Wang always believed that the next emperor that the late emperor preferred was him, but he was unable to rush back to the capital at that time, and Qin Luoyan secretly used tricks, so that the late emperor had to change Qin Luoyan, King of Jing.

If the first emperor valued Qin Luoyan, he would never have given him the title King Jing.

King Su only had resentment towards Qin Luoyan, but no respect.

No matter how unconvinced he was in his heart, King Su knew how to be cautious, and he would not be like this in front of outsiders. This time, only his eldest son Qin Yuanheng was in the room, and the servants sent him away, so he spoke casually.

In his opinion, the emperor used this trick to take back Liao Shiwu's military power, and he was cutting his own arm.

Although King Su wished to kill Liao Shiwu to relieve his hatred of backstabbing back then, he had to admit that Liao Shiwu's extraordinary skills were real. With Liao Shiwu around, Di Rong never dared to commit crimes.

As for Hua Yuerou, who was also born with divine power, King Su didn't think she could replace Liao Shiwu.

If Liao Shiwu was relieved of his military power, it would be a good thing for him, maybe he could get his military power back.

Thinking of this, King Su's expression was a bit smug, "Such a great event, how can we not have a lot of fun."

The fact that Hua Yuerou's true life experience was spread so quickly was due to his handwriting.

The emperor didn't want Hua Yuerou to admit to go back to Liao's family, at least on the surface.But how could he let the emperor do what he wanted, and secretly made people spread the news, so that everyone who should know knew about it.

Qin Yuanheng followed with a smile and said, "Everyone in the capital must thank the father, without the help of the father, how could there be such a joke."

These words made Su Wang even more happy, "This matter is also God's help. I just took a leisurely move at that time, and did not let the Liao family find Hua Yuerou. Unexpectedly, Hua Yuerou actually fell into Qin Luoyan's sight , This move of idle chess has a great effect."

"Father is still wise." Qin Yuanheng continued to cater to King Su, "Father, do you want to push me a little more?"

"No need. If you do too much, you will be targeted by the people in the palace."

"Yes, father." Qin Yuanheng answered yes with lowered eyes, extremely obedient.In fact, what he thinks, only he knows.

Ever since he almost lost his crown prince that time, Qin Yuanheng realized that his position in King Su's heart was not as important as he thought, so he changed his mind.

King Su looked at Qin Yuanheng, who was becoming more and more obedient to him, and nodded his head in satisfaction. After a pause, he thought of other things, put away his smile, and pointed to the east side, "What's going on there? Chen Caiyu said when ending?"

The "there" in the east refers to the East Palace, and Qin Yuanheng also smiled, "Chen Caiyu said it will be two months at most."

"That's good. Don't rush this matter, lest people see the flaws." King Su's eyes sank, "You take good care of her, and if you see any deviation from her, report it immediately."

Chen Caiyu was born with a different talent, which cannot be used by him, but can only be eliminated.

"I know, Father. She is followed when she goes in and out." Qin Yuanheng replied, "She said that she can solve Hua Yuerou's miracle. Father, do you want her to try?"

King Su's eyes flickered slightly, "Then let her try. But not now, when will you listen to my orders?"

"Yes." Qin Yuanheng replied with downcast eyes.A promise is a promise, but he's not going to follow through.

The throne does not necessarily have to be inherited from the father.

Chen Caiyu said that as long as she accepts Hua Yuerou's miraculous powers, she can get rid of the prince and several princes together, and then...


At this time, there was a lot of noise in one part of the Dingyuanhou Mansion.

Aunt Chen's eyes turned black in anger, she never expected that Yuzhu would crawl on the bed, and it was Lu Linxuan's bed.

After she found out, someone slapped Yuzhu's mouth immediately, but she was still not relieved.

She didn't understand why Yuzhu betrayed her, she pointed at her face which had swollen into two big jade beads, and said bitterly, "Yuzhu, I think I treat you kindly, do you do this to me!"

Yuzhu tried hard to open her swollen eyes, and asked rhetorically, "You treat me well? You say you treat me well? You let me do all the dirty things. I never thought that if I do those things What will happen if someone else finds out?"

Yuzhu said with a sneer, "Why should I be sorry for you, I was pointed out by the mistress to Miss Liao, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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