"What do you want me to do? I will die if I pay off so much karma. You are also a fairy, right? They are all foreigners. You and I are from the same country. Just let me go, okay? Listen to you, do whatever you ask me to do." That's weird!
Bai Li has also met other immortals, and the other immortals either looked down on her, or wanted to eat her and refine her. Fortunately, she was lucky, so they all escaped.Hua Yuerou didn't eat her or take her to refine medicine, it was not because her body was not here.

Yu Hua gave Bai Li a deep look, "Don't think about abandoning this body and escaping from this world. Guess whether you can make it through, and whether I can catch up to your real body."

Bai Li's heart trembled when she was watched by Yan Hua, she just had this thought in her mind.One day, she will leave this body while Hua Yuerou is away, and leave this world at the speed of light.

It's far away, Hua Yuerou is not the way of heaven in this world, even if she senses that she is dead, she can't come over immediately.

She bet that Hua Yuerou would not give up her current body to chase her.Although she would damage her soul body if she forcibly broke away from her, in order to get rid of Hua Yuerou, she had to fight hard.When the time comes, the sky will let her fly, and she will be free.

The emptiness is boundless, where will Hua Yuerou go to find her after decades.

How could she be seen through by Hua Yuerou just as soon as she changed her mind, "I dare not, I swear."

"Yeah." Yu Hua didn't believe Bai Li's words, she only looked at Bai Li's actions, "Since you can get away at any time, why haven't you done so?"

Bai Li didn't dare to lie anymore, and said, "The secret method of reincarnation I use has a limitation, that is, you have to die, in short, you have to live to the average lifespan of the people in the world you live in.

Before awakening the body consciousness, it’s okay to die accidentally. After awakening the body consciousness, the soul body will be damaged if you don’t live long enough, and the damage to the soul body will be even greater if you forcibly escape. "

"Where did your secret technique come from?"

"I found it in the void. Shangxian, do you want it?" Bai Li is not boasting, her koi luck is first-class good luck.

"Bring it here." Yu Hua hadn't tried reincarnation yet.Maybe reincarnation can give her real lust?You can give it a try.

Bai Li quickly gave it.

"From now on, you will be in the mountain temple, helping Wei Yu take care of the incense and respond to the believers' requests for help."

It is to ask her to contribute in vain.Bai Li's face collapsed, "Shangxian, I just reincarnated from my soul body, if I use up too much energy from my body, I won't be able to return to my body."

"When you pay off the karmic debts of this world, you will be able to return to your original body." As long as Bai Li doesn't commit suicide, Yuhua doesn't want Bai Li's life, or Bai Li's koi body.

She didn't even bother to move.

The karma that Bai Li still owes in this world is because Bai Li provoked her before. As for the karma that Bai Li owes in other worlds, she doesn't want to take care of it.

What is owed must be repaid sooner or later. Species that have risen to the level of immortals are especially cautious in dealing with karmic debts, otherwise how would the five declines of heaven and man come about?

If Bai Li continues to be opportunistic like this, sooner or later she will be ruined.

"You're serious!" Bai Li was ecstatic.The one who devotes herself to Hua Yuerou's body is still very good at speaking.She thought she was going to pay off all the karmic debts she owed, and even drained her to pay off.It's just that she can fully repay the karmic debts she still owes in this world.

"Isn't it just to be the assistant of the mountain god? I understand that." Bai Libiao said determinedly, "I will never steal Wei Yu's power of faith." It is also a gratifying thing to not have to be by Hua Yuerou's side every day.

Yu Hua made arrangements for the mountain temple and went down the mountain, leaving Bai Li behind.

"Sister-in-law, you will also be a temple wisher in the future?" Chen Sanya was very happy.She is the only one in the mountain temple at night. Although she knows that the mountain god is blessing her, she is not very scared, but sometimes she feels lonely.

Finally someone was with her, and it was her own sister-in-law. After Chen Sanya found out, she quickly took out her best quilt and gave it to Bai Li.

"This quilt is so rough, how do you cover it? You can go to the Craftsmanship Academy later and bring me my quilt." Bai Li pinched a corner of the quilt with a disgusted expression on her face, "I am not a temple wisher, only you are. In the future, the entire mountain The temple is under my control, and you are under my control, and you have to listen to what I say."

Chen Sanya said stubbornly, "I'll listen to the God of the Mountain and Dean Hua first, and then my sister-in-law."

Bai Li is not angry, why is she ranked last?She is a fairy, does the fairy know? "You didn't listen to me, did you? How are you? Are you dead?"

Chen Sanya was taken aback, "Is the elder sister really dead? How did she die?" Since the elder sister left, there was no news, and there was no news from the third uncle who went with the elder sister. Until the sister-in-law came back, she asked the sister-in-law, The sister-in-law only said one thing, she died, and she refused to say more to her.

"Just die like that. The President Hua you admire so much is hopeless..." Bai Li was shocked, and almost bald and slandered Hua Yuerou again. Don't be noticed by Hua Yuerou, she hurriedly Remedy, "...Although I didn't save Da Ya, I avenged her."

It reminded her of the fate of Lu Linxuan who played tricks in front of Hua Yuerou.

Dingyuanhou's Mansion knew that Chen Daya was a counterfeit, and after Liao Shiwu didn't intend to admit it again, he started to deal with Chen Daya.

Dingyuanhou's Mansion and Lu Linxuan didn't know what was wrong, but they wanted the real daughter of the Liao family, Hua Yuerou, to return to Dingyuanhou's Mansion, that is, to become husband and wife with Lu Linxuan.

You don't even need to remarry, because the daughter of the Liao family has already married, as long as Chen Daya gives up her seat.

Therefore, they gave Chen Daya a chronic poison, causing Chen Daya to decline and die day by day.

The key is that the Dingyuan Hou Mansion not only thought about it, but also did it. Lu Linxuan approached Hua Yuerou and said that when he was in Weishan Village, he fell in love with Hua Yuerou at a glance. Later, he married Chen Da by mistake. Ya.

She was so disgusted, let alone Hua Yuerou.

Hua Yuerou asked Liao Shiwu to sue the imperial court, and sued Dingyuanhou's mansion for poisoning the daughter of the Liao family.

Hua Yuerou has always refused to admit that she is from the Liao family, and the emperor also acquiesced in Hua Yuerou's denial, so the identity of Chen Daya is still the daughter of the Liao family, and Liao Shiwu has the right to sue.

Liao Shiwu took a pile of criminal evidence from the Dingyuanhou Mansion to the court, and poisoning Chen Daya became the least of the criminal evidence.

Emperor Qingze was trying to suppress those hereditary nobles, but Marquis Dingyuan hit the gunpoint, the Marquis' mansion was copied, exiled, exiled, beheaded, from then on there was no Marquis of Dingyuan's mansion in the capital.

Lu Linxuan harmed the daughter of the Liao family and was sentenced to be beheaded.

After hearing this, Chen Sanya was silent for a while, and said, "I'll get you a quilt for my sister-in-law." She left the room.

"Stupid people are blessed with stupidity." Bai Li grabbed the peaches that Chen Sanya washed for her on the table, took a bite, and her words became vague, "It's better than Chen Daya and Chen Erya." Chen Erya was betrayed by Qian Chunxiu, and she didn't know her life or death.

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