Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 114 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 114 Borrowing a space to farm (47)

The posture of carrying a basket is used to it, and it is not easy to fake it.

The skinny guy still asked in a low voice, "Where did you get the ginseng?"

"I picked it myself on the mountain. It's at least 60 years old." Yuhua didn't bring out the century-old ginseng. I'm afraid the small county can't eat it.Don't let thieves worry about it if you don't sell it.

The skinny guy thought to himself why it wasn't a hundred years. He heard the old man at home say that ginseng hanged for a hundred years, so he still wanted to learn more.

However, he has never seen the newly dug ginseng.He can't give a price if he hasn't seen it.

Shaking his head at Chong Yuhua, he indicated a direction, "Come with me."

Xihua is not afraid of the skinny guy playing tricks on her.She probed with her mental strength just now, and saw that where the skinny guy took people, there was a lot of goods piled up in a room, most of them were food, and a few were daily necessities.

They not only receive goods, they also sell goods. Several of the people squatting on the side of the street are the companions of the skinny guy.There are also familiar old customers who come to buy things by themselves.

Yan Hua followed the skinny guy into a side alley, the second house, with the door ajar, and followed the skinny guy's sideways approach into the yard.

It was an abandoned yard. Half of the roofs of the houses in the yard had collapsed, and only one room was intact. The goods that Yuhua saw were placed in this room.

This should be a temporary place, so we won't be afraid of strangers coming in.

There was a dilapidated table under the paulownia tree in the yard, and sitting beside the table was a large man, about 30 years old, with stubble all over his face.

Standing beside him was a slightly fatter young man. When Yuhua came in, the two were talking and laughing.

After the skinny guy and Yu Hua came in, the two stopped talking and laughing.

The bearded man asked, "What?"


The bearded man stood up when he heard it, "Can I take a look first?"

Yu Hua put down the pannier, took out a cloth bag from it, and glanced at the table.

On the table are a brick-sized radio, teacups, and a black leather bag the size of a schoolbag.

"Xiaohui, close it." The bearded man gestured to the fat young man.

The fat young man Xiaohui put the radio and teacup aside, picked up the black bag and held it in his hand, freeing up half of the table.

Yu Hua put the cloth bag on the table and opened it, revealing the ginseng inside.

The fibrous roots of ginseng are complete, and the length almost catches up with the width of the table.

The fat young man Xiaohui stretched his head and watched curiously.

The skinny guy gained insight, "It really looks like a human."

The ginseng brought by Yuhua has many reed heads, long reeds, iron lines, pearl tails, and fibrous roots without any damage, and the appearance is very good.

Moreover, at first glance, it was newly dug out.

"Good stuff." The bearded man is a man of knowledge. After looking at it for a while, he asked, "How old is it?"

"At least 60 years."

"How much do you want to ask for?"

Yu Hua asked back, "How much can you offer?"

The bearded man rubbed the beard stubble on his chin with one hand, looked at the ginseng and thought for a while, "I'll give you six hundred. If you sell it to the hospital, at most, three hundred."

Yu Hua said, "One thousand and two. This ginseng of mine can be used as a hundred-year-old ginseng."

She also said less, in terms of medicinal effect, the 60-year-old ginseng in Qingjue Space is better than the 300-year-old ginseng outside.

"Really?" the bearded man asked.There is no doubt that she is talking big.With his eyesight, what he saw at a glance was at least a century-old ginseng, and it was bigger than the century-old ginseng he had seen.

But the other party said it was 60 years old. He couldn't say it might be [-]-year-old ginseng, but he also gave a good price.

Hearing this, the other party also knew that he was good, which made him doubt his own judgment.

It's really a good ginseng for a hundred years, and one thousand and two can also be discussed.

"Really. A Chinese medicine doctor with real skills should be able to distinguish the nature of the medicine."

One thousand and two is not a small amount, this money can buy a nice yard in the county, so it is normal for the bearded man to question.

The bearded man asked Yuhua, "Can you wait a while? I'll find someone to test it out. If the medicine is really effective, the price can be negotiated."

"Okay." Yuhua knew that it was a coincidence that the bearded man knew someone who needed good ginseng.

The bearded man turned his head and called the skinny guy, "Xiao Jun, go find Lao Kang and Hai Zi."

"Hey." The skinny guy Xiaojun quickly ran out of the yard.

After a while, I heard the sound of cycling away.

The bearded man was very professional, and he didn't talk to Yuhua, so he moved a chair for Yuhua, and he sat back at the table, turned on the radio, listened to the news, hummed a tune, and waited for Xiaojun to find someone to come over.

Xiaohui carried the bulging black leather bag and went to the room where the goods were kept.

It was the first time for Xi Hua to listen to the radio since she came to this world, and she thought about buying one today so that she could keep abreast of changes in various aspects of society at home.

The radio uses dry batteries, so it can be listened to without electricity at home.

As for the electricity problem, we can start to arrange it when we go back.

She can live under difficult conditions, but she is willing to live comfortably if there is an opportunity to improve.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, a regular customer came to buy something in the middle, said hello to the bearded man, and went to the house on his own.

After a while, the shopper left.

The bearded man continued to sit under the tree and hum a ditty.

The bicycle rang outside the courtyard gate, and three men came in pushing a cart, one of them was Junzi, and the other two were in their 60s or 20s, and the other was in their [-]s.

60. The [-]-year-old man came in and asked, "Where is the ginseng, let me see."

The bearded man stood up and said with a smile, "I can't run away, I just leave it here."

The old man pushed the bicycle under the tree, kicked off the legs of the bicycle, tied up the bicycle, came to the table, took out a pair of glasses from his pocket, put them on, and looked at the cloth on the table.

Yuhua didn't put the ginseng away. When the bearded man sat back, he lifted the spread cloth bag diagonally and covered the ginseng from left to right. Maybe he was afraid of breaking the roots, so he only covered it lightly. Not completely covered, many fibrous roots are exposed.

The man who came over together, dressed in grass-green army casual clothes, followed the old man and pushed the car to the side of the old man's car. He also parked and stood beside the old man.

Seeing the fibrous roots, the old man said happily, "It's wild ginseng, that's right." He gently lifted the corners of the cloth one by one, revealing the whole picture of the ginseng, "It was just dug out not long ago."

He bent down and looked down at the ginseng. He looked at it very carefully. He even sniffed it and counted the whiskers.

After a while, I raised my head, looked for it, and stopped at Yuhua, "How many years did you say?"

The old man had the not-so-aggressive mixed medicine smell from the traditional Chinese medicine environment for many years. Yuhua knew that the other party was an expert, so she said the same thing, "At least 60 years. But I can be a hundred-year envoy."

The old man looked at her appreciatively, "Little comrade is very good at medicine?"

"Learned a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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