Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 119 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 119 Borrowing a space to farm (52)

"If you have money, you have to spend it, and I bought it for myself." Yu Hua said with a smile.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't handle it on the surface, she would buy several sets for each of the family members, and even wanted to replace all the soft and soft items in the house.

Under the limited conditions, try to improve the living standard of the family as much as possible, not only to allow the original owner to take care of the family, she also hopes that the family will live more comfortably.

Including herself.

Wei Xingyu bought the most, some stationery such as notebooks and pencils, a few books, a pair of tendon-soled cloth shoes, a single dress, and a thick coat.

Miao Dalan got a set of clothes, a pair of rubber shoes and a new headscarf.Her original turban was all unthreaded.

When Wei Baoshan came back, it was lively for a while. Under Miao Dalan's urging, Wei Baoshan had to put on his new shirt and show it to his family.

He prefers the new tool bag, flashlight and new trowel that Xi Hua bought him.His current tool bag is still an old bag given by his master more than ten years ago, and it is almost rotten into pieces, as is the trowel, which has become blunt.

The guy who eats has even been upgraded, and he has more motivation in his heart, thinking about how to let his family live in a new house next year.

The radio is a favorite of the whole family.

Without telling the family, Xihua told the price of ginseng, which shocked Miao Dalan and Wei Baoshan. They knew that ginseng was valuable, so they didn't expect it to be worth the old nose's money.

Knowing that the value of the root that Xi Hua spent was several times more than what he sold, the two of them didn't know what to say.

After the shock, they thought that it would be good if their family had eaten that root of ginseng. The two of them didn't feel any pity at all.

Xi Hua took out 300 yuan and said it would be used by the family, and she would keep the rest of the money to buy experimental equipment.

With Qingjue Space, Yuhua no longer worries about money.

Wei Baoshan and Miao Dalan didn't pick up any calls, and asked her to keep everything for herself.

Xihua gave a reason, "Let's pull the wire over here, Xingyu and I both read books, and kerosene lamps are not good for our eyes."

Wei Baoshan had no choice but to catch it, "Success. I'll go to the brigade headquarters tomorrow to talk about it."

There are braised pork and cold pig ears brought back by Yuhua. The dinner at night is very rich, and the whole family is full of joy like Chinese New Year.

There is meat and fruit, and the fruit is fresh oranges.

The oranges were taken out by Yuhua from Qingjue Space, and the family only thought that she bought them in the county.

While eating, Yuhua sensed that the location of Qingjue's space moved. Jiang Jing came back from the county seat, but instead of going back to Weijiagou, she went to her grandma's house.

After dinner, Yuhua took the opportunity to enter Qingjue Space, preparing to pack up the things she bought today.

Everything she bought was put into the bamboo house.

Some things were specially bought and placed in the bamboo house.

She bought some personal items and put them in the bamboo house, and put a set of clothes here, maybe she will need them sometime.

There is no shortage of food to buy, and everything that needs to be processed can be eaten directly. I bought grain, meat, and snacks. I don’t need to buy vegetables, and the vegetables grown in the space can be eaten quickly.

With spare food, she doesn't have to rely on oranges to satisfy her hunger.

For the tools and equipment that can be used for experimental research, if she can buy two sets, she buys two sets, and she plans to put the only one set in the bamboo house.

The home cannot be said to be a cover. Under the current conditions, research at home is not rigorous enough. It happens that the Qingjue space is not absolutely dust-free, but as long as she does not create dust, the bamboo house is relatively dust-free.

The central living room of the bamboo house is a combination of a bedroom and a study room. It is about [-] square meters, which is big enough. She rules out half of it as her laboratory, which is enough for the time being.

"Sister Jingjing, please help me."

Yu Hua looked outside the space, and saw that it was Jiang Jing and her uncle's cousin, Li Fang, sitting on the kang, knocking on melon seeds, which Jiang Jing most likely brought back from the county today.

It can be seen that Jiang Jing is in a good mood.

Li Fang pulled Jiang Jing's sleeve with one hand. Jiang Jing couldn't eat melon seeds, so she glared at Li Fang, "It's useless to ask. I can't help you with this matter."

"Why can't you help? Doesn't Miss Jingjing have a good relationship with Dong Anguo? Tell Dong Anguo well. As long as Dong Anguo is willing, can Zhang Guihua disagree?"

It turned out that Li Fang fell in love with Dong Anguo, but unfortunately she begged the wrong person. Would Jiang Jing be willing to give Li Fang the spare tire that Jiang Jing had cultivated with all her heart?

Besides, Yuhua glanced at Li Fang, she was too ordinary looking, with the original owner in the front and Jiang Jing in the back, it was strange that Dong Anguo could take a fancy to Li Fang.

Jiang Jing was as steady as an old dog, "Then you are wrong. Dong Anguo listens to his mother Zhang Guihua the most. As long as Zhang Guihua agrees, Dong Anguo will definitely agree."

It's difficult for Zhang Guihua to agree, it's not that she looks down on her cousin, Li Fang is too bad, and the family conditions are average, Zhang Guihua's snobbish eyes, Li Fang can't be ranked.

When she really succeeds in marrying Song Yingmin in the future, she will consider connecting Li Fang and Dong Anguo, but don't think about it now.

"Then what should I do." Li Fang sat up and swayed, "Mother asked someone to talk about it the day before yesterday, and Zhang Guihua said no, what should I do."

Li Fang twisted and hugged Jiang Jing's arm with both hands, "Sister Jingjing, good sister Jingjing, I will help your sister this time."

How could Jiang Jing agree, "I really can't help, if I can help, how can I not help you?"

Li Fang suddenly changed his face, and shook Jiang Jing's hand, "I think you are unwilling to help. Who doesn't know that you messed up the matter between Wei Xingxi and Dong Anguo, and you just want to do it yourself. You know Knowing that I like Dong Anguo, you still make a mess yourself."

Jiang Jing threw away the melon seeds in her hand, and said sternly, "Li Fang, I don't owe you anything or deserve it. What you like is yours now?

Don't say I have nothing to do with Dong Anguo, even if I do, it's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks.Don't forget, I saved your life, and you owe it to me. "

This plot twists and turns, from sisterhood to sisterhood.

Yu Hua, a theatergoer, agreed with Jiang Jing's words. Jiang Jing didn't owe Li Fang, but Li Fang owed Jiang Jing.

In the previous life, Li Fang fell into the river and drowned. Jiang Jing came back just before Li Fang drowned. She decided to save this cousin.

Jiang Jing is not a person who does good deeds without leaving her name. What's more, her main consideration in saving her cousin is to get the help of her grandma's family, so that her father dare not easily sweep her mother out.

So she didn't choose to let Li Fang avoid the accident, but went to her grandma's house when Li Fang was about to have an accident, and when Li Fang fell into the river at the same time, she went to rescue Li Fang.

There are three boys in my uncle's family, and because Li Fang is the only girl, and she is the youngest, Li Fang is still favored at home.

Because of this, Jiang Jing was very popular in her grandmother's house, and even Li Erni's treatment in her mother's house has improved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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