Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 122 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 122 Borrowing a space to farm (55)

"I understand what Uncle Qi means. Before Uncle Qi has no better candidates, I will help Uncle Qi collect the medical classics of the Du family and find a good successor to pass them on."

Du Laoqi laughed happily, "It's not really a precious book, it's just the information handed down from generation to generation by my Du family, many of which are examples of pulse cases. I don't want them to be lost, but I don't want to pass them on to anyone .”

The two reached a consensus, and Yuhua was not hypocritical, and worshiped his teacher on the spot.

Her apprentice ceremony was half a century-old ginseng taken from the space.

Du Laoqi understood, "No wonder you are in good health. This ginseng will not be healthy and there will be no medicine for it."

Du Laoqi knew that he was mediocre in internal medicine, so he only prescribed some common prescriptions for the original owner, and he dared not give her some strange prescriptions, but he would prescribe expensive prescriptions, but the needed medicines could not be bought by the Wei family , Affordable or not.

Du Laoqi, a century-old ginseng, can't afford it himself, and he hasn't seen it for decades.

Du Laoqi felt that he shouldn't accept such an expensive apprenticeship ceremony, but he was reluctant to part with this half ginseng, not for anything else, but because his hands were itchy, and he wanted to use it to make a medicine that could not be made because there was no good ginseng come out.

Yu Hua gave him a reason, "I didn't return the apprentice ceremony."

Du Laoqi was rude, "Then I'll take it, and when it's finished, I'll share half of it with you."

Xihua didn't want to be a real doctor, so she didn't talk about her apprenticeship when she went home, she only said that she learned how to make medicinal materials from Du Laoqi.

Now that she has worshiped as a teacher, the book Du Laoqi gave is a real ancient book. It is a booklet handwritten by Du Laoqi's ancestor, and the content is exactly the medicinal materials she needs.

Now she has one more thing to be busy in the space, concocting medicinal materials.

There are many medicinal materials in the space that are not available in the local area, so she has more types of medicinal materials for practice.

The soybeans she transplanted from the mountains have matured, and she picked them up and put them in the warehouse.

It is obvious that this batch of soybeans is very plump and full of vitality.

The wild soybeans in the outside field and in the mountains have just set pods, so there is no way to compare them.

She went to the county again.

Wei Zhao had some energy and found two pieces of equipment and some spare parts she needed.

She bought a bunch of things.

There was a bicycle ticket given by Zheng Jinghong. She bought a bicycle and came back. The department store was out of stock last time. This time, she bought it immediately so that Miao Dalan and Wei Baoshan could use it.

There used to be one at home, but once the original owner got so sick that he was hospitalized in the county, and the bike was sold to pay for the medicine.

Now Wei Baoshan has to go to other villages to do bricklaying work, and Miao Dalan has to go back to her mother's house.

She learned about the follow-up to the loss of the black bag from Wei Zhao.

The black bag was recovered, but Wei Zhao and the others lost not only the black bag that day, but also some goods in the dilapidated yard that hadn't been transferred in time, and they were all seized.

How could Wei Zhao and his group swallow the pain of being slandered by others.

Xiaojun met Song Yingmin, and they wandered around the county looking for someone when they had nothing to do.

Ten days after the accident, they really met someone, and they went to the same alley with Song Yingmin.

After investigation, the house of Song Yingmin's sister who married into the county town lived in the alley, and Song Yingmin went to play the autumn wind.

Song Yingmin's family in Xiawan Village is too poor, and they must not be able to pay for their losses.

They had no choice but to put Song Yingmin in a sack and beat him to vent his anger.

Song Yingmin was on their blacklist, but anyone who dared to do anything in the county would definitely not be able to do it.

The laboratory in the bamboo hut is looking good.

The desks and cabinets in the warehouse are useful, and she moved them all to the newly-released laboratory.

Now in the laboratory, it is no longer just a microscope and a few beakers and petri dishes that are most like the things in the laboratory. Several decent equipment have been added, some for soil analysis, some for recording temperature and humidity, There is a photosynthetic instrument...

There are two things that she made by herself.

It uses the scientific and technological achievements of later generations, and I am afraid it has not been produced yet.

She didn't take out the idea of ​​grabbing other people's invention patents, but just used it herself.


Dong Anguo passed the physical examination just like in his previous life.

The news that Dong Anguo left as a soldier caused people in Weijiagou to discuss it for several days.

It is inevitable that Wei Xingxi will be mentioned.

It is said that Wei Xingxi is not blessed, Dong Anguo is cultured, and may stay in the army in the future. Wei Xingxi will have a good future when he joins the army.

Those who disagreed said that Dong Anguo was unlucky, and Wei Xingxi recovered immediately after their marriage ended.

I didn't say much about Jiang Jing, because Jiang Jing was engaged to Song Yingmin from Xiawan Village in the neighboring town not long after Dong Anguo left.

The folk customs in Weijiagou are quite simple, Jiang Jing has engaged in another marriage, so it is not good to talk about the matter between her and Dong Anguo before, so as not to spoil the marriage of others, feel bad, and lose face.

Before Dong Anguo left, Yu Hua also saw a scene where the two went into the grove again.

It is basically Jiang Jing's one-man show.

"I am to you..."

"But I...can't be engaged to you."

"My cousin Li Fang, she..."

"She likes you, so she must let me match her with you. Me, what can I do..."

"Brother An Guo, for my sake, meet my cousin, just a meeting. Just this once, I will never help her if she begs me in the future."

"My cousin, uh, she's spoiled, she's used to playing around with boys, if she does something outrageous to you, you can bear it."

"You...better than anyone I know."

Xi Hua listened with gusto, and confirmed that Jiang Jing took so many ectoplasmic fluids, where did the increased IQ point fall? It fell on the performance, and the tension and appeal were remarkable.

The two girls are vying to marry him.Dong Anguo was praised comfortably and believed it.

Dong Anguo and Li Fang did not see each other, Hua Hua didn't know, but as soon as Dong Anguo left, Jiang Jing turned around and made an engagement with Song Yingmin.


"Xingxi, go to the brigade headquarters again."


Yu Hua walked over, but the people behind were still talking about her.

"Xingxi is really capable. He knows how to work as a technician. He also learned medicine from Du Laoqi. I heard that the medicine he made has already sold for money in the county."

"It's not that bad. The farming work is pretty good. It wasn't that she found out last month that the corn needs to be sprayed with pesticides to control insects, and the corn production has to be reduced. The brigade department once again praised her with a loudspeaker, saying that she will be counted as work points after the autumn harvest."

"And filial piety, the first money I earned I bought a bicycle for my family. I saw Miao Dalan riding back to her mother's house early this morning."

"I don't know if Zhang Guihua regrets it. Just kiss Xingxi's body and it will be fine. What are you talking about? Otherwise, Xingxi won't be able to take half of the money earned by Xingxi to the Dong family."

"Where is it? Miao Dalan said that she hasn't mentioned marriage for five years, saying that Xingxi's body has been strengthened."

(End of this chapter)

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