Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 129 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 129 Borrowing a space to farm (62)

The process is familiar to everyone. It is time to speak and applaud.

The venue was full of people, mainly for the distribution of wild boar meat, and everyone from every household was absent.

In front of the table are three wild boars, which have been slaughtered, and only the parts are left.

After the meeting is over, the meat is divided. This is the real excitement, it can be said that it is in full swing.

The first one to receive the meat was the Yuhua family, and the one who went up to collect it was Wei Baoshan. Their family shared more than half of the wild boar's leg, which was from the largest wild boar.

No one dares to look down.

The three wild boars were all killed by Wei Xingxi, forty or fifty catties is still less, if you are jealous, kill one yourself.

Besides, who wouldn't be afraid to offend Wei Xingxi, and she would give her a stick?

At night, the smell of meat wafts out from the yards of every house, just like the New Year.


Just after dawn, the door of Jiang Jing's house was gently opened, and Jiang Jing came out from inside.

She turned around and gently closed the door. Just as she was about to turn around, a hand stretched out from behind her and covered her mouth.

Jiang Jing's soul was almost frightened away.

As soon as she struggled, she heard someone say in her ear, "Follow me obediently, otherwise, I will tell others that you ordered Man Huzi to steal Xie Huai's jade."

This matter has been known!She had just been reborn not long ago, and she didn't think comprehensively enough, so she asked Man Huzi to steal Xie Huai's jade to take revenge on Xie Huai, leaving such a big handle on Man Huzi.

That jade was too important to her, Xie Huai asked her what to do when she found out about it?
Jiang Jing buzzed her head, her mind was filled with the cycle of "what to do, what to do", she didn't dare to move around, and let someone come and pull her away.

The person who came did not conceal her identity, she knew it was Wei Xingxi as soon as she heard the voice.Just because it was Wei Xingxi, the remaining part of her mind that could still think made her dare not resist.

Wei Xingxi can kill a wild boar with a few sticks, but only one stick is enough to kill her.

Yu Hua took Jiang Jing's wrist and walked into the woods behind Jiang Jing's house.If it weren't for the fact that it would be hard to explain if people saw her, she would walk away holding Jiang Jing's neck.

Jiang Jing and Dong Anguo have drilled this small forest twice, the bushes are dense and few people come, it is suitable for doing something to avoid people.

Yu Hua entered Qingjue's space after dinner yesterday, and heard that Jiang Jing was going to find Xie Huai early in the morning, so she came early to block Jiang Jing.

"To shut up."

Seeing Jiang Jing wanted to speak, Yu Hua said.

Xi Hua said lightly, but Jiang Jing didn't dare to disobey.

Usually no one got up this early, and no one was met along the way, so Yu Hua dragged Jiang Jing to the depths of the grove.

Yu Hua took out a handkerchief from Jiang Jing's pocket and stuffed it into Jiang Jing's mouth.

Now Jiang Jing wants to resist, but can Hua Hua make her resist?
Yu Hua kicked Jiang Jing's leg, kicking her to the ground.

"If you dare to take down the handkerchief, I'll tell everyone that you lured the wild boar down the mountain. Don't think I don't know that you put a species in the trap on the mountain..." Yuhua said half a sentence intentionally.

The handkerchief was not very big, and it was easy to take it out when it was all stuffed into her mouth. Yu Hua just wanted to stop her from yelling.

Jiang Jing stopped picking the handkerchief in her mouth, and looked at Yu Hua in panic. Could it be that her biggest secret has been discovered!

"...You said that if I report to the country, how will you be sliced ​​and studied?"

Jiang Jing didn't dare to move.

She doesn't know how to study why slices are needed, but she understands the literal meaning, cut into slices.

Yu Hua clenched her fists.

Yesterday, I failed to beat him openly and aboveboard in public, and today I made up for it by beating him openly and aboveboard in private.

A few days ago, she found an opportunity to set Jiang Jing and Li Fang's sacks.

It seems that the sack is not suitable for Jiang Jing, Jiang Jing must know who beat her and why.

"This punch is because you framed my mother."

"This punch is for you to trick Xingyu into going up the mountain that time. Do you want to say that you punched it last time? Oh, hit it again this time."

"This is because Xingyu was almost bitten by a wild boar yesterday."

"This is for the corn that was spoiled by wild boars yesterday. It is a crime to destroy crops."

"This is for the beans that were spoiled by wild boars yesterday..."

"This time..."

"This is your time to fight!"

In terms of beating people, Yuhua is not considered a professional but also very professional. She knows where it hurts and can't hurt her.

Jiang Jing's body has been transformed by the spiritual liquid, making it more resistant to beatings. Others can only use three points of strength, but five points of strength on her is fine.

But also because she has been transformed and is more sensitive to pain, Jiang Jing is in so much pain that she really wants to die.

His mouth was blocked, and a miserable whimper came from his throat.

The familiar pain made Jiang Jing understand that it was Wei Xingxi who hit her last time!

The last time when she came back from her grandma's house and walked to a deserted slope, she was suddenly put in a sack and beat her up.

Because she was afraid of being gossiped, she didn't dare to tell others about her being beaten.

If people who don't know the inside story see this scene, they will think that Yu Hua is a bully who is bullying a poor little girl.

However, poor people must have something to hate.

Jiang Jing has a peculiar brain circuit, and she can't listen to others without a beating.

After the beating was almost done, Xi Hua stopped.

Although it hurts, Jiang Jing recovered alive and well within two days after taking the elixir.

"You woke up so early because you wanted to find Xie Huai."

Jiang Jing's head rolled up to her chest suddenly stuck out, looking straight at Yu Hua.

"Everyone can see your intentions. You know that Xie Huai comes from a high-ranking family, and you are planning to use some means to get involved with Xie Huai."

Jiang Jing ran after Xie Huai in her previous life because she liked Xie Huai's appearance and didn't know Xie Huai's real background.

Now in the previous life, Jiang Jing was married to Pang Ergui. I only knew that Xie Huai and Zheng Jinghong left Weijiagou together after the college entrance examination, and I never heard about Xie Huai in the future.

Not long ago, Jiang Jing went to the county town and found that Xie Huai was meeting someone by chance. It happened that Jiang Jing knew the identity of that person. He was a senior cadre in the county. That person was very polite to Xie Huai. Jiang Jing guessed that Xie Huai's identity was unusual. .

When she went back to the village, she made a special effort to inquire, which really led her to find out that Xie Huai came from a high-ranking family.

She regretted it very much. If she had known that she would not have engaged Song Yingmin so early.

It is true that Song Yingmin is the richest man, but he is only the richest man in the province, and no matter how rich he is, he is incomparably more expensive. If she marries Xie Huai, she will become the wife of a powerful family.

It's too late to regret it. Before she got engaged, she and Xie Huai had become strangers. Now it is even more difficult to marry Xie Huai under the pretense of being engaged.

Anyway, she wanted to try, and if she didn't succeed, it would be fine if she could get on line with Xie Huai.

After hooking up with Xie Huai, it will be very helpful to Song Yingmin's career. Maybe Song Yingmin will develop from the richest man in the province to the richest man in the country.

(End of this chapter)

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