Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 13: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 13 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

The first section is Mathematics. Although she didn't understand half of it, she suddenly understood what she understood.

She felt that the decision to come to school was too right.

When the bell rang for the end of the last get out of class in the morning, there were not many people sitting upright in the classroom.

Xi Hua learned how to be an ordinary student, not tired or sitting upright, imitating other students leaning on the back of their chairs and copying homework questions left by the teacher on the blackboard.

She got used to listening, speaking, and reading, and she got used to writing more slowly, but with the muscle memory left by the original owner, her writing speed improved little by little.

The students left the classroom one after another and rushed to the cafeteria.

After Xi Hua finished copying and closed the notebook, she raised her head and looked questioningly at Guan Shan who was standing aside.

"Hey Cheng Wenjin, are you going to the cafeteria to eat?" Guan Shan asked her.

During the four breaks between classes, Guan Shan, who was already a little familiar, got acquainted with Yu Hua.

It turned out to be waiting for her.Yu Hua took out the meal card from her school bag and said, "Go."

Guan Shan understood Yu Hua's speaking style, she could be concise and not forceful, "I'm convinced if you can say one more word." Just now she didn't even say a word, just asked her with her eyes.

Yu Hua understood what Guan Shan meant.

If you want her to imitate the twittering of her peers, she can open her mouth, but she is now concentrating on her studies, which have nothing to do with learning, and she can speak clearly every word, there is no need to say two words or two sentences.

And the original owner himself is not a talkative person.

One more word is easy, "I'll go."

Not only Guan Shan, but also the classmates who hadn't left the classroom burst into laughter.

In the eyes of a few people, Yu Hua was talking to a rough man with a lolita face, which was very contrasting.

Yu Hua still couldn't find a laughing point, her face was expressionless.jpg.

"Ouch, I laughed so hard." Guan Shan held her stomach that was hungry and hurt from laughing, "Cheng Wenjin, do you want to laugh so hard that I will inherit my test paper?"

Smile to wipe out all grievances, and to eliminate strangeness with a smile. The friendship between young people came so suddenly.

Following the excitement, Guan Shan said, "Let's sit down and have a meal together. Ye Silin is going to reserve a seat first. I'm not afraid that there will be no good seats."

Guan Shan is very popular in the class, and the other three students all agreed to her proposal.

Dinner in the cafeteria is nothing more than buying a few small stir-fried dishes for everyone to share, and the cooking skills of the chefs in the cafeteria are just like that.

A group of five talked and laughed together and went to the cafeteria.

They came late, the last class was delayed by the teacher, and they were delayed in the classroom. When they entered the cafeteria, those who had eaten early after class all left the cafeteria.

After entering the cafeteria, I saw Ye Silin waving at them.

Guan Shan's eyes lit up, "Ye Silin is really good, she has a good position. Let's go, let's hurry over."

The cafeteria is next to the school’s small garden, and the seat by the window on the west side can overlook the view of the small garden, which is recognized as one of the good locations.

There is an unwritten rule among the students that the students who come first are allowed to occupy seats for their good friends, as long as they occupy no more than one table.

The tables in the cafeteria usually seat six people, and eight people can also sit in a squeeze.

Guan Shan quickly waved her hand a few times to respond to Ye Silin, took Yu Hua to the place where the plate was picked up, took the stainless steel plate, and rushed to Ye Silin, "Hurry up, when we meet up, let's choose the dishes together and go to the stir-fry department, I'm starving to death." Hurry up."

As soon as the group of them entered the cafeteria, many pairs of eyes stared at them. After Guan Shan waved his hand, they attracted more eyes.

The main thing to look at is Yuhua.

Most of the people who looked at her were students from Class 4, Grade [-].

With so much malice against her, it's hard for Yuhua not to notice.

Huo, among the students in class 4, more than half had malicious or evil thoughts towards her.

Evil thoughts are just temporary thoughts, thoughts may come and go, and they may not last long. Some evil thoughts will always exist, and if there are too many evil thoughts, they will gather into malice, and malice will remain in the human soul for a long time.

Yuhua searched all over her memory but couldn't find that the original owner had done anything wrong to those people.

That group of people didn't count when they saw Yu Hua, they hurriedly elbowed the classmate next to them, "Look, it's Cheng Wenjin."

"Cheng Wenjin really transferred to class 8? She is a liberal arts student transferred to science class, what is she going to do?"

"What are you doing? Let's go. If you don't like Qin Muyan, you'll go to Baluodongyi instead. You're so thick-skinned."

"I missed one thing, but Zhao Yu got kicked after being kicked."

"Hee hee, not only kicked, but also hospitalized."

"Does this kind of person need face? What people want is money."

"Don't tell me, the plastic surgery was quite successful, and she looks better and better. I think she should be called a school girl."

"Plastic beauty, hee hee."

"Tch, don't insult the word school belle. It's just a cheap thing."

What he said was also full of malice, and it would have been even worse if it hadn't been for public places.

The voice was not lowered, it was obvious that the purpose was for others to hear, and it was also for Xi Hua to hear.

Their goal was achieved, and more students who didn't know why asked each other.

"Who is Cheng Wenjin?"

"What did she do? Someone explain it."

"The beauty of plastic surgery? Oh...it's her..."

Guan Shan felt that something was wrong when she walked to the place. After listening, she heard that they were criticizing or even humiliating Cheng Wenjin. She suddenly became angry and was about to do something when someone did it first.

"Why do you stink so badly? I don't understand, what did Cheng Wenjin do to make you say that about her?

Is there any evidence for saying that Zhao Yu was on her bus for plastic surgery? If there is any evidence, let everyone see it, so that it can be a real hammer.I'm in high school, don't you know that defaming others is a crime? "

It was Ye Silin who stood up to speak for Cheng Wenjin.

The Ye Silin in the memory of the original owner that Xi Hua read overlaps with the current Ye Silin.

The original owner was Ye Silin who met later in the current timeline.

After the four of Zhao Yu beat the original owner, they ran to the original owner's class in a high-profile manner and said that they would not accept her confession as a cosmetic monster.

Originally, the original owner had already been pointed out because of the rumors spread, and after that, he would receive a lot of strange looks when he went out and went in, and he was pointed out everywhere he went.

Ye Silin was one of the few students who didn't look at her strangely.

Once the original owner was taunted by several students in front of her that she did not succeed in worshiping money no matter how good she was, and blocked her from leaving. Ye Silin, who was passing by, couldn't see her eyes and helped her out.

The kindness that is rarely seen in difficult times has always been remembered by the original owner.

In her previous life, Ye Silin said the same thing when she helped the original owner out of the siege.

Guan Shan supported the old and new friends, "That's right, when the upper and lower lips touch, all kinds of dirty and smelly things will spray out, you cesspit, what's the matter with the bombing?"

Those who can slander in front of people will not be able to stop with a few words, and the nozzles meet Ye Silin and Guan Shan again, and one of them even patted the table and stood up.

"Who's talking about the stink? It's none of your business. I don't want to see what's standing up for it."

(End of this chapter)

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